Latest Chapters... March 7, 2023
- The Hall Of Tomes
- No Nelson, Half Nelson, Full Nelson
Why Legendary?
Dungeons and Dragons is like a school for learning the art of spontaneous creation and creative thinking. Both on a personal level and on a social level for both Dungeon Masters and Players alike who both must navigate the real world and the wonderful complexities of reality. Role playing is an impossible experience to describe. It has to be experienced to be understood and still one would fail to understand it completely. Of course, upon failing as such, its merely an opportunity to learn therefrom, to and by without the risk afforded situations in real life. For Women, Men alike.
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World Veterans Federation
The World Veterans Federation is a humanitarian organisation, a charity and a peace activist movement. The WVF maintains its consultative status with the United Nations since 1951 and was conferred the title of “Peace Messenger” in 1987.
I'd like to point out that it was the incredible Gary Sinese Foundation that brought the issue of Veteran's rights to my attention. I've always had little respect for those who'd forget the great contribution made by those who've risked life and limb to defend those values that so many of us espouse. Perhaps the true measure of one's principles are by that for which they'd risk their life.
"None can speak more eloquently for peace than those who have fought in war."
Ralph Bunche, Nobel Peace Prize 1950
The ALS Society Of BC
ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) is a progressive neuromuscular disease in which nerve cells die and leave voluntary muscles paralyzed. The ALS society provides a variety of programs to combat this disease and help those with it to survive.
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Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s mission is to enhance the lives of those affected by neuromuscular disorders by continually working to provide ongoing support and resources while relentlessly searching for a cure through well-funded research.
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The Humane Society protects the health, lives and rights of animals the world over, ensuring that they too have a voice in this world. We are interdependent upon the complex web of life this entire planet over for our mutual survival. This is a world wide charity.
The Global Foodbanking Network
Ensuring that people the world over have enough food day to day in order to survive and lead healthy lives. In this challenging day and age services like this are becoming more and more essential. This is a world wide charity.
The Edgar Allan Poe Museum
Because Barris told me to put it here. If I didn't, he said he'd walk. Geez. Stardom really gets to some people's heads. Maybe I could kill him and bury his heart beneath the floor boards! Or I could encase him in behind a brick and mortar wall, for shaming my family name of Amantillado!
The model for what may become the Encyclopedia Galactica, a complete reference and record of history, events and knowledge of humanity and its journey beyond. It is the encyclopedia of all that we know, what we surmise that we've known and will learn in the future. Yes, Wikipedia is a charitable organization of great importance. If you enjoy what I am doing here then please take the time to donate to Wikipedia. Surprisingly only 1% of Wikipedia's users donate yet the site serves pages to millions every day.
Humble Bundle
A video gaming storefront benefiting a vast variety of different Charities in the United States and United Kingdom (hopefully soon to be expanded to include other areas of the world?). By software their software bundles and choose which Charity your money benefits and how much of your money benefits that Charity. See? Gamers can do their part too.
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The Realms Of Xarn (Created with Inkarnate) |
The Lay Of The Land
It was a dark evening as the sun dipped behind the horizon throughout the mysterious lands. The moon rose above the forest canopy of the old trade road while the stars above peeked out from behind the dimming twilight one by one. The road at that length of its one great span had been abandoned for some time and one had fallen into disrepair and overgrowth. The wind gathered the dust into vortices, dispersing grains of sun dried dirt about the fields surrounding the road. The tiny pebbles of sand struck out at those foolish enough to be travelling on that night and if they could speak, perhaps they'd have urged such fools to return to the safety of their hovel.The Plains of Harthgog fell beyond the gated farming communities on the outskirts of the main city of the Canetes Lordship and its capital, administered from within the castle itself. Beyond the plains were the Forests of Rigathsha, named for the ancient protector of the wilds who'd passed on centuries earlier during the War Of The Bones and through which the old trade roads meandered.
The "Civilized" Of Xarn
The warm nights of the season of Meru were upon them, and would be as so for another three moons. Many of the farmers had in the prior moon tilled and filled their land with the crop bearing seeds they would harvest a moon and a half on. The Meru market merchants had cleaned their stalls and were preparing for another positively profitable season. The Merchant Guard Barracks had once again begun their training drills under the setting sun, boosting the confidence of many to stride beyond the Keep's walled gates. The archers were perched atop the stone walls in their garrisons giving them nearly a league's view of the land around them. The best of archers could see for a league, even with the unaided eye. It was under their ever watchful view that children were returning from their venture out into the fields surrounding the Lordship's Keep where they had chased butterflies and wallowed in the flowers of the field during the day. Their delightful ignorance of danger expressed in their games, such as touch and run or hide and seek. Such games were fitting testaments to the safety of civilization, and a mockery of the chaos beyond. Such games were also a practiced drill for developing a strong sense of self-preservation amongst the youngest.
The End Of The Road
"You missed a verse." the man with the rings said to the one whistling.
"Nonsense." the whistler stopped long enough to speak before continuing his tune.
"You did. It goes: to the wealth of the land and the wing of the feather, Magravarta made a stand and the kingdom came together... You missed that part." the man of many rings corrected the whistler.
"Well that's not how we sing it in Velshald." the whistler stopped once again only long enough to speak before continuing to whistle, though at a much quicker and aggravated tempo.
"Are we almost there yet? This load is far too much for us." the lady of golden red hair spoke.
"Yeah! And why did we have to carry this anyway? Aren't we supposed to have a mule or something?" the short haired lady spoke.
"Shhhush! Quiet! We're here. Follow my lead and you'll all live long enough to spend our reward." the whistler told them.
They'd arrived at the gates to the keep where two Gollucks stood guard. Gollucks were muscular humanoids with a trio of horns extending from their head. They were barely clever enough to wield weapons and armor, and even more so to build keeps. Yet their intellect beyond that was little if at all. They stood sneering at the group before one of them spoke.
"Shajkuck kuck nook SHrrrack!" it yelled up to the parapet.
"Kral dack shuck kuck KKuck!" another yelled down from above.
A moment later and the five travelers heard the sound of a crank and wynch turning, and the gates to the keep opened to reveal a larger more elaborately dressed Golluck, who on either side was bracketed by even larger guards. Their gauntlet covered hands rested upon the pommels of their weapons. As a group, they approached the five travelers stepping boldly out through the gate to meet them.
"You have traveled a long way for her. I knew you would when I smelled her. She smells of noble humanish blood," the Golluck worked up a large lump of phlegm in its throat, spitting it on the dirt before them.
"You waste my time with idle talk, Wark. I brought what you asked for," the whistling man spoke in a harsh tone.
"Watch your tongue! Let me have a see of it little man, or this deal will sour and you'll be our next meal," the Golluck stepped closer peering down at him forebodingly.
The largest of the travelers stepped forward matching size easily with the Golluck, one hand on the pommel of his hammer. The whistling man put his hand out to block his fellow traveler from intervening.
"Give her over to us first. Then you can have your well deserved prize," the whistling man told him keeping his ground.
"GKTarthshik! Mckack Tuk!" the Golluck yelled back to the Gollucks beyond the gate.
The gates slowly opened revealing the girl, who despite her condition and the surrouding darkness, seemed to glow with a brilliance all her own. She was as beautiful as the songs whose bardic lyrics spoke of her. The heir to the Canetes Lordship. The one who would ascend to the throne as representative of the royals and leader of many in the civilized world of Xarn. Yet here she was, prisoner and hostage to the Gollucks. One Golluck had each of her arms, restraining her by force. She struggled against the grip of the Gollucks to little end.
"Ahhkk! See. There she be. Alive as you can see. Now hand it over. Now!" the decorated Golluck demanded.
"Alright. Myrizar. Give it to them," the whistler turned and told the ringed man, nudging his shoulder slightly as if in code.
"R-really?" Myrizar confirmed.
"Yes. Really!" the whistling man asserted firmly.
"Ok..." Myrizar answered sounding as if he didn't agree with the whistling man's choice.
Time slowed to a crawl and Myrizar's hand shot forth and a small bubble flew forward from his hand. It slowly arced towards the ground and when it impacted it exploded to create a thunderclap of such proportions that the Gollucks were stunned, most clasping at their tiny ears in pain.
The whistling man drew his sword, and a moment later the Golluck he was speaking with lay on the ground with a gaping wound to his throat. By that point the larger one of the five had drawn the two handed hammer from his back with one hand, swinging it down hard upon one of the Golluck guards. The guard fell to the dirt, its helmet and skull crushed by the single blow. They continued forth leveling guard after guard in a vicious display of combat prowess like none had ever witnessed. The whistling man's skill with a sword was truly incredible and beyond mere mastery alone.
"Here we go again." said the girl with the golden red hair, her eyes rolling in sheer skepticism at their display.
"Yeah great. More loot for us to carry. Maybe they'll make the Princess there help us," the other girl spoke.
The whistling man swung his sword bringing down the last of the guards holding the Princess.
"Milady. I am Barandan at your service. I'm here to rescue you," Barandan bowed before her.
"And what am I? I stopped most of those guards you know?" Myrizar interjected.
"I'm sorry Milady. This is my page and squire Myrizar..." Barandan was cut off.
"Page? Squire? My friend merely jests Milady. I am Myrizar Silverune. At your service," Myrizar bowed throwing it on thick.
The lady with the long golden red hair put her finger in her mouth, purposely gagging herself.
"I cannot believe this. After making us carry your weight, you're trying to pickup the Princess? Disgusting!" the other rolled her eyes, concealing her envy well.
Behind the Princess a distance away a Golluck stood atop the parapet winding up with his hooked javelin. He threw it full force at the Princess who stood rooted to the ground in terror. The javelin screamed through the air as every Golluck hooked javelin did. The large hammer bearing figure reached out with one fist catching the javelin mid flight. In the same motion he then drew a small spiked disk from his belt pouch and threw it. It flew at the Golluck who'd thrown the javelin hitting it square between the eyes. The Golluck fell dead, dropping from the high wall to the ground outside of the keep with a thud.
"And I am Thendenol, Sage Of The Hammer." Thendenol offered up the javelin to her as a gift, bowing respectfully.
"I am totally not going to carry this loot anymore!" the loot carrying lady stated dropping the sack, kicking it a few times in sudden frustration and anger.
"It looks like we are victorious Milady. Your freedom has been acquired and your..." from behind the Princess there arose an army of Gollucks, which had come charging from the barracks lured forth by the noise of battle.
"...your beautiful buxom should commence in flight at once!?" Barandan panicked in fear quickly grabbing one last glance of her as he turned and started to flee.
There was a moment of disarray as the Gollucks charged at them.
Imagination And Dice
"You just rolled a natural one! You failed the morale check. That means that you're a blubbering mass of fear on the battle field and you're fleeing. Maybe it was some deep routed fear in your character that was triggered by the sight of a sizeable Golluck force. Just be thankful that you had time to yell run to your party before you did!" Trev replied.
"Is this really how every game is? What was up with making us carry all the loot? We didn't even get to use our characters." Janet asked Dane and Trev.
"Uhhhh. Its like... you know. An initiation," Dane told Janet.
"That's some initiation. Making us carry all the loot? I think you did it because we're girls." Denise came to Janet's defense.
"Look the truth is that you guys... and girls can't just start out a game like that. It's just not right." Trev told them.
"I thought my character concept was pretty good. A Sage Of The Hammer. A half-Golluck who'd learned the lore of the gavel," Mick, a tiny framed youth said, looking over his character sheet.
"So is Myrizar Silverune. A bard acrobat. Come on? Hitting them with that Sound Storm spell was priceless!" Ken put up his hand and slapped Dane's in reaction to their plan in the game.
"Look. It wasn't that the characters were bad, though it was bad of you guys making Janet and Denise carry all the loot. Come on? It was their first game. It's that you can't start out at the top. You have to begin you know... at the bottom," Trev explained.
"Why?" asked Ken.
"Because... That's the way it is. You know, like life," Trev explained.
"Nelson? Nelson? He'd never play with us. He's like a legendary games master. I played with him once. It was like the most completely awesome campaign I've ever played. Ever!" Mick said to them.
"I'm in his math class. I could ask him. You know. I could really ask him..." Janet told them, pouring on the charm, having become aware of the power members of her sex often held over men.
"I completely love women..." Mick fell to his knees, bowing in complete awe of Janet.
"You're in Nelson's math class? Could I have a piece of your shirt?" Trev said in awe grasping at her sleeve.
"You forgot to say please!" Janet punched Trev in the shoulder playfully.
"No. I'm serious. I could you know, ask him?" she said, needlessly batting her long eyelashes and puckering her lips seductively.
"You mean like a dungeon date?" Ken asked.
"As long as you promise not to make us carry loot in the next game. If you do, I'm not playing any more," Denise said drawing a big X through the inventory list on her character sheet.
"Yeah. Let us play the characters we want to be instead of giving us these pre-made ones," Janet backed up Denise in negotiation.
"We thought it would help with the learning curve. Its a long and difficult process making these characters you know?" Trev said.
"You mean that we shouldn't make our own characters simply because we're girls, right?" Denise began, catching on to Janet's negotiating.
"Slow?" Mick answered.
"Nebbish. Definitely nebbish," Ken continued.
"...Intellectually impaired too?" Trev finished, a hint of sarcasm on his face.
"Watch it. We're none of the above. Let us borrow the player manual until next game. You guys already know it by heart. Start treating us fairly and we'll get Nelson as the games master for a whole campaign as a reward," Janet said extending her hand in preparation for a bet.
"An entire campaign with Nelson?" Mick said falling over in his chair.
Trev looked at the group who all approved. He then took Janet's hand and shook.
"You mean that I'll finally get to play as a character? It's a deal! Totally!" Trev shook her hand firmly.
"That would mean you'd be a part of our party, Trev," Ken reminded his friend.
"That's going to be awesome!" Trev said very excitedly once again giving Ken a high five.
"It certainly is. I'll be able to get you back for some pretty nasty things you did as games master..." Mick responded in sarcasm.
"I don't know, I'd like to see Trev as a member of our party," Denise added, trying to keep her interest in Trev, incognito.
"Thanks Denise." Trev smiled back at her uneasily unsure of how to approach the situation and his own feelings versus his lack of experience.
He may have been a great games master, but he'd still had much to learn of life. More so on how to feel comfortable being himself around members of the opposite sex. Especially one that he liked.
There was a moment of awkward silence between the early teens in the room as the one true struggle of adolescence suddenly became familiar.
"Alright. Consider this another chance. We'll finish this chapter tonight. If we get Nelson as games master, we'll can this campaign and start fresh in his world. Let's take another shot at that morale die roll," Trev offered the gamers a compromise which they quickly accepted.
Dane picked up the twenty sided die he'd cast only moments before, attempting once again to beat the odds and keep his cool in the midst of the Golluck onslaught. He shook the twenty-sided die in his closed hand and then threw it at the table.
The die spun and tumbled for what seemed an eternity.
"...Run!!? We're hopelessly outnumbered!!!" he cried pushing the Princess out of his way to escape.
The two ladies had dropped their loaded sacks and had made a head start down the road. Barandan who'd been sprinting like a world class athlete to escape the Gollucks tripped over one of the sacks, tumbling to a stop on the ground. Thendenol himself running, paused long enough to pick up Barandan in his arms and throw him over his shoulder lick a sack of potatoes.
Myrizar checked his six to see that the Gollucks had already re-captured the Princess and were still in pursuit of them.
"By the cold of Frald, they're going to catch us for sure!" he yelled to Thendenol.
The girl with the red hair pulled a flask from her belt pouch and threw it towards the Gollucks.
An elixir of slippery oil exploded from the flask covering a large area behind them as they fled. As the Gollucks stepped onto it, they slid and fell to the ground, covered from head to toe in the gooey and oily mass.
"Denise? Care to add to that?" asked the girl with the long red hair.
"I certainly do Janet." the shorter girl replied, pulling a bow and arrow from her back.
She armed the bow and drew back with all of her might as the red haired girl lit the tip of the arrow ablaze with a flint box. She fired the arrow which flew threw the air arcing perfectly into the oily goo. It exploded ablaze, spreading the substance and fire for tens of yards around their pursuers. The Gollucks had been abruptly halted in their pursuit as the their party continued to flee into the protection of distance.
A few hours later, exhausted and weary, the five of them walked casually into the Canetes Lordship Keep after the guards let them pass. They were led by two ladies, the one of long red hair and the other with the shorter dark hair and a bright smile. Behind them Thendenol, Myrizar and Barandan carried the sacks of loot which they'd retrieved amidst the calamity caused by the girls.
"'Twas a good idea to redistribute the goods as you did! It made for a much more hasty getaway, though seeing as we did haul the burden for the remainder of the trip does it not make sense that the distribution should remain as it currently is?" Myrizar slyly suggested looking to Barandan and Thendenol for approval.
Thendenol smirked, taking a moment to do the math in his head. Janet's eyes momentarily caught those of Barandan who had been observing her a little more closely than she'd have liked. Much to Barandan's relief, Thendenol began counting aloud as he struggled with the math.
"fide... nex... ein... stal..." Thendenol counted aloud.
"Worry not my astute friend for the haul is good though we should pay the wenches a fair share for their effort... and timeliness..." Barandan interjected Thendenol's attempts to count.
"I suspected as much. Perhaps you are right Barandan, assuming that you aren't trying to trick us all for other reasons?" Thendenol responded noticing Barandan's sudden distance from his loyal friends.
"You're dividing the plunder without our input? And what's with you calling us wenches? Did we once call you mites?" Janet responded,
"Who did you call a mite? Explain yourself or retract what you said and hold your tongue or lose your tongue entirely!" Myrizar demanded.
"Ahhh! So amongst you it is courageous to refer to the women kind as wenches but when we turn the blade and call you mites, it's a crime? And how did you plan to exploit that ploy? To benefit your tally of the treasure?" Denise stepped up in Janet's defense.
"Tally? I haven't even counted it..." Thendenol became defensive.
"WAIT!" Barandan interrupted before Thendenol had a chance to continue his count.
"Perhaps we should measure its value first before an appraiser. Then we shall divide the loot between us all." Denise spoke confidently.
"You'd make a great Tyral Magi, fair Denise..." Barandan tried appealing directly to the women.
"I am already a Tyral Magi you imbecile. You are obviously more so attuned to the anatomy of my friend?" Denise confronted Barandan directly.
Thendandol and Myrizar turned their immediate glare to Barandan.
"What?!" Barandan queried his male counterparts.
"Are you trying to say that your cries of: the men as sung will be as one! were nothing but a ploy to rally us behind you?" Myrizar demanded of Barandan.
"No, you buffoon. We are much different than the bard's song to which you refer, and speaking for us should be my quill upon the parch, Should it not?" Barandan threw all of his magnetism behind the delivery of his speech.
Myrizar and Thendenol turned and discussed the matter amongst themselves clearly moved by Barandan's words.
"If do you so speak for us, then defend us mites. I mean men!" Myrizar stood confidently.
"This isn't about us women versus you men." Denise challenged them.
"Then what is it about?" Myrizar queried.
"It is about us all, each and every one of us, women and men." Barandan eloquated.
Myrizar looked to Thendenol who looked back.
"Mmmm. Sounds pretty good to me..." Thendenol agreed.
"Great! We've surpassed the strife. Now let us get to the treasure?" Myrizar suggested.
"Appraisal it is!" Denise absolved of the group.
"Done!" Janet agreed.
Myrizar and Thendenol looked to Barandan perhaps hoping he'd protect their interests. Barandan shrugged as if to say: negotiations are ongoing.
By the time Barandan had synthesized an answer they'd agreed upon, Denise and Janet had already entered into the appraisers shop.
"I think that we're about to miss out on our share of the loot?" Myrizar observed.
An ominous voice suddenly boomed from the sky above them...
"Mick! It's dinner time!" Mick's mother called from up the stairs of their basement.
"Guys, and Girls. I have to go eat." Mick announced handing Thendenol's character sheet to Ken, who had been playing Myrizar.
"Maybe we should call it a night?" asked Ken.
"It's Mick's place. Ask him." Dane suggested.
"Its kind of late. I don't know if I like this. I mean we just carried your treasure for the whole afternoon and then after we rescued you, you're trying to take away our credit for that part of the adventure. I don't know if I like this game," Janet announced flashing a gaze to Dane.
Dane looked to his character sheet momentarily and then back to Janet.
"Look, I'm sorry. I think that you'll really like this game. A lot. You just have to give it a bit. I mean, its rough at first. I know. These guys made me carry everything too in the beginning. You have to believe me, Janet. Give it one more chance. If you don't like it, then we'll understand," Dane stuck by her side as he urged her to stay.
Janet blushed slightly though she held her distance deep in thought about whether she'd wanted another night of role play.
"Alright Trev. When are we playing next? We'll give it one more shot." Janet agreed.
"Wait! I haven't agreed!" Denise looked shrewdly at Janet.
Janet crossed her arms waiting for Denise's decision.
"OK. I Agree. As long as it doesn't interfere with my homework," Denise nodded in support of her friend.
"Great. Its settled. Why don't we meet in the library at school and discuss how to develop characters? Let them in on the game?" Ken suggested.
"Great idea! What do you say? Maybe we could meet tomorrow? I mean its Monday. What else is going on after school?" Dane suggested urging Janet to his side.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Denise responded packing her character sheets up in her backpack.
Denise hesitantly accompanied Janet who'd already made it up the stairs and towards the front door.
"Who knows? If I pass my test tomorrow, we might be able to drive here," Denise added as she adorned the sneakers which she'd left hewn by the front door.
"You're doing your driving test?" Dane asked as he donned his runners.
"Tomorrow. At 3PM sharp. If I do it, I get a big insurance discount. Not to mention that I get the exclusive use of the family utility van. No questions asked. I think that would be pretty good for role playing parties, don't you think?" Denise posed purposely trying to incite her friends.
"You have completely awesome parents!" Dane adjusted his shoes and stood.
"Yeah, they're pretty cool but my parents just remember being kids once themselves..." Denise responded.
"My parents would never lend us the family car," Ken replied.
"Maybe they're too scared that you'd turn out like them?" Dane suggested.
"They'd love that. They're rich. They love money," Ken replied.
"I take it you don't?" Denise asked Ken.
Ken turned away from Denise unable to answer. Perhaps as a result of his own lack of confidence but more so as a result of his imagination. How he'd imagined his father would respond to such a question. Money rocks. Poverty balks. He's then continue with speech about how his dedication and work (meaning family inheritance) kept a roof over their heads and that he should start appreciating it more than he did.
Ken turned away unable to answer Denise with a response, his mind still pondering how his father would deal with it. His sense of self worth did not include money, but that didn't alleviate him of the feeling that by as much that he was somehow letting his parents down.
"Let's just stick to the game, ok?" Ken replied as he finished lacing his shoes.
It would be, to all of them, the adventure of a lifetime. An adventure of legendary proportions, for they were, or rather, would become The Legendary Of Xarn.
Late Dinner
A Tale Of Two Women
Morning At The Market
Pre-Game Preparation
In The Rafters
Arena Of Champions
The Hall Of Tomes
No Nelson, Half Nelson, Full Nelson
Tools: Daz3D, Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Lightwave 3D, Blender, Borderline Obsession...
All books and stories here written here on Shhhh! Digital Media are written by Brian Joseph Johns, though I do suggest you read the work of my childhood friend, published author Robert Tozer (or here on Amazon), especially if you enjoy the Zombie genre. He certainly developed one of the most interesting and refreshing takes on it, perhaps even revitalizing it in the absence of a consolidating force like George A. Romero.
The song When I'm With You by the band Sheriff was written by: Sebastien Lefebvre, Pierre Bouvier, Arnold Lanni, Charles Comeau, Jean Stinco and released in 1982. ℗ 1982, 1992 Capitol Records, LLC. All rights reserved.
Special thanks to Humble Bundle and their August 2019 Deep Learning Bundle, which proved to be an immense research tool for the writing of The Butterfly Dragon III: The Two Dragons and A Lady's Prerogative III: Singularity.
Humble Bundle are a software and eBook book retailer from which a portion of their proceeds are used to raise money for charitable causes that you as a customer can customize when making a purchase, to benefit charities of your choice. Shhhh! Digital Media has been a customer and proud supporter of Humble Bundle since 2012.
Special thanks to World Community Grid, a distributed computing program whereby idle time on a vast population of end-user computers can be repurposed to contribute to a variety of scientific research programs on the forefront of the sciences. World Community Grid's distributed network (which is based upon's own BOINC software) contributes immense research resources to everything from the Large Hadron Collider, to world efforts in the battle against pandemics to create effective cures against modern virii, including COV-19 and its variations.
Join World Community Grid now, and contribute to global scientific research benefiting everything from Astronomy, Mathematics and Medicine to Global Environmental Data Research.
Shhhh! Digital Media has been a proud contributor to World Community Grid and BOINC since 2012, even hosting its own Tynan And Associates research team since 2014.
A very special heart-felt thanks to Everett at SKH!
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