Friday, February 28, 2025

Whew! Quite The Day Out And About...

Special Guest Appearance by Creamsicle...

It was payday today and usually my routine involves doing all of my shopping from the wee hours of the morning until about 11 AM, though today it took a bit longer because of the number of trips I had to do for the ingredients for my seafood hot pot this weekend.

Just as I had been harassed and stalked after fininishing Two Butterflies: Episode 13 (before I'd finished the Epilogue), I was once again attacked today, with most of the stalkers' goals being to make it appear that I was being remotely controlled by one or more of their membership, or by someone whom they want to benefit from the appearances of having created the content here on Shhhh! Digital Media, possibly by turning it into a game of trying to make me appear to contradict the nature of my writing, or by harassing me until I became upset , angry or suddenly appeared as if I had the symptoms of drug use or mental illness (which didn't happen).

When you're battling a collective, you'll often speak out loud and to yourself, even when you're walking down the street, and of course to other people, this might appear to be a sign of mental illness, and that's exactly the kind of impression they're trying to create about you. It helps them to steal your creative output from you, because many people would find it hard to believe that you're the one creating whatever is being stolen, simply on the grounds that you're made to appear to be mentally ill.

There groups and ideologies that practice in groups, trying to make their victims acquire the symptoms of mental illness while out and about, but then leave them alone or harass them in different ways when they get back to their residence. They want to make a show for people so that the people are fooled into believing something that would open the door to their cult stealing the creative credits for the creative property or intellectual property of someone else, and yes, there is a large group that attempts to target creators and steal their content outright from within the communities where they're creating it, especially if they suspect that it could be profitable or create notoriety for them.

So that's essentially what happened today in the morning, and I just wanted to explain to the people who perhaps witnessed my reaction to their harassment, or my speaking to myself as I walked down the street, that I am not mentally ill, nor am I possessed or being remotely controlled by anyone who is. I'd never stigmatize someone who is by creating such impressions, as I imagine their lives are already difficult enough as it is. But I do want to be clear that I am mentally sound and completely fine in that regard, and that I'm not under the infleunce of any narcotics or anything that would produce such results. Its just nasty people who seem to be under the impression that they remotely control or can other possess people, and so they're elected themselves to test for this in the public, in order to garner support for their abusive ideology. 

In other words, to hoodwink the public.

They have a daily list of people they claim that I'm possessed by, and whenever they want to stir up trouble, they stalk me, harass me, and claim I'm being remotely controlled by one of those people which most certainly is nonsense.

When you relive the trauma of being treated that way over and over again, it becomes reinforced in you in the form of stress resulting from re-experiencing a very difficult situation, such as an emotionally painful reaction. The harassers try to weaponize that response against you, knowing that each time they do it, that you're chances of developing post traumatic stress syndrome is going to increase, until eventually they can do this to you anywhere and get a heated and anxious (anxiety) response from you.

When Doctors treat a wound, they suppress you from causing more damage by keeping you from using the injured body part, or at least until it is healed enough to exercise again. A wound constantly played with or agitated will never heal, or heal with horrible scars. Even in martial arts and a physical regimen, where the trainer breaks your body down (the muscle tissue) and builds it back up, the training very difficult on purpose and to strengthen the body, these ideas are observed of restraint to prevent injury are observed, and martial arts have been around for a very, very long time. Most predating modern ideology.

Apparently from my research, this same ideology is responsible for stalking and harassing Veterans of the Armed Forces, especially those they've found to be associated with Special Forces units. With all of the camera phone videos showing drunken rants by Veterans, showing mostly the end result, after they've been provoked to respond, but never including what happened before to create such a reaction, there seems to be a clear connection between the membership of this cult and radicalizing citizens to the ends of rants or in some very, very rare cases, extreme violence and even mass murder.

The members of this cult are also racists against Southeast Asian culture, especially Chinese culture, and they're trying to disconnect me from those cultures, and force me in a direction that I do not want to, nor will I ever go. A very blood centric direction. So much of the harassment, including the harassment that targeted me today came from some of the cultures from my own Tales Of The Sanctum books and stories, and the goal there was to create a negative reaction from me, so this cult could claim that I'm racist against Asian cultures, and then give the credit for my writing to people they choose, often those who live near me but that I do not know or socialize with, but almost always certainly, members of their abusive ideology.

Regardless, I have no plans to stop, and I have no plans to stop revealing the means and methods of this cult either, but rather than spending my time in a rant, which is often necessary in order to make my readers who see me in public and are shocked to see me talking to myself, or reacting to the harassment around me, that I'm alright. Really. There's nothing wrong at all, and I'm dealing with a form of pressure that would crush most people very quickly, and I can ascertain that none (and I mean none) of the stalkers has undergone the same process to the degree that their victims have, and if they did suddenly become subject to the same abuse, they'd likely be a suicide risk (and not that I'm protecting them, but I wouldn't want that). 

Some people when they're on the delivering end of what they feel is righteousness but is actually abuse and a gross violation of human rights, can turn into monsters without even knowing, and that is more than likely the case here. 

As Nietzsche once said: when you gave into the abyss, it also gazes into you.

I stand by Southeast Asia, but I do not own them, and if they stand with me, that is of their own choice and by the demonstrated merit of my efforts most of which are being stolen from me and credited to others. And yet, I keep on creating these stories, without throwing the scales into cacaphony.

Am I angry at all? No. Not at all. Abuse by others whether they're testing people for the mark of the beast, or evaluating whether they're capable of anger or not will always yield animosity, no matter who you do that to at some level. 

What right does anyone have to test or evaluate someone else to that degree about something of that nature, if not using it as a means to steal from such people by claiming they're controlling said person or as a means of power over them. As far as I'm concerned, nobody is taking anything from me that they cannot take by force, and if they attempt as much, it will be met by the same within the confines of the law.

I'm free in the sense of having no boss whatsoever, or having anyone to answer ultimately to but my own conscience, my readers, and my financiers, and humbly so. I think that most Canadians are good at protecting such peace of heart and humility, most often by saying nothing, but when you do that for too long, and have eventually lost whatever it is you failed to verbally protect or when the weight has built up to be fat too much for any group to carry, it pays to have someone who will speak up, and say what everyone else wanted to say, but were too afraid to, or felt it wasn't their place to do so. I guess I am that person who says and does.

My character Heylyn Yates was quoting Miyamoto Musashi when she said: "he who compels you to anger, controls you" and though that statement in itself is very true, it is often misinterpreted. 

Its unfortunate that there are people who would elect themselves in society to evaluate such a clause of the lives of others, or who would read a written work, and then stalk an author in order to torment them until they contradicted their own writing so that said cult could then justify stealing it from them and give it to the credit of their own socially abusive membership.

Its going to catch up with you sooner than you think, and that's coming from someone who has never attacked another person in their life. Yet every one of the people that make up your stalking ideology, or at least the ones you're attempting to iconify, in some way shape or form has, and physically so, and sometimes their own romantic partners. I think you need to need to be evaluated quite honestly under the terms of your own beliefs, but I'm not electing myself or anyone to do that job as I think that something of that nature very quickly becomes a power wielded over others and just as quickly abused. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

If you don't like my responses to harassment or abuse, then maybe you shouldn't do it, instead of telling me that how I take it or respond to it is wrong. You're exercising your right to free speech (responsible speech in Canada as we're responsible for what we say, especially with having anti-hate speech laws which mean speech that does not rouse violent action against others or the violation of others' rights), and your free speech doesn't mean that everyone else has to sit silently and accept it without responding to it, especially if you're attempting to rouse others outside of your conversation by making chided, demeaning or targeted abuse to trigger them. Responsible free speech is a two way road. Its suppressive to prevent someone from their right to response and that's coming from someone who leans toward Buddhism and Taoism, but everyone has a own right to their own beliefs. I think I'd have to go with Voltaire on this issue.

Apparently in prison or jail (I've never been incarcerated in either fortunately), that's called fronting. Its where a person makes rhetorical statements in a presentative conversation that are purposely designed to trigger someone else into attack, like skirmishing in warfare. A means of luring one's detractors from the shadows. That way, others who don't understand fronting or skirmishing see it, and believe the attacker to be at fault, when in fact, they were purposely provoked by the person fronting, because in battle, there is a distinct advantage to being the defender rather than the attacker. Now in that case, where a person is roused to physical confrontation with another, that is a form of control. However, making someone else angry, but they retain their civility and self-control? That's not control by another at all. That's self-control and control of one's own anger.

So if you want to behave like the world is prison, and we're its prisoners, then that says alot right there about your mentality and pretty much closes my argument against you.

Besides as I said, I'm an Atheist that leans toward Buddhism and Taoism (I personally lean towards China, Japan, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam in this regard) but everyone has a right to their belief, even if they don't believe in anything. I may not agree with your beliefs, but I'd certainly protect your right to have them.

So not, I'm not being remotely controlled by anyone, including anyone in the homeless shelter system or in prison or anywhere else in the universe. I honour the guidance of my teachers, and respect their inspiration, certainly those who don't abuse it. And I'm not Jeff.

I'm going to get to work here at 3:30 PM (Friday) after making an awesome seafood hot pot complete with fried capelin on the side which is quite popular in Newfoundland from what I hear, though I'm not from there but would love to go some day.

See you in a few hours with some more chapters published or possibly a new episod begun...

Thank you to the readers who continue to read my work :-)

Thank you to the people today who were friendly and civil towards me. You'll never know how far that goes with someone else until you're socially mistreated.

To my readers in Southeast Asia, I value your presence here on Shhhh! Digital Media, and I do my best to reflect much of what I admire about that allegiance. A bridge between the West and the East is something that really has meaning to me. But as I've heard creatives from Japan and China often say: people who pursue such avenues are very passionate about their efforts, and passionate people often disagree and even come into conflict, because they realize the value of what they're collectively achieving.

And nobody is controlling me, except me, and I'm Brian Joseph Johns and I'm not on the blue team in the sense of where it means that what I express is interpreted in the opposite context, or that hate means love and love means hate.