Things I've Discovered Using Unreal Engine (5.0+)

This is just a tips page where I'm adding random discoveries about which you don't often find the answer by a Google (or insert your favourite search engine here) search.

For the time being they aren't categorized and if you're looking for something specific, I'd suggest using a text search of the page (CTRL+F on Windows and Mac for most browsers), if a search engine dropped you here.

The Order Of Creation Involving Hierarchy Of Objects

If you're wondering whether you should implement the management of child objects in a hierarchy such as FActors or Blueprint Actors and their child Components, the creation and event pipeline is run as follows:

The owner completes its execution of the Event Play function first, and then the calls the Event Play function for all of the child Components in what appears to be reverse alphabetical order by object name.

I haven't yet tested this against other classes that are child objects of an actor (eg. other actors, meshes etc).


Thank you to Epic Games and the Unreal Engine community, from whom I learn every day.

Thank you to Udemy whose courses have been a great source of knowledge and ability regarding many involved matters of both film and application development.

This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.
