Shhhh! Digital's Recent Activity

Outside of my work hours, running Shhhh! Digital Media and writing every one of its posts and stories, I'm also a PC gamer.

Here's a list of what I've been playing recently in my spare time. I sometimes play on evenings and weekends for enjoyment and to keep my mind healthy and active. I keep my body healthy with light workouts (weights and stretches mostly) just to keep some of the mind/body balance, especially as I get older.

It has been shown in scientific studies that people who keep their mind active, especially into their later years, with games, video games or puzzles are more likely to have healthy minds into their old age. The same is the case with keeping regular regimen of exercise. I imagine that the two together would probably have a significant impact on health into one's later years.
If it isn't listed here, I either forgot to post it or more likely, its not me playing. I do have a number of people attempting to impersonate my identity and point of presence online for some reason. Hence, this list.

Shhhh! Digital's Activity

Movies now listed on the Shhhh! Digital Media Watch Party Channel page

2024 Activity

March 1 - 31

  • PUBG Steam PC - As ShhhhDigital. I think our team came in second or third. 

  • Civilization VI Steam PC - As Canada. It was all going pretty good (including trade) up until Teddy Roosevelt declared war in 1490. Let's hope that's not an omen of some kind. It certainly got better from 1750 onward. Let's hope that reflects in real life.

  • Age Of Mythology Retold: Immortal Pillars Steam PC - I have to say that this new DLC is very enjoyable and quite difficult in multiplayer skirmish.

  • Civilization V: - As a custom version of Canada, though I spawned in Mexico.

  • Barotrauma Steam PC - As a female Captain this time. Giving Dakkar Nemo a break.

  • Aliens: Dark Descent Steam PC (A few times)

  • Elite Dangerous: Trailblazers Update - As Commander Weltherwithsp, checking out the new Mandalay ship, and grinding commodities trade.

  • Barotrauma Steam PC - As Captain Lady Day again. A few more successful missions without losing any crew.

  • PUBG: Battlegrounds Steam PC - As ShhhhDigital. I played twice as a guy, and twice as a lady. Came in 3rd place playing as a lady on a fairly good team, though I'm still the same guy who writes everything you read on Shhhh! Digital Media...

  • Total War: Shogun 2 Steam PC - Wow. Since having to reset my PC, I lost my campaign save unfortunately. So I guess that means that I'm back at square one and will rebuild my dynasty from scratch again. So close...

  • Eve Online Steam PC - A short game to recover from my last expedition.

  • Total War Empire Steam PC - Playing as Britain and managed to invade the interior of North America, Montreal and Quebec City from 1700.

  • Myth Of Empires Steam PC - As Ai Tien, base building and horse training.

  • Elite Dangerous Steam PC - Tried checking out colonization but couldn't find anywhere suitable.

  • Star Wars: Empire At War Steam PC - Thrawn's Revenge (as the Corporate Sector Authority). Managed to procure a number of planets from two of the Imperial remnant factions.

  • Age Of Mythology: Retold Steam PC - Played as Imperial Chinese Dynasty (the Goddess Nüwa) with a five player team vs five player vs two player and conquered the map, with only two of our civs remaining. Mine and the Greeks (under Poseiden). I had to rebuild my civ four times from being whittled down to no town center and still managed to conquer the map.

  • Total War: Shogun 2 Steam PC - Fought one of the largest and fiercest battles I've ever fought in Total War, as the Shimazu against the Otomo, whose forces outnumbered mine by a factor of nearly 2:1. They attempted to lay siege to Bungo (south eastern Kyūshū in modern day Miyazaki prefecture) in a battle that took about an hour and a half. My forces managed to entirely eviscerate the three attacking armies, all ten thousand of them, while losing one thousand of my own troops in battle (10000 vs 5500). The Otomo are currently wide open now, though my forces are still recovering as well. It was a much needed victory seeing as they had wiped and dispatched my only ally a few months earlier. Definitely a Shhhh! Digital victory as much so as it was for the fine history of the Shimazu clan.

  • Infection Free Zone Steam PC (demo) - A good little Zombie Apocalypse city building game where you command a group of survivors in the midst of a variety of maps from just about any real world location in the world. I'd love to play it as Toronto, and look forward to checking out the full game.

  • Total War: Shogun 2 Steam PC - I have taken all of Kyūshū, and progressed forward to Nagato (modern day Shimane prefecture), and for the first time since having launched the Shimazu campaign, have found peace and allegiance amongst the other Daimyo of the neighbouring regions.

    The Otomo clan, the clan of my former enemies is now nothing more than dust at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and perhaps a few of their scattered descendents living amongst the farmers, having opted for a more peaceful life within working class society.

    I have moved our Daimyo's army and that of my favourite general to the two fortress' bordering our allies' and trade partners' territory, and am now working on expanding our economy for the campaign ahead, which will have to wait until I've acomplished another day's work coding a project for Unreal Engine in Visual Studio.

February 1 - 28

  • Aliens: Dark Descent Steam PC - When I said no aliens, I didn't mean the James Cameron film, I meant no xenomorphs. Completely awesome so far.

  • Amazing Cultivation Simulator Steam PC - So far, Yi's Sect seems to be doing quite well, with the help of Kr Tiger and Ting Ting ASMR. Played on February 6, 2025 between 7 PM and 9 PM.

  • Total War: Shogun 2 Steam PC - A strong alliance throughout the south and an empire that encompasses more than a third of Honshu, and the surrounding islands.

  • World Of Warships Steam PC - as DakkarNemo and managed to sink much tonnage from the enemy teams. Only sunk once.

  • Stellaris Steam PC - as Shhhh! Digital civiliation. Playing a variety of different skills levels and experimenting with play styles.

  • Barotrauma Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo - still one of the best, essentially having created its own genre.

  • Total War: Shogun 2 Steam PC - Graceful ascension. A quiet rain, we face the walls. Kyoto's doorstep.

  • Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord Steam PC - Legend Of Sika workshop mod. A good mod and one of the first that adds a new Asian continent, nations and lore. A nice mod while we're waiting for Shokuho.

  • Stellaris over the weekend of February 22, but didn't do too well.

January 1 - 31

  • Conan Exiles Steam PC - as Ai Tien (I know, I'm a guy and I'm playing as a woman, but I like promoting women. I don't online game to meet romantic partners or flirt, so my choice of character isn't a reflection of my own identity, but rather like the characters I create in my books at Shhhh! Digital Media), and quite often my female character resembles my own love interest or is a tribute to them in some way.

  • Stellaris Steam PC - as Shhhh! Digital Contingent, this time with a much better start and even a Federation with some awesome team mates, however, I'll probably be restarting that galaxy so I can fix a couple of the AI civs.

  • PUBG: Battlegrounds Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital. Played two team matches as a male character (first one with a white t-shirt and the other with a grey t-shirt) and lost both. Switched to the female character that I usually use with full Shhhh! Digital colours and brought it home for the team... Winner Winner Chicken Dinner  - and that one's for the women ;-) (January 1, 2025 3 PM) Thank you PUBG and Happy New Year!

  • Solasta: Crown Of The Magister Steam PC - A party of four in an excellent steam workshop campaign, with some pretty awesome characters: a Druid, a Monk, a Rogue and a Wizard (all 5e ruleset characters),  including a character from my party in Baldur's Gate 1 & 2...

  • Stellaris Sunday Steam PC - as Shhhh! Digital Contingent, finally with a good start, but in a galaxay infested with exterminator civilizations and a few allies. Managed to take down a fallen civilization who suddenly came to life and began invading my territory. A few allies left in a hostile galaxy.

  • Barotrauma Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo, a short game with ten crew.

  • Sins Of A Solar Empire Steam PC (Jan 8, Wednesday night)

  • Sifu Epic PC (I bought it about two years ago) - Finished the last boss in story mode.

  • American Truck Simulator Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital on a delivery to Albequerque to Las Vegas and then from Las Vegas to Los Angeles.

  • EuroTruck Simulator 2 Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital from Calais, France to Cambridge, England.

  • Total War: Shogun 2 - as Shimazu in long campaign (lost my old campaign saves so I have to start from scratch again and making good progress).

  • Conan Exiles Steam PC - as Ai Tien. Base building a giant double pyramid base.

  • Supermarket Simulator Steam PC - as Food Factory

  • Total War: Shogun 2 - as Shimazu in long campaign, with Sagara ally. Advancing onto Honshu and just procured the Nagato Prefecture from the Oichi Clan in a protracted war. Crushed a Christian uprising as well that threatened to forcefully convert my entire clan and my ally's clan from Buddhist/Shinto to Christianity. Protecting and maintaining my clan's ancestral legacy, as well as the legacy of the Japanese people, most humbly.

  • The Last Starship Demo Steam PC - Just checking out a game I've had my eye on for some time. Its quite enjoyable.

  • Star Trek Online Steam PC - Given all the recent Star Trek doom and gloom, I had to show some support, though right now we're kind of in the middle of something else on Shhhh! Digital.

  • Stellaris Steam PC - I spent all of the weekend binging on Stellaris, seeing as I'm still very sick and weak and could barely move between my sleeping space and anywhere else in my home office. But, I had to keep myself occupied and the gears turning, and I can think of few better ways than good reads or engaging games to keep the fog at bay.

    Tried the ST: New Horizons Mod, but had issues with play speed. Looks promising if I could get a game setup without population or galaxy size lag.

    I ended up doing two galaxies in Stellaris as Shhhh! Digital Contingent, taking on the Fanatical Purifier and Driven Exterminator civilizations that spawned and coming out on top with a Federation to boot. My civ's power would have been about 2.3 on the Kardachev scale.

    The second galaxy started out good, but one of the machine intelligences managed to get very powerful very quickly, and out of nowhere, began exterminating my civ, after I had saved two other civs from the same fate.

    Very engaging way to spend your time when you're recovering, not to mention its helps stave off the mind fog.

  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital. A short trip from Cambridge to Calais.

  • American Truck Simulator Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital. A short trip in the Los Angeles area.

  • Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Steam PC - DLC (YOTS finished) and Main Campaign story (just keeping it going for as long as possible).

December 1 - 30
  • Ghost Recon: Wildlands UPlay PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Jurassic World: Evolution
  • Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • LA Noire Steam PC
  • Star Citizen RSI PC - as ShhhhDigital (great graphics, need way more time to try it out, great space legs)
  • Conan Exiles Steam PC - As Ai Tien and Rabin Shojn
  • Barotrauma Steam PC - As Dakkar Nemo
  • World Of Warships Steam PC - As DakkarNemo
  • Rainbow Six Vegas Steam PC
  • Kenshi Steam PC
  • ShenZhen Steam PC
  • Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition - As Jorgen Darcet
  • Strike Fighters 2: Operation Darius - F117 and F35 Lightning II
  • Return To Moria Epic PC - as Khorigan (December 15, 6 AM)
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (December 15, 7 AM)
  • American Truck Simulator Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (December 15, 7:30 AM)
  • Masters Of Magic Gog PC
  • Elite Dangerous Geforce Now (Steam PC) - as Weltherwithsp (December 17, 12 AM)
  • Cyberpunk Geforce Now (Gog) (December 17, 1 AM)
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 Geforce Now (Steam PC) - as ShhhhDigital (December 17, 2 AM)
  • American Truck Simulator Geforce Now (Steam PC) - as ShhhhDigital (December 17, 3 AM)
  • Ghost Recon Breakpoint Geforce Now (Ubisoft) - as ShhhhDigital (December 18, 2 AM)
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (December 24, 2024)
  • Fortnite Epic Games - as ShhhhDigital (December 24, 2024)
  • PUBG: Battlegrounds Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (December 24, 2024)
  • Conan Exiles Steam PC - as Ai Tien (both online PVE and local server Exiled Lands December 25, 2024)
  • Fortnite Epic Games - as ShhhhDigital (December 25, 2024 late afternoon)
  • PUBG: Battlegrounds Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (December 25, 2024 late afternoon/early evening)
  • Stellaris Steam PC - as a Shhhh! Digital Contingent, complete with Shhhh! Digital colours (December 26, 2024). It was a long session, but went horribly wrong when I gave one of the Pre-FTL civilizations in my territory their independence. A few years later, they allied with one of my neighbours and started a war, claiming more than two thirds of my entire territory.

    Meanwhile, the early crisis civ was still on the other side of the galaxy. I gave indepence to a Pre-FTL civ in my turf and got horribly betrayed by them. I highly doubt that I'll ever make that mistake again. The most horrifying thing about it is that it indicates a bleak future for humanity, because the galaxy favours aggressive/expansionist civs that wipe out the more peaceful ones. An unintentional solution to the Fermi Paradox that I hope isn't the case in reality.

November 1 - 30

  • PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Nuclear Option - Steam PC (Flight sim)
  • Amazing Cultivation Simulator - Steam PC
  • Eve Online - Steam PC - as Zheng Yuanlin
  • World Of Warships Steam PC - as DakkarNemo
    I always have my port set to Dragon. If it is anything other than that, likely its a hacker using my account in attempt to commandeer my identity and associate it with someone else's or to replace my culture. For instance, trying to give people the impression that Butterfly Dragon isn't Chinese (when in fact the main character is Chinese).
  • Barotrauma Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo
  • Marvel's Avengers Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Sifu Epic PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Marvel Heroes Omega Steam PC
  • Sid Meier's Civilization 5 Steam PC - as Hiawatha
  • Star Trek: Bridge Commander UBISoft PC - as ShhhhDigital (Star Trek Online coming soon as Tarax Alrin coming soon)
  • Skyrim Special Edition Steam PC
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam PC (certainly not as good as the most recent one and has issues with Windows 11 24H2)
  • LA Noire Steam PC
  • Star Citizens Windows PC - ShhhhDigital (Awesome graphics. A bit glitchy. Steep initial learning curve, not as bad for an experienced Elite Dangerous player like myself. Highly detailed worlds, not many of them versus Elite Dangerous which is very sparse worlds but a whole lot of them. Fans of the X1-4 series would definitely feel at home in this one).
  • Jurassic World Evolution Steam PC
  • Conan Exiles Steam PC - Ai Yuanlin Zheng

October 1 - 31

  • PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Norland - Steam PC - Shhhh!
  • Age Of Mythology: Retold - Steam PC - as Thor, Hades and Kronos
  • Conan Exiles - Steam PC - as Ai Tien
  • Neverwinter Nights - Steam PC - as Sorceror
  • American Truck Simulator - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (For Pinktober)
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (For Pinktober)
  • Baldur's Gate 3 - Stream PC - as Jorik Theurgen (Sorceror Multi-Class)
  • Star Wars: Tie Fighter Special Edition (with Tie Fighter Total Conversion for X-Wing Alliance) - Steam PC - as AlphaOne
  • Indiana Jones And The Emperor's Tomb - Steam PC
  • Sins Of A Solar Empire II - Steam PC as
  • World Of Warships - Steam PC (Geforce Now) as DakkarNemo
  • Grand Theft Auto V - Epic Games - ShhhhDigital (AiShhhh)
  • Batman: Arkham Knight - Steam PC
  • Midnight Suns - Epic Games
  • Eve Online - Steam PC - as Zheng Yuanlin
  • Black Desert - Steam PC - As Ai Yuanlin
  • Nuclear Option - Steam PC (Flight sim)
  • Amazing Cultivation Simulator - Steam PC

September 1 - 30

  • World Of Warships - Steam PC (Geforce Now) as DakkarNemo
  • Sins Of A Solar Empire II - Steam PC as (TEC Empire)
  • Kenshi - Steam PC
  • Nuclear Option - Steam PC as (this title is a strategic level flight simulator, that includes detailed flight sim environment, futuristic concept aircraft, advanced radar systems and land and naval based deployments).
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Ashes Of Singularity: Escalation - Steam PC - as (great game but I only played it for a few minutes as I wasn't feeling too well)
  • Doom 2 Raytraced - GOG PC as Shhhh! Digital Media
    Haven't played Doom (1 or 2) in about thirty years, so it was quite an experience playing it again with voxelized sprites, realtime particle system for fluids, raytraced lighting and even emulated high quality General MIDI synths for music. Its a pretty awesome experience and certainly worth it for the nostalgia alone. If you have a legal copy of Doom 2 and want to try it, you can download the new raytracing front from ModDB.
  • Barotrauma - Steam PC as Dakkar Nemo
  • American Truck Simulator - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (Lotsa fun after writing the most recent chapters in We Who Stand On Guard)
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam PC - as Commander Weltherwithsp
  • Total War: Shogun 2 - Steam PC - as Shimazu
  • Norland - Steam PC - Shhhh!
  • Age Of Mythology: Retold - Steam PC - as Thor, Hades and Kronos
August 1 - 31

  • World Of Warships - Steam PC (Geforce Now) as DakkarNemo
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam PC as Commander Weltherwithsp
  • Sifu - Epic Games
  • Total War: Shogun 2 - Steam PC
  • Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord - Steam PC - as Rabin Shojn
  • Honey, I Joined A Cult - Steam PC - as "7th Watchers Of Peeping Jesus" and a few others
  • Nuclear Option - Steam PC - as
  • Destroyer: UBoat Hunter - Steam PC - as
  • Wasteland 2 Director's Cut - GOG PC - as Shhhh
  • Conan Exiles - Steam PC - Local server (not online)
  • Kenshi - Steam PC
  • Sins Of A Solar Empire II - Steam PC as
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Steam PC as
  • InZoi Character Creator - Steam PC
  • Space Haven - Steam PC as

July 1 - 31
  • The Finals - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft PC (Geforce Now) as ShhhhDigital
  • Stellaris - Steam PC - (as Shhhh! Digital Contingent)
  • Mount And Blade: Warband - Gekokujo Daimyo Edition - Steam PC
  • World Of Warships - Steam PC (Geforce Now) as DakkarNemo
  • Dark And Darker - Steam PC - ButterflySanctum (and LegendaryOfXarn)
  • Humankind - Steam PC
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam PC as Commander Weltherwithsp
  • Age Of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Steam PC as Britain, Japan and China
  • Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - Steam PC as Ai Yuanlin Ying
  • Crossout - Steam PC as ShhhhDigital
  • Battlefield 4 - Steam PC/EA - as ShhhhDigital
  • Doom (2017) - Steam PC
  • Warhammer: Vermintide II - Steam PC
  • Sunless Skies: Sovereign Edition - Epic Games
  • Once Human - Epic Games
  • Sifu - Epic Games
  • Shadow Tactics: Blade Of The Shogun II - Epic Games
  • American Truck Simulator - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Space Engine - Steam PC (I've been using Space Engine since 2009, long before it hit Steam)
  • Black Hole Simulator - Steam PC
  • Shaolin Vs. Wu Tang 2 - Steam PC
  • Disco Elysium - Steam PC
  • Total War: Shogun 2 - Steam PC

June 1-30 
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam PC - as  Commander Weltherwithsp
  • Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Geforce Now) Ubisoft PC
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (Played against cheaters, Removed from computer)
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • American Truck Simulator - Steam PC as ShhhhDigital
  • Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord - Steam PC - as Rabin Shojn
  • Civilization 6 - Steam PC - as Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • Myth Of Empires - Steam PC - as Rabin Shojn and Ai Tien (Depending upon server)
  • World Of Warships (Played against cheaters, Removed from computer)
  • The Finals - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (Official Shhhh! Digital Media Finals Account)
  • Age Of Mythology - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Juno: New Origins - Steam PC - as Shhhh! Digital Aerospace
  • Barotrauma - Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo
  • Arma 3 - Steam PC
  • Eve Online - Steam PC - as Zheng Yuanlin
  • Battlefield 4 - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital 

May 1-31
  • Barotrauma - Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam PC - as  Commander Weltherwithsp
  • The Finals - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Flashing Lights - Steam PC as DetectiveFarnham
  • For Honour - UbiConnect PC as ShhhhDigital
  • Conan Exiles - Steam PC (and Geforce Now) as Ai Tien and ShhhhAiYuanlin
  • Strike Fighters 2 - Steam PC - F4E Phantom IIJ (old school dual role strike craft)
  • Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Geforce Now) Ubisoft PC
  • Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft PC (Geforce Now) as ShhhhDigital
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Eurotruck Simulator 2 - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • American Truck Simulator - Steam PC as ShhhhDigital
  • Predecessor - Epic PC - as ShhhhDigital (got my butt kicked)
  • Saint's Row 4 - Epic PC - as ShhhhDigital (neighbours became harassing so uninstalled it)
  • Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord - Steam PC - as Rabin Shojn
  • Civilization 6 - Steam PC - as Sir Wilfrid Laurier

April 13-30
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital. (Currently playing as a female character April 23, 2024 1 AM EST)
  • Barotrauma - Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam PC - as Commander Weltherwithsp
  • Rise Of Nations: Extended Edition - Steam PC - as Weltherwithsp
  • City Of Heroes: Revival
  • Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Geforce Now) Ubisoft PC
  • For Honor Ubisoft PC (Geforce Now) as ShhhhDigital
  • Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft PC (Geforce Now) as ShhhhDigital

April 1 - 12

I haven't been on Conan Exiles since March 22. If you see someone playing as ShhhhAIYuanlin on server G-Portal #1521, that's an account hacker unless I state otherwise here. 

  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital for their birthday celebration.
  • Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord - Steam PC as Shojn.
  • Conan Exiles (< 1 hour on Sunday, April 7 at 3 AM) A short  game to checkout the new features.
  • Barotrauma - Steam PC - as Dakkar Nemo

March 26 - March 31
  • World Of Warships - Steam PC - (as DakkarNemo. Uninstalled on December 28 after being stalked online)
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (Friday 29, Saturday 30, March 31) for their birthday celebration.
  • Sleeping Dogs Ultimate Edition - Steam PC

 March 16 - March 25
  • Conan Exiles March 16, 20, 22
  • Sins Of Of Solar Empire March 23, 24
  • PUBG March 24, 25 (early morning before work)

2023 Activity

November 24 - December 31

  • Barotrauma - Steam PC - As Dakkar Nemo
  • Conan Exiles Public Test Server - Steam PC - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan) building a fortress on newbie river.
  • Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Ubisoft PC - (as ShhhhDigital)
  • World Of Warships - Steam PC - (as DakkarNemo. Uninstalled on December 28 after being stalked online)
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital
  • Sleeping Dogs Ultimate Edition - Steam PC
  • Company Of Heroes - Steam PC
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 - Steam PC
  • Space Haven - Steam PC
  • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital (Uninstalled on December 29 after being stalked online)
  • Elite Dangerous - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Commander Weltherwithsp). I like promoting women.

November 18 - 23

  • Barotrauma - Steam PC - As Dakkar Nemo
  • Conan Exiles Public Test Server - Steam PC - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan) building a fortress on newbie river.
  • Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Ubisoft PC - (as ShhhhDigital)

November 13 - 17

    • Barotrauma - Steam PC
    • World Of Warships Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital

    October 28 - November 12

    • Sleeping Dogs Ultimate Edition - Steam PC
    • Company Of Heroes - Steam PC
    • Red Dead Redemption 2 - Steam PC
    • Space Haven - Steam PC
    • World Of Warships Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • PUBG - Steam PC - as ShhhhDigital

    October 27

    • Elite Dangerous - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Commander Weltherwithsp). I like promoting women.

    October 27

    • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan). No Reba.

    October 26

    • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan). No Reba.

    October 25

    • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan). No Reba.

    October 24

    • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan)
    • Elite Dangerous - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Commander Weltherwithsp). I like promoting women.

    October 23

    • Battlefield 4 - EA Play - Nothing like a multiplayer conquest to keep that mind active.
    • Elite Dangerous - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Commander Weltherwithsp). I like promoting women.

    October 22

    • Battlefield 4 - EA Play - Nothing like a multiplayer conquest to keep that mind active.
    • Mechwarrior 5 - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass)

    October 20

    • Project Hospital - GOG - built a red/pink hospital using Butterfly Dragon characters as staff.
      (played between 5:45 AM and 6:30 AM EST)

    October 18

    • Sifu - Geforce Now (Epic Games)
    • Barotrauma - Geforce Now (Steam) - (as Admiral Shuan Pei)
    • Amazing Cultivation Simulator - Geforce Now (Steam)

    October 17

    • Barotrauma - Geforce Now (Steam) - (as Admiral Shuan Pei)
    • Elite Dangerous - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Commander Weltherwithsp)

    October 16

    • Barotrauma - Geforce Now (Steam) - (as Admiral Shuan Pei)
    • Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as on Extreme difficulty)

    October 14

    • Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as on Extreme difficulty)
    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Eve Online - Geforce Now (Steam) - (as Yuanlin Ying)

    October 13

    • Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as on Extreme difficulty)
    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Sleeping Dogs Ultimate Edition - Geforce Now (Steam)

    October 10

    • Bram Stoker's: Dracula - RiverTV (Francis Ford Coppola's ingenious adaption)
    • The Blob (1988) - RiverTV (brilliant remake of the 1958 independent horror classic)
    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)

      Purchased a ship on World Of Warships whose Captain's name is Steven Harper, not to be confused with the politician of the same name (whose name is spelled Stephen). The game doesn't allow you to rename your Captains in the case of real life name collisions. I'm sorry if this has caused any political confusion, but I will not say what side of the fence I vote on. Neither am I a "blue rose" by the way.

    • Starfield - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass) - (as myself)

    October 9 (Thanksgiving Day holiday in Canada)

    • Starfield - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass) - (as myself)
    • Age Of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass)
    • Cell (Stephen King) - Amazon Prime (Movie)
    • Alone In The Dark - Amazon Prime (Movie)

    October 8

    • Starfield - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass) - (as myself)
    • Marvel's Avengers - Geforce Now (Steam PC)
    • Batman: Arkham Knight - Steam PC
    • Age Of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass)
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    October 7

    • Starfield - Geforce Now (PC Game Pass) - (as myself)
    • Still looking for a movie for the next movie watch party at Shhhh! Digital Media...
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    October 6

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    October 5

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King - Amazon Prime (Movie)
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    October 4

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - Amazon Prime (Movie)
    • Escape From New York - Amazon Prime (Movie)
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    October 3

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - Amazon Prime (Movie)
    • Exercise regimen

    October 2

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Shortest Trip To Earth - Steam PC
    • Exercise regimen

    September 30

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    September 29

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Renfield - Amazon Prime
    • Exercise regimen

    September 28

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    September 27

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Exercise regimen

    September 26

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Tucker: The Man And His Dreams - RiverTV
    • Exercise regimen (core and upper body)

    September 25

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)

    September 24

    • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan)

    September 23

    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
    • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Ai Tien of Shhhh! Clan)

    September 22

    • Paragon: The Overprime - Steam PC as ShhhhDigital
    • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)

    September 21

      • Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as on Extreme difficulty)
      • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Epic Games) - (as DakkarNemo)
      • Conan Exiles - Geforce Now (Steam PC)

      September 20

        • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)
        • Mount And Blade II: Bannerlord - Geforce Now (Steam PC)
        • Elite Dangerous - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as Commander Weltherwithsp)

        September 19

          • Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as on Extreme difficulty)
          • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)
          • Sifu - Geforce Now (Epic Games)
          • Control - Geforce Now (Epic Games)
          • Crossout - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as ShhhhDigital)

          September 18

            • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)
            • Ghost Recon: Wildlands (as on Extreme difficulty)

            September 17

            • Batman: Arkham Knight - Steam PC - (Started new campaign)
            • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)

            September 15, 16

            • Stellaris - Steam PC - (as Executor Sildorian Dynasty)
            • Audible - 3001: A Space Oddyssey by Arthur C. Clarke (second time reading it).
            • Cyberpunk 2077 - Geforce Now (GOG) - (Continuing main campaign)
            • World Of Warships - Geforce Now (Steam PC) - (as DakkarNemo)