Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Next Batch Of Updates Next Week...

Hi again. Brian Joseph Johns here once again. I hope that you're all well.

I just wanted to let you know that I'll be writing and posting the latest updates next week, by Tuesday or  by latest 1 PM on Wednesday Eastern Standard Time (currently UTC-4 given daylight savings time).

I'm going to stick with my original plan from the previous post and prioritize the two most recent storylines of We Who Stand On Guard and Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative - Unfinished Bee's Wax, but you can also look forward to the next The Butterfly Dragon: The Two Butterflies episode within the next two weeks. I'll try to push Night Boat ahead, and start the next episode to within a month to a month and a half. As I stated in the last post.

I'm still currently focused on producing other Shhhh! Digital Media related content (in Microsoft Visual Studio and Epic's Unreal Engine), and though progress is a bit slow, it is steady as I refine the process into a pipeline. When I have something to present to you, you'll be the first to know.

As much as I love writing, sometimes I just need to bury myself in code and interactive content production. I can't wait until my abilities to bring the two together have been realized, like designer Heylyn Yates' own West Meet East International, where they'll meet in the middle and become something altogther beyond, similar to the way that Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative and Butterfly Dragon converge here.

I'd also like to give a heart felt thank you for the hard work of my social workers, who help to keep those of us (including myself) who are getting ourselves steadily on our feet, focused on life progress, at least as much so as with our life ambitions and aspirations. Sometimes our own compass needs a little calibration in the form of healthy advice and guidance, and as much so to put our foot down where need be.

However, I'm there will likely be challenges ahead, many of which I'll curse about under my breath for a time, maybe even a rant or two, and then return with a smile. Part of life is learning how to safely get off of the cliquishly imposed see-saw, the dichotomy of extremes, and find balance in the middle from where you can look on with both objectivity and subjectivity, essentially averting conflict and endearing productive compromise or even solution taking away from someone else's chance to learn from it.

Kind of like this image below, which is a clue as to what I'm currently working in in Visual Studio, though this image was produced with the help of an algorithm from Graph Theory known as a Depth First Search. Something I coded in Delphi 5 about a week ago as proof of concept. Th question now remains, is this the corrupted maze in the Haven Of The True, or the virtuous Testing Grounds Of The Night Wytch?

See you next week with some new chapters for the stories, and shortly thereafter some new stories!

By the way, I'm an Atheist that leans toward Buddhism and Taoism, not a Jehovah's Witness or member of Prince Hall with all due respect. I tend more towards the orange side of the fence than I do the brown side of the fence. 

I don't and never have used crack cocaine or fentanlyl or meth amphetamine or heroin or anything of a similar nature. If you have issues of that nature and they're a burden for you or others or creating problems for people in the community, you should get help at a harm reduction site, or if you can afford it, check into rehab rather than ganging up on and harassing people in the community like myself, trying to pit us as the hate side of a love hate battle based upon race or skin colour, as is often the case with those who choose to fight on the grounds of race and skin colour politics. 

Furthermore, scientifically speaking, nobody in the world has black skin. Nobody in the world has white skin, and no two people have the exact same skin colour. More likely, you're just trying to find a way to polarize people along those lines so as to create a social see-saw based upon extremity and the teachings of the Kybalion. A see-saw often used to harm people socially and psychologically, by bouncing them around between two competing extremes.

Furthermore, I am heterosexual and not transgender, but I support LGBTQ2 rights. However, in supporting the rights of others, I do not give up my own rights, and those rights protect my individuality and identity as a heterosexual male. 

Its horrible to be betrayed by people whose rights you supported and went to bat for, only to have them assist other abusive ideologies in taking or replacing your identity and your creative content as well and attributing it to others who have nothing to do with it or creating it, and then attempting to do this while hiding behind the issue or race, skin colour or sexual orientation/identity and then exploit those ideas to steal from other innocent people, believing that they can't protect themselves because if they do speak out against such attempts, it will paint them as being racist or homophobic.

I think that the time is coming to a close where people's awareness of these facts is hidden or discrete. Remember that it works both ways and its just as much of a hate crime to pit people in that way.

My own love interest is Southeast Asian and she's a woman, and there is nothing wrong with that regardless of the fact that I'm a European descended Canadian, and I make that statement entirely without stealing someone else's identity or reality and wearing it as my own. Get over it.

Just to warn my readers, a bunch of the harassers just used me to dump their garbage onto me to make you think its coming from me, and that attack involved a lot of people and has been ongoing since Thursday of last week. I apologize if any of you were negatively affected.

I supported the decriminalization of cannabis, and even rely on legal CBD based supplements to assist in stress management.

Hate is not love and love is not hate and I say what I mean and mean what I say.

My computer is not blue, no matter whether it crashes from a blue screen or not. I'll be taking care of that by the way. I am not on the version of blue you're trying to get onto me. I'm an Atheist and I lean toward Buddhism and Taoism. My phone isn't blue, my computer isn't blue, and I'm not blue in the sense that hate means love or love means hate or redefining one's expression as meaning the opposite of what they express.

Oh, and I have a job, and I've never used crack cocaine in my life.