Hi. I'm Brian Joseph Johns, the owner of Shhhh! Digital Media, and its only writer.
I was going to try to post a live video instead of this post, but it ended up being easier to do it this way.
The Bourne Weekend Watch Party was quite a success and something I certainly enjoyed considerably, and am looking forward to the next one.
So... what is coming up for Shhhh! Digital Media?
Most of my writing work will be focused on The Butterfly Dragon: Way Of The Warrior, and getting us through the plot device dealing with the Haven Of The True (which many of you will remember from A Lady's Prerogative II: Wounded Aerth). The most recent work on Way Of The Warrior is dealing with this element of the storyline, which centers on the aftermath of Nelony Theearin's disappearance during the events of Wounded Aerth, and how it affects the Haven.
Suffragium Per Proxy will also get some much needed attention, but Unfinished Bee's Wax will get priority for the time being, seeing as Tales Of The Sanctum hasn't enjoyed a beginning to end story since Autumn In Alivale. I'd like to see Unfinished Bee's Wax be that story.
With these three stories hot on the burners, I'll try to put some time into Economy Of Sin Part 2, and both Two Butterflies and We Who Stand On Guard, but the first three get priority.
I'm currently fighting an illness that has kept me mostly bed ridden for almost a week (mirculously though I've managed to put in nearly forty hours despite). This week it hasn't slowed me down (yet), but I can feel it catching up to me, and getting better is a priority, so if you see a sudden slow down on writing this week, its because I hit my limit and I'm still fighting something fairly difficult for my health (bronchial infection). Its been one week so far, and it usually takes two or three to beat this kind of thing. I'll do my best to keep the writing coming, but keep in mind that I might slow down.
There was lots of writing today for Way Of The Warrior, and tomorrow will be much the same and take us deep into that plot line Of Light And Shadows.
I hope that you enjoy, and thank you very much for your readership.
I am Brian Joseph Johns, not Ting "N" or Jake "N" or Shane or anyone else but myself...
I'm an Atheist that leans toward Buddhism and Taoism.
Keep in mind that all Shhhh! Digital Media content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.
Produced at Shhhh! Digital Media
200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Inquiries: brian.joseph.johns@shhhhdigital.com, info@shhhhdigital.com
Produced at Shhhh! Digital Media
200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Inquiries: brian.joseph.johns@shhhhdigital.com, info@shhhhdigital.com
Copyright © 2023 Brian Joseph Johns