No Updates For A Few Days...

Warning: In this post I will be discussing things of an mature nature, so be forewarned. I should also state that I am not a Jehovah's Witness, or a member of any ideology that uses the symbolism of the colour blue to represent that everything is reversed to its exact opposite. Ie that hate means love or that up means down or something of that nature. So, everything I'm stating here is intended exactly as I am expressing it, and not as the opposite.

Well, its been a while. I've been busy with my courses on Udemy, hence why I haven't written anything recently, though I did post some activity to my watch party channel yesterday. Regardless, I haven't written anything new for about a week as I've been so busy with other things.

Today, I had an appointment with my social worker (I collect assistance to help me survive through the mosts difficult times when income from my company, meaning Shhhh! Digital Media. doesn't come through). Its difficult running this site and writing everything and preparing the artwork and basically making sure that there's some growth every week, so that's one of the hardships I deal with in order to make sure that this keeps on keeping on.

In the community where I reside, Regent Park in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, there's a sort of organized crime circle of people who stalk others and steal their daily output from them, using harassment and colour sybolism and a whole host of other methods as well that are very difficult to describe let alone detect.

Unfortunately, these, are people who also attempt to find ways to steal aspects of your life history from you, the good of you or notable events from your life, which they take from you and wear as their own from that point forward, sometimes as payment for keeping something about you secret. A sort of criminal extortion ring.

I Have To Survive

So, while I was in the office to meet with my worker (a meeting which was supposed to occur by phone I later found out while there), I was harass/attacked by several members of this stalking crew, likely whose goal it was to provoke a reaction that would make it appear like I use narcotics (which I don't use narcotics at all) or that I'm mentally ill (again, I'm not mentally ill either), but I would never stigmatize others about things of that nature. As well, to make my reaction appear to be intolerant of people with issues involving substance abuse or mental illness. In other words, to make me the hate side of a love/hate see-saw. Most of this I suspect occurred simply because I chose to wear a blue button down shirt today, and because I have green eyes. I'm 6 feet tall, about 175 lbs, and my photograph is at the bottom of every post here at Shhhh! Digital Media.

Harassment Cults, Biomagnetism And Anxiety

One thing I've discussed before is that the membership of this stalking cult use biomagnetism to affect people's hormone levels, hence their moods and susceptibility to anxiety. Basically what that means is that they've practiced affecting other people's hormone production via their nervous system by practising amplifying the electro-magnetic field of their nervous system, so as to affect other people's bodies at a distance. When this is happening, a person will feel tingling sensations in parts of their body, and very quickly, will feel an accompanying alteration in their mood, most often being pushed close to the brink of anxiety. At around the same time, people will begin to verbally harass you or verbally accuse you of things that have nothing to do with your life. This will continue as they attempt to escalate your behaviour further and further into mania. This effort is a collective effort conducted mostly by organized crime. That is, the people who become involved in it are essentially a form of organized crime.

So, after leaving the Government office where I was supposed to meet with my worker, there were a number of these stalkers on my way home, who of course assisted the one who began the process of harasssing me at the Government office. That's part of the attempt to provoke their target into anxiety or social rants, which often end up getting the target labeled in a compromising and career destroying fashion. This is how modern non-traditional organized crime and corruption attack the people they're trying to harm or destroy. By provoking them into reactions that severely damage their reputation and eventually lead to permanent institutionalization.

How Culture Can Become An Aspect

Further, when this cult attempts such attacks, they often use people of a visible culture different from that of their target, who all torment and harass that person in a coordinated effort to provoke a harsh reaction which could potentially get the target labeled as a racist, or even facing a tribunal for spreading hate speech.

In the case of how I've chosen to deal with this, by posting directly to my website and deal with it directly, the same stalking cult will claim that I'm being remotely controlled by members of a culture, and that I'm speaking up as one of them, rather than as a result of what I'm experiencing. In such a case, if enough people believe their claims that I'm being remotely controlled by such people, then what I write here will benefit them, not me. This is how their scam works and this from what I've been able to gather, is something they planned, knowing about my appointment in advance. In other words, they knew that I would be going out for this meeting, and they timed their effort accordingly as part of a clandestine plan.

My Sexual Life

In addition, they attempted to stick something to me of a sexual nature, involving fellatio with a member of my same sex (I'm a guy), despite the fact that I'm heterosexual and have never had any  sexual involvement with anyone of the same sex, nor have I ever hired a prostitute (female or male) for those or any other such purposes, and I am certainly not fixated or obsessed with fellatio. Sexuality is and can be very fun with a consenting partner, but I'm not obsessed with any one aspect of things of that nature, not to mention its of a very personal nature and people that dig into your love life to that extreme are scumbags of the lowest order. Apparently, things of this nature are what the members of this cult who are "Freemason counterfeiters" do on a regular basis to others as part of their scam, much to the chagrin or real Freemasons.

Being single mostly as a result of the activities of this cult, but certainly not an incel, I enjoy adult content that I find enticing, and that is my business alone, and my love interest is Southeast Asian as I stated, but that isn't their burden to carry and I am working on dealing with the kind of people who make things of a private nature a burden for others. It will involve the law, seeing as most of the people who invade privacy to such a degree are generally local organized crime. Probably using illegal surveillance to protect their narcotics distribution and sex trafficking  rings locally.

I support LGBTQ2 rights, so being subjected to this sort of thing is actually very disenheartening considering the fact that I've gone to bat for that community many times. Further, the membership of this stalking cult seem fixated on giving people the impression that I have a fetish for members of the African or Caribbean community, which absolutely is not the case at all and never has been. My own love interest is Southeast Asian (but not Filipino with all due respect to that industrious and hard working community). My love interest is not transgender either with all due respect to their community as well.

Basically, the members of this cult operate in a way that if you're not currently actively doing whatever it was you did in your past that was notable, that you lose it all to someone else who is currently actively doing that thing. So your activities and life history just goes to feed someone else's life, and the members of this stalking cult keep you trapped in your residence so that you can't take part in society at all to keep the things from your own history by doing things to make sure you retain them. Truthfully though, all of this nonsense is a social illusion, but its one their cult enforces, because they'll take your history and identity from you and give it to someone else, while replacing yours with someone else's and quite often, one that's not that flattering.

All the while I typed this post, the members of this harassment cult my Regent Park, the ones nearest to me, my neighbours especially, harassed me, so I was pretty upset about this and I really think there should be a formal investigation into this sort of activity.

I was pretty upset about it altogether, and the harassment certainly made it worse, as if they were trying purposely to escalate my behaviour towards radicalization. These activities are quite frequently occurring not only in Regent Park, but in most large cities, and in a very organized manner.

Finally, the very same members of this harassment cult were trying to make me carry the weight for a man named Chuck, who is currently in prison, and this is someone that has absolutely nothing as far as I know, to do with my life, but apparently is associated with a person named Karen who lives in the same building as my residence, despite my having nothing to do with either of them. Its not like I'm a member of any criminal gang, though from what I can tell, this harassment cult might be going under the idea of guilt by association, though in all truth I don't have any association of that nature of which I'm aware.

Again, a harassment group trying to force me to carry the weight for their criminal actions, and then making that weight purposefully heavy to the point that I shift over to the extreme lawful side. The harassment cult often attempts to polarize people in this manner, to one extreme or the other and seek to profit by it because the members of this cult take things from other people using the colour symbolism of the shades black and white. White meaning that you're "open", and that any information you were carrying about others is leaking into the public's knowledge, while those symbolized by the colour black are catching it all and keeping it as a form of power. The power of keeping other people's secrets for them. However, sometimes this cult polarity reverses that dichotomy, so black would mean white, while white would mean black. The harassment cult often attempt to force their targets to a specific meaning for colour symbolism that allows them to rip that person off for everything good, while dumping everything bad onto that person and then making it purposely heavy for them.

All of that from a simple meeting I was supposed to have today, that apparently turned into a plan by an abusive cult to hurt my reputation and destroy Shhhh! Digital Media or outright steal it from me. Its unfortunate when that's the majority of what you experience in the community that you live, and this is a group that have been attempting to steal everything from me, including attempt to erase me as well.

When something like that happens, I tend to hold off on writing anything creative and that's probably what I'm going to do in this situation, despite the fact that I have some really good ideas for both Halloween and the upcoming holiday season, despite the fact that I'm not a member of Christianity at all, but am an Atheist that leans toward Buddhism and Taoism. I am not a Mormon (I think Ziontologist is the new catch phrase Mormons are using) and not an African or Caribbean Zionist with all due respect.

Groups that harass and stalk people almost always remember things the opposite to the way they occurred. So if they were harassing their victim, they will remember it the other way around, and they benefit from the power of collective, unfortunately, meaning there's more of them than their victim, who is quite often alone. They basically gang up on and harass a single person upon whom they attempt to dump all of their hate and their burden.

I don't believe in the cross either at all, so I'm certainly not going to carry it for anyone and I'd prefer if nobody did so for me. Too much corruption involved in that idea, but I still believe in everyone's right to believe as they choose, but those rights include mine as well.

So, I'll just hang onto my own past, including Tony Willis and others from Ferretina, whom I hope are all faring better than am I. As I stated, members of this cult essentially treat me like a piñata, abusing me to the point that I drop everything, which they then take and wear as their own. My identity has been stolen a few times already by this cult. That's the motive behind most organized harassment and stalking. I guess the worst part about this cult is that with what they replace from what they take of my history, other people will get the wrong impression about me, because they're getting an impression about the lives of other people, rather than my own life or efforts. This is how the members of this cult destroy people or how they pit two people with similar interests against each other, giving the winner all of the credit for the good interests they share and the loser the bad stuff. Sort of a Nazi/Gnostic dualistic social competition that is very hidden in the fabric of society.

Essentially they're trying to make their victims appear anti-social or selfish by creating situations that isolate them, and then harassing them in order to keep them isolated in their living space or where ever they happen to reside, so that they can't be seen taking part in life. The members of this cult steal from people who aren't visibly in the community, and they do this by spying on their computers and cellular phones and separating their identity from their activities.

They're trying to take aspects of your life, and replace what they take from you, with their garbage, often using your secrets as a means of extortion, hence the motive behind the spate of illegal surveillance conducted by members of the community as well that is certainly not limited to computer surveillance. Most of it originates from local gangs and those involved in the underground black and gray markets locally. Where I live, the problem is rampant right now, especially the stalking part. Its impossible to build a life, but your struggles are often attributed to someone else's life, meaning they benefit someone else, rather than being regarded as your own. Hence, you never end up with the help that you truly need. Its always fuelling someone else's prosperity at your expense and that viewpoint isn't a negative perspective at all. Its just truth, unfortunately.

Basically, they create illusions that give other people the impression that everything that you accomplish or create originates from other people, and the membership of this cult actually steals it from you based upon this idea. Their entire ideology is based upon taking aspects of other people's lives by isolating them and taking whatever they produce. They're essentially organized crime and a large scale criminal racket. Possibly, the worst in history.

Their motive for harassing me so much between 1998 and now is because they're trying very hard to make it seem like I am not the same person I was before 1998, because I was very quiet and peaceful. The idea is that if you seem to contradict your own behaviour from the past, then you have become someone entirely different from yourself. That's basically the premise that this cult goes on to justify stealing your history from you, and eventually, everything you accomplish. They definitely go out of their way to harass you to push you towards negativity or to make you the hate side of a love hate see-saw as I stated earlier.

They also harassed me in order to have me be the hate side, because I posted something supporting the environment on facebook this morning that I received from the David Suzuki Foundation. So I think that this cult's motives were somewhat based around that and the fact that I run software that helps researchers fight Cancer on both of my computers, one being AMD based (red) and the other, a laptop, being Intel based (blue). The cult members basically tell everyone that my laptop is theirs and that its them doing the work for Cancer research.

So, I won't be writing anything new for some time and not because I'm incapable, because I'm perfectly capable of doing so. This cult enforce the idea that your abilities, especially creative ones, originate from other people, so as soon as you do anything creative or constructive, they steal it from you and give it to the credit of others, assuming that it originated from someone else. I can still write but I'm choosing not to because of what happened today. I'm disgusted by my community as well. What an evil cult of scumbags that would do something so putrid at this, and hate isn't love. No matter what colour I'm wearing, I say what I mean and mean what I say.

To those of you who didn't take part in today's attack and who read my stories here, I'll try to get something up soon, but I'm definitely going to stop writing for three or four days, maybe more. I'll use the time productively for other things. I will make it up to those who didn't take part in the most recent harassment attack upon my person.

Finally, I don't use, buy or sell narcotics at all. I do drink alcohol occasionally, but certainly there was no consumption involved today and I've never had issues involving such consumption. I am not a member of any group that requires adherence to a strict set of ideals regarding consumption or any form, and certainly never will be.

By the way, the Butterfly Dragon ISN'T blue and never will be, but certainly science and business are a big part of Butterfly Dragon.

Finally, nobody is controlling me at all whatsoever, except me. That includes everything I say and everything I write and everything I do.

I've never been incarcerated in jail or prison. I have a male cat:

In order for this cult to keep you as part of their religion, they'll make every attempt to replace your identity with someone who is a member of their religion. I'm an Atheist who leans toward Buddhism and Taoism and I'm not a guitar player and I'm neither a Mormon or a Jehovah's Witness with all due respect, and never have been.

I'm not a member of any religion or ideology that switches identities around between people.

I'm the writer of everything on Shhhh! Digital Media, and there is no other writer. There are other people claiming to be the writer, but they aren't. The writer isn't Guyanese and doesn't have the name Bobby or Bob. The writer isn't transgender (with all due respect to the LGBTQ2 community) or a member of any outlaw gang. The writer isn't named Trent either nor does anyone named Trent have anything to do with Shhhh! Digital Media. Likely, the motive behind all of this is to give people the impression that Shhhh! Digital is run by someone other than myself, or to give people the impression that I'm being remotely controlled into making the content that I create, likely because I enjoy Japanese erotic content myself, and so this cult want people to believe that its someone else, not myself.

This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.