FYI And Identity Clarification
I'm not a guitar player and I've never in my life ever been a spousal abuser, not to mention my own love interest is Southeast Asian and in fact a woman resident of Toronto from China, I myself being Canadian with European ancestry, though I certainly have much affection for Europe and Southeast Asia, and by the end of this post, you'll see that also extends to south of the Canadian border as well.
My name or nickname is not John Cane (as in walks or walked with a cane), and as I've stated, I've never been a spousal abuser in my life. My name is not Shane, or Ron, or Rob, or Andrew Zima or Lima, or Terence, or Marty, or Trent either. I don't play guitar and I've never owned a guitar, but I am a piano and keyboard player and can literally play a guitar part on MIDI keyboard so convincingly that you'd swear it was a real guitar (a piece I wrote myself, the license for which can be found on my Music page). I didn't grow up in Allenbury Gardens or Shaughnessy Boulevard, but I have a friend named Aaron who grew up in Allenbury Gardens, and a friend named Steve Vitali (a guitar player) who grew up on Shaughnessy Boulevard. Just in case somebody is swapping my identity with other people to take the credit for what I say and do, and yes, there are people who do that unfortunately. I am also not Jake "N" or Ting "N", and I'm not Donald "Seb" either. I am not a security guard and have never worked as a security guard in my life, but it is an honest way to make a living for an honest person. You know, someone that doesn't take the credit for the efforts of others, their words or actions or any combination thereof.
I don't live in Nova Scotia and have never been there in my life, but at some point I'd like to go.
I don't use crack cocaine and certainly never have, and as I stated, I'm not a spousal abuser and never have been. I believe in harm reduction, but I am not going to be forced again and again to carry a weight whose burden I want nothing with which to do, under any circumstances. Where I live, there are people who make such burden very, very heavy, far beyond the norm for what most people would ever experience and so I do not put up with it at all.
I live by the idiom, think freely, act responsibly, not do what thou wilt. I am an Atheist and I lean toward Buddhism and Taoism, and have very amicably been since 2006. The only time I let go of the driver's wheel in life, is when under the guidance of mentors, sifus, senseis and sebonmnims that I trust, and often most humbly so. I am a true Scorpio as well, though I am not from Mexico, but perhaps the only friend I have in the building of my residence and home office is from Mexico. A good ally to have in any situation.
I am Brian Joseph Johns and Shhhh! Digital Media content is entirely created at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and has been as such since May of 2012, my living space and home office.
The Qualifications Of Content Creators
In case you're thinking that I couldn't be the writer of anything on Shhhh! Digital Media because most of the science and physics involved in Butterfly Dragon is very accurate, even where it deals with some very complex subjects at the forefront of physics, and yet, I don't have a physics degree or doctorate, then take the following into consideration:
There are some people who basically require that as a writer, filmmaker or game developer, someone who creates stories with synthetic characters that don't actually exist in real life, that you pay some bid of sponsorship to the peers involved in real life, related to the expertise and work of people hencely so qualified.
Most of the people who enforce this scam on their victims (most of whose victims are content creators, film makers, writers and game developers), are nothing more than middle-person pimps between the people they're preying upon (the aforemented content creators) and those without actual experise or qualifications related to the content being produced. Most of these "pimps" have no formal qualifications themselves.
In most cases, these scammers are simply trying to find a way to extort recognition for the works of content creators and people who imagine these things into fantasy, and give them to the credit of people of their own selection and choosing, most often to favour people who bias this cult's activity and who themselves lack expertise worth crediting, which for the most part does involve content theft and the credit for a content creator's actual work, which often can be emotionally invested and gruelling at times.
First of all, I always give credit where credit is due and always have, and most of the time that credit can be found in the bibliography of a post, or the credits section, both at the end of a story post, or on certain occasions as a direct link from that point in the story that leads to in-depth information about that particular topic or expertise and who discovered the theories involved. Content creators themselves are the only ones who should rightfully so make the choice of whom they credit for such aspects of their written, film or software development (including gaming) work and hopefully those who do will leave a trail of breadcrumbs for others to follow and learn from in much the same way as did they.
Remember, that every single aspect of our education and certification process is built upon someone at the root of it all, who had no qualifications whatsoever. All of it.
They slowly built up these requirements through studious observation of cause and effect, to come up with a didactic system of logic that objectively proved things one way or the other way at some foundational level. Ultimately though, these people did not have a degree, or a certification or any qualifications other than they could prove themselves objectively through observation and measurement of cause and effect, that they were right consistently when demonstrating such hypotheses describing the mechanisms making such phenomena possible.
Nobody's imagination should be taxed either by the people who read their work, the people whose work in real life is echoed at some level in fantasy, or some middle-person representative, especially those looking to extort some recognition to give to people who simply do not provide any worth towards the ends of what particular content these extortionists are trying to take from such content creators except where required by license (Creative Commons, MIT, Mozilla, Copyright, GNU etc) or licenses involving ownership rights upon purchase.
Credit for such ideas should remain the choice of the content creators themselves, and in the absence of appropriate recognition, perhaps those who consider such works might debate in other mediums those whose work is similar and deserves examination and public expression (barring outright plagiarism or attempts of reverse plagiarism where content thieves steal someone else's content, and then have the people they stole from charged with content theft). There are many such scams so you need to be aware of this, and sometimes, when people see dollar signs as a prospect of taking something that is destined to earn money, they leave their sense of morality behind.
I rarely benefit from third party advertising or discussion of my work here on Shhhh! Digital Media. I often joke how Shhhh! Digital Media is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Yet, there is a considerable global readership that has been steadily growing by itself since 2012, without my advertising the site at all. I would certainly benefit from such credit for my own work, though I do enforce a license where my work is quoted or used in discussion that a credit to me: Brian Joseph Johns care of Shhhh! Digital Media and a link to my website of accompany any such use or reference to my published work here on Shhhh! Digital Media. I'm very grateful to everyone who honours this request.
Insofar as certification goes? It can certainly be a good thing, my current favourite way is through Udemy, not to mention many schools and educational institutions have their own courseware (UWO, U of T, or MIT for instance), though I would never let a lack of certification limit that which I'm able to express about a given topic.
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Thomas Wolf, CC BY-SA 3.0 (colour corrected by Shhhh! Digital Media) |
Hollywood, Los Angeles
I've been keeping a close eye on the situation and certainly like everyone, have had strong feelings about what I'm seeing of this destructive fire that has clearly leveled a great deal of Hollywood, especially homes of both those of meagre resources and the wealthy and famous alike. Even I cried a few tears thinking about the fact that many of the early stories that inspired me into writing and content creation, which originated as early films in the 1970s from Hollywood (MGM for certain comes to mind). All of the places that housed the people who made those films and performed in them are mostly leveled, ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
An entire history has been burnt to the ground, and though it might not be the Great Library Of Alexandria in the eyes of some including myself, it is still one of the wonders of the world, a wonder of imagination that has gone up in flames, taking many lives with it and certainly paving the way for a very different Hollywood of the future, as addressed in this YouTube post by Markiplier, a resident of Los Angeles himself, who was recently evacuated.
Markplier's post addresses one of the obviously very big questions of the future of Hollywood, when most of the destroyed properties will likely be sold off for pennies compared to their original net worth, and that the rich history of tinsel town might be replaced with something lacking that same history or magic that arose from the first film makers to have setup in tinsel town. If you're reading this and are one of the former residents, he appears to be one of the people interested in ensuring that the land isn't sold off to developers who will quickly erect a series of buildings lacking their ties to that original history, never taking the chance to reignite the spark that fueled the imaginations of so many people around the world.
In this ever changing day and age of AI video and low budget, high quality production, there is a place for Hollywood amongst this new generation of content creators and story tellers. Besides, the people truly behind all of this magic (Charlie Chaplin for instance), often worked on shoestring budgets and for very little reward, as there was something driving them that goes beyond the almighty dollar, and that spirit seems to be very much alive amongst today's modern content creators.
When you're finally at the front doors of potential financial success, your content licences are your friends, though be careful as you'll sometimes find the people from your own history who have nothing to do with your current creative efforts, might come looking for a piece of what they believe its potentially worth financially, by interjecting their association with your current work. Money does funny things to people, especially when you're approaching the beginning of your success and its payoff, after the years you've invested in building your brand, so protect yourself, but help those in your circle of similar interest to bring their dreams to life when financial success finally arrives at your door.
We all know how in this day and age, we're often being played against one another by the gremlins. Protect yourself, your creative and intellectual property rights, and your ambitions. Don't let gremlins trick you out of your years of effort using the rules of theirs beliefs, or their means to a scam. Be mindful and be careful and be professional.
Now I would never encourage anyone to undertake work as a content creator and live as a starving artist (I certainly live very close to that borderline myself by the way), but in the bigger picture, everything you do as a content creator has value, and will at some point have financial value.
All investment has risk, especially the investment of your time and energy. Early Hollywood filmmakers were visionaries, fully knowing that their craft would eventually turn into a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Some survived long enough to reap the rewards, and some didn't know how to get their fair share for their work. You have the advantage of knowing this history and being at the doorstep of a very exciting time in the field of content creation, especially film making.
Carpé Diem. Seize the day.
Don't let this history disappear, but instead rekindle it in its next progression, while preserving that land and real estate development for which Hollywood was known. You have that power to make this happen.
To wave that magic wand and rekindle what once was, and what will be sure to come again...
For those of you looking into work with other residents of Hollywood in preserving its history by protecting its real estate future, you might want to contact Markiplier, Ben Makinen and watch this Hollywood Fire: Exploring The Aftermath And Recovery and in the interest of diplomacy conducted by our courageous firefighters in Canada: Canadian Firefighters Head To Hollywood...
This process of renewing Hollywood is certainly something that the big streaming services (Disney, Apple, Netflix, Paramount) are certainly going to play a big role. Hopefully they'll work with the (displaced) people of Hollywood to rebuild a modern testament to what once was.
Thank you for reading my content,
Brian Joseph Johns
Keep safe Mir and Brad! 😉
Very obviously if it isn't already, I say what I mean and mean what I say, especially in this post.
Produced at Shhhh! Digital Media
200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701
Toronto, Ontario, Canada