Identity And My Devices...

Butterfly Dragon confronts the dragon Weltherwithsp
on the wing of an airliner... (click for YouTube)

I'm very fortunate to have two computers. The one that I work with most of the time which is an AMD  Ryzen based system that I custom built, and certainly my favourite of the two. The other is an older Intel i5 based laptop manufactured by Dell. Its pretty good given its age and once I tweaked it, its running Windows 11 pretty good.

I used to run World Community Grid on the laptop pretty much 24/7, but recently had some problems with the system overheating and decided to stop running World Community Grid altogether on the laptop.

I continued for about a week, running World Community Grid on my AMD based system, before I noticed that BOINC had stopped connecting to the internet altogether, as if someone had remotely altered it (I do also have trouble with hackers quite often). So I recently stopped running that as well, and this all seems to be an effort by the same cult trying to force me to the "blue" side, which I'm not a part of in terms of their cult ideology, as they define the colour blue as a meaning its alright to steal other people's identities. I'm not a part of that and never will be and I'll keep doing everything I can to expose it.

After a little local investigation, I pieced together that the local identity theft cult (who are organized crime by the way), were spying on my computers, and going around telling other people in the community that it was their friends' computer, ie this organized criminal gang rebroadcasts the output from my computer to other people, and they compete to steal the credit for it from me, without me having known. From what I can tell, there seems to be a lot of collusion towards these ends, possibly even from my internet service provider and possibly my phone service provider, some youtube admins, and my neighbours.

Basically from what I understand, the members of this cult collectively spy on all my connected devices and basically steal any activity that comes from any of them, and try to make them seem like they're each coming from a different person, while transferring the worst of their activities onto my person, and then going around telling everyone that its them producing my content. There's a few people involved, but most are my neighbours and others are people they know that work for my internet service provider, my phone provider, some youtube admins and others who they coerce into this effort to steal my work and identity.

So far the evidence looks like tampering in the case of why I can no longer run World Community Grid, as much so as they seemed to tamper with my IP Phone udp or tcp port so I couldn't make calls on one computer, but could make calls from the computer and both have the exact same firewall setup. This is the kind of thing that organized crime of this nature does by the way, and how they collude to work together to isolate and steal from people.

I certainly don't use my devices for any illicit activity, but I do occasionally use my phone to check out Southeast Asian erotic content, and that's about it, and I really see nothing wrong with that at all. There is a person in the building (named Trent, though he's certainly not the basis for the character Trent in my books and stories), who is and has tried numerous times to pass his identity off as mine, and others in the community who try to transfer his identity to replace mine. However, I can say that I am not that person. Other persons to whom this cult give the credit for my work are a guy named Shane (not Shayne) and someone else named Debbie, neither of whom have anything to do with my work. As well, to a person named Rob, again, who has nothing to do with Shhhh! Digital Media at all.

From what I can tell about this cult, they try to make the time around your birthday very hellish. They try to make you suffer a lot and also try to make birthdays very traumatizing, and this seems to be very consistent among all of the members of their cult. We're very close to my birthday (within ten days), so they're trying to make this time very painful. Hence why I stay away from members of this cult and will have nothing to do with them.

Insofar as my lifestyle is concerned, I don't use, buy or sell narcotics at all (but I support harm reduction), and I don't smoke, though I do occasionally pickle my liver with a drink or two, wine mostly and vodka coolers. I've never hired a prostitute in my life either, though as I've said many times, I'd never tell a woman what she can and can't do with her own body.

Also, as I've stated, I'm an Atheist that leans toward Buddhism and Taoism, though I'm far from devout, and my love interest is Southeast Asian and she is a woman. I support LGBTQ2 rights, however I still maintain that I'm heterosexual, and I am not being remotely controlled by someone from their circle and never was, or by anyone else for that matter.

Identity theft and harassment by this abusive cult are the key reasons I've cut down significantly on producing content and I'm currently up in the air about where I'm going to go in the future with all of this.

I just wanted to let you know in case there was any confusion recently.

I'll be back again this week sometime after I've recovered with some new content (mostly of the visual form).

I'm Canadian. I live in Canada. No blue team for me, especially where it means identity thieving or swapping, or having your expression mean the diametrical opposite of what you expressed. I'm very much red.

Until then, keep well and I'll see you soon! :-)

3D Modeling and Scene Layout: Amy WongWendy PuseyGhastlyBirdman, Brian Joseph Johns, Daz3D ( and (for the animation)

I am Brian Joseph Johns and this is Shhhh! Digital Media at or in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701.