Thursday, November 14, 2024

Baphomet Resigns! (Cleaned up and updated November 14, 2024)

 Baphomet hands in their letter of resignation to the Templars and Hermeticism... ;-)

Baphomet for those of you who don't know, is the Hermetic icon often associated with Hermetic texts like the Kybalion and the Demiurge of the Knight's Templars.

I myself am not a member of Hermetics nor am I really a follower of the Kybalion, though it is remarkable how close it mirrors many concepts inherent in Quantum Physics and alternating current, both of which aptly apply as metaphors for these hermetic concepts. It would probably find more of a home amongst day traders I'm guessing. Especially concepts like polarity, though it would be a very potent weapon in the hands of narcissists, especially those who get off on attempting to radicalize their victims by playing them between two opposing paradigms of extremity.

As I've stated, I'm an Atheist and I lean more towards Buddhism and Taoism. I don't have much room in my being for sadistic groups that instill purposeful and cruel suffering upon others as any instrument of their designs, nor do I have any room for ideologies that erase people.

I guess Baphomet just had too much of it, and decided to hand in their letter of resignation...

Who's next? Thoth maybe?

About The Baphomet Video

The AI that I used to create that video chose the origins and ethnicity of Baphomet for me, as I didn't specify any attributes that would otherwise have specifically indicated Baphomet's cultural origins.

Baphomet's Mythological Origins

Seeing as Baphomet's origins are often attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a Greek Hermeticist whose life was inspired from the Greek God: Hermes, the messenger of the Gods (or quite possibly vice versa, with the man Hermes inspiring the mythos of the Greek god of the same name), I'm quite surprised that Baphomet's origins as represented in the video weren't more of a Greek influence, especially seeing as Baphomet is actually a Satyr, a half-man/half goat humanoid of Greek origins and a part of their mythology.

The Connection To Early Gnosticism

In the case of Baphomet however, this particular Satyr is androgynous, possessing the sexual parts of both women and men, which is likely attribute to the fact that early Gnosticism was founded on ideas similar to Chinese Yin Yang, where the sacrament of marriage was actually a ritual to separate the masculine and feminine energy of a couple into the correct corresponding gender of each spouse, as the ancient Greeks like the Chinese, believed that women and men were vessels for gender based energy which they'd inherited from their parents at birth, that kept the two in balance throughout their youth until they found a suitable spouse for marriage, at which point these aspects of gender were then channeled into the correct gender spouse, hence a girl would become a woman, and a boy would become a man. A rite of ascendency if you will.

Most likely the reason that the AI chose that cultural affinity for Baphomet rather than the Greek, is the association of Hermes Trismegistus with ancient Egypt, and being attributed to an association with certain Hermetic Orders associated with Egyptian mythology in amongst populations who used the Coptic dialect.

Baphomet, Greek And Egyptian Gods, And Early Christianity

The Romans, when they occupied Greece and Egypt, annexed all of the gods and myths from both cultures and integrated them into their own canon of Roman gods, so Hermes became the Roman god Mercury, while Egyptian canon was integrated directly with the beginnings of what would eventually become Christianity (30 BC until 641 AD, around the same time of the origins of the religion itself and the mythos of the Christ, right up until the first ever modern scribed version of the Bible appeared in roughly 400 AD, give or take fifty years). 

If you examine aspects of Eyptian and Greek culture and look for similarities in ritual within Roman culture of the time, and even what would eventually become Catholicism, you will find an abundance of symbol from both cultures embedded in every aspect of the religion and Christianity itself as well. 

From the use of the word Amen to end prayers, to the headdress worn by Catholic religious figures, to the hand position across the breast to form an X, a common symbol of Roscrucians, which was the same way that Pharoahs were buried, bearing the Crook and Flail in their hands, important tools to bear into the afterlife.

A Quick Clarification

Once again, I am an Atheist that leans toward Buddhism and Taoism, however, my choices in this regard are not uninformed, and my mind wasn't made up on the basis of my being possessed or inhabited by the bits and pieces of the disembodied spirits or consciousness from other people so arrogant conceited enough to believe so, and to deny another person of their own individuality and identity. 

I didn't waste much time over the course of my life, and much of it before the 1990s was spent behind the covers of books as a voracious reader, and my expressing that or anything at all doesn't mean that I lose it to someone else who keeps it a better secret.

Hermeticism, Quantum Physics And Erasing Or Replacing A Person's History

There is a superstition formed around the basis of Hermeticism where it coincides with many of the ideas found in Quantum Physics, that the truth of the past is written and manifest in the consistency and behaviour of those from that same past, with their behaviour now. The idea is actually founded in the same concepts of the Schodinger equation and his ever famous Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment.

The idea is that fate isn't determined in the past, when an event is said to have occurred in time/space causality that affects the outcome of that fate, but rather by events in the present, that break the secrecy of the past that reveal the outcome in the present, which then cascades backwards through time and causality to create a past consistent with this outcome arrived at in the present.

Hence, such ideologies use this very idea and carefully implemented methods as collaborators, to rewrite the past in the favour of their members and the detriment of their enemies.

A bully protected by such an ideology, will trade places with his victim, and in the present, it will be remembered the opposite to how it actually occurred in the past with the application of the methods I've just revealed and described. Even if the real victim has long since forgiven the bully.

So the idea is that a person's role in their own past can be taken from them if enough people keep it as their own secret, while the person whose past it is doesn't keep it secret. As long as it remains a secret with those who are rewriting the past, the causality of whatever the original outcome was, remains up in the air, and is determined in the present rather than the factual truth of the past when the participants of the past reveal through their present behaviour, their consistency with the past, hence determining the past in the present, rather than vice versa.

If the bully has gone on to become a quiet and peaceful person, while the bully's friends have tormented the real victim from the past, to the point that they've become mean and beligerent of personality, then the past can be rewritten based upon this idea of their present behaviour, because a bunch of people kept the truth a secret, and altered the impression of who was who by altering the behaviour of those people in the present so that their roles were reversed from, and more consistent with the past. 

Schrodinger's Cat

Like Schrodinger having created a thought experiment where a cat lived in a box, with a trap set to trigger upon the decay of a radioactive isotope, dependent largely upon the isotope's half-life value. As these intervals are arrived at more and more over time, the probability that the trap will be triggered becomes higher and higher, however nobody knows whether the cat is alive or dead until the box is opened, hence is the cat's fate determined in the past at the moment of the trap's triggering, or is it determined when the box is opened, at which point the cat's fate is written backwards in time to be consistent with the correct outcome in the past.

Past And Present Remain: How They're Used Reveals The True Malice

This seems to be the means by which abusive ideologies erase or take the life and history from one person and attribute it to another, using the same or similar methods I've described.

This is one of the reasons why I hold Asian culture in esteem, because when they discovered gunpowder, they didn't use it to make weapons. They used it to make fireworks, to power the stories of their heroes and to create visual art that their gods could see and appreciate about humanity and its ingenuity and propensity for wonder.

Its a disappointment that somebody had to take Hermetic principles, and early work in Quantum Physics (both having arrived in print around the same time as prohibition and the labour movement, in Chicago in 1911), and combine the two into a weapon to socially erase people, and to steal their history or past from them, or even to switch identities.

The real lesson lies herein:

One group of people take a knife and use it to cut their bread into bite sized chunks easily edible. 

Another group of people take that same knife and use it to kill and take the bread from those people.

Its not the tool that is the problem. Its how its used by the one who wields it.

Look forward to more Night Boat chapters soon...

Brian Joseph Johns
CEO, Writer and Artist
Shhhh! Digital Media

Truth should always be the reward for either friendship or treachery and in all honesty, you have to love truth.

This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.