Produced at Shhhh! Digital Media
200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Shhhh! Digital Media - Home of Butterfly Dragon, Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative, The Two Dragons, The Two Butterflies, We Who Stand On Guard, Night Boat, The Legendary of Xarn - All born in the early 1980s, but not published until May of 2012, when Shhhh! Digital Media was born. Shhhh! Digital Media Headquarters: 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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This image was put together back in 2015, and when I look at it, I cringe... |
Hi again. Brian Joseph Johns here.
You might be wondering where are all of the updates? There's three, maybe four major storylines in progress and we haven't received a new update or even a paragraph for almost a week and a half!
You're right. I haven't been writing recently, as I've been up to my slowly receding hairline with other projects that are all connected to what I envision eventually encompassing Shhhh! Digital Media. These projects take a fair bit of time and effort, not to mention I'm trying to catch up on the technology that I've been neglecting over the years that I've spent focusing on writing. Its a big undertaking, and so it requires a lot of attention and a lot of focus on detail.
It has been a nice break from writing, which by comparison is a relatively quick form of immediate gratification in terms of the sense of accomplishment and the readership being a big part of the reward that keeps me motivated. However, I know that the other projects are going to have a much more tangible future. Like the difference between publishing online in the format I currently do so, and publishing in another medium, such as ebook or even audio books. All of these projects require a fair bit of time and effort and so that is what I've been doing, while Yirfir, Lady Naemi Soon, Athandra, Sir Manfred, Kensai, Jeong Soon, Morton Keyser and his best friend Benjamin gather intelligence about Boudicca's plans, and while Mila, Nelony, Shaela, Xenshi, Barris, Sato and Xushu attempt to make contact with and question a certain bee keeper, who's been breeding hyper intelligent bees whose sting grants the stingee one wish.
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But some artwork might be questionably so... This old image was from 2013, shortly after I realized that Prerogative wasn't spelled Perogative. A Lady's Perogies anyone? |
Meanwhile, Heylyn has been spending more time with Warai, as they prepare to protect Heylyn's claim of motherhood over Warai. Monique and Aikiko have been bonding, and taking up the slack with the Butterfly Dragon now engaged in keeping her family (by way of Warai) protected. Katsura seems to be involving herself ever the more in the lives of original four superheroes: Butterfly Dragon, Night Style, Eclipse and Kyra, while the two dragons appear to have taken on a universal presence, as the two sides of time prepare to battle one another for the the fate of all of reality.
Stanton in the meantime is camouflaged in desert pattern, camo, half-buried in a pile of sun dried grain as he peers through a FLIR (forward looking infrared) scope, eyeing the five men assembling an ad-hoc cruise missile installation a hundred and fifty kilometers from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel, as he, Dina, Linda and Donahue come to realize that the technology of high yield weapons has come home to roost into the hands of those who understand the power of tool and parts printing and modular design. Complicating a situation which draws ever the closer to the edge of a precipice from which it has no hope of return to its former innocence.
Steadman grows weary and nervous as his last ditch plan to recover command over the Many Faced Maiden gets closer to its deadline as the Gearing Class Destroyer Refit approaches the island facility of Cora Hau.
Alomera Constanza Zekestes has become aware of his own mortality, especially so with the loss of his right hand thanks to Steadman, who taught the industrialist that at one time ran the world, that even a god has an expiry date. With his realization of this fact, he reflects upon his life and story, writing it all down in his journal, as if expecting that his time may soon be up...
Somewhere back in time, around the end of August around the year 1759, Heylyn and Alicia face the daughter of Nelony Theearin, as they seek to unravel the tyranny of a cruel justice found at the end of a thornbrush maze in the Haven of the True.
At the same time, Monique and Aikiko, a French translator and her body guard, travel with the remnants of a British Platoon, who are about to link up with General James Wolfe on the Plains Of Abraham, just outside of the fortress that Quebec City has become in the country of New France, but not before passing the similarly fortified Montreal...
Yes. All of these stories are fresh on my mind, and have occupied a protected space within since my having began this journey. Hence, they will be continued and eventually finished. A day I look forward to as much so as I look to it with the dread of not knowing what to do with the rest of my own time.
When one's purpose in life has run out, so often do they shortly thereafter.
We're looking at about two months before I get back to Night Boat, as it is one of the most exhausting to write, given the fanfare and audience it attracts. I enjoy writing it, but not enough people realize that it is a story, and that as the writer, I don't always share a lot in common with all of my characters, but I do have to step into their shoes enough so to give a convincing portrayal, and yet I always remain myself regardless.
Mila and Stanton will be the first two who are getting a sizeable update, followed by Tricia Camden and William Halmand, after which the next Butterfly Dragon story will continue, focusing on the lives of the supporting cast, primarily the intellects (Zheng Ni Wong, Doctor Briggs, Bryce Maxwell), and the support staff of West Meet East (Sienna, Fay, Ebtissam, Lisa, Trey and Dylan). Heylyn and her besties will pop in for a short cameo. Then I'll be delving into the Pleroma.
So, there you have it. I'm off to continue my work in Visual Studio, having written a quick prototype in an Object Pascal IDE taken from an old magazine cover disk (legal) copy of actual Borland Delphi 5.
Yikes, the last time I was working professionally in D5, was 2002/2003, creating a storyboard management system that could be used to power productions remotely, via satellite offices around the globe. Made good money building that, but alas not everything lasts forever.
See you soon with some more Shhhh! Digital Media fantasy and adventure!
Tools: Daz3D, Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Lightwave 3D, Blender, Stable Diffusion (Easy Diffusion distribution), InstantID, Sadtalker, Google Colaboratory, Microsoft Copilot (Windows 11), Hitfilm, Borderline Obsession...
By the way, none of the content on Shhhh! Digital Media is produced anywhere other than 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701, Toronto, Ontario, Canada and there are no other writers other than myself, Brian Joseph Johns, who write content for Shhhh! Digital Media.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment at Grange Road for 9:30 AM on Monday March 24.
Happy Birthday to Doctor David Suzuki!
Please be patient with this story as a lot of research is required and is an on going effort as I write this.
This content is produced by the artists indicated on the site, including myself, Brian Joseph Johns.
I, under no circumstance will trade, barter or otherwise swap my own identity for that of another person and I protect the same right for those who've contributed their artwork to the various projects under my management at Shhhh! Digital Media, my own company, no matter the colour symbolism involved. These rights are protected by law under the Charter Of Rights And Freedoms under section 7.
If you enjoy reading the content on this website, then please consider making a donation to one of the following charities below, or by the purchase of merchandise on our shop at
Tools: Daz3D, Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Lightwave 3D, Blender, Stable Diffusion (Easy Diffusion distribution), InstantID, Sadtalker, Google Colaboratory, Microsoft Copilot (Windows 11), Hitfilm, Borderline Obsession...
Rutherford model representation of Deuterium and Tritium: By Dirk Hünniger; Derivative work in english - Balajijagadesh.
InstantID by: Wang, Qixun and Bai, Xu and Wang, Haofan and Qin, Zekui and Chen, Anthony. Research Paper Title: InstantID - Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds.
Sadtalker by: Zhang, Wenxuan and Cun, Xiaodong and Wang, Xuan and Zhang, Yong and Shen, Xi and Guo, Yu and Shan, Ying and Wang, Fei.
Research Paper Title: SadTalker: Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation.
Gratitude: Our Mentors, Senseis, Sifus, Sebomnims, lifetime inspirations, family, friends, the Nomads (ask Stanton about that one), the Music, the Movies, the Theatre, the Arts, ASMR, (both YouTube and Bilibili and the many other creators on those platforms), the Gaming and Developer communities and of course, the audience.
Martial Arts (in the words of real experts and at least one comedian): (home of the real Dragon and an entire family of inspirations), International Wing Chun Organization (International presence of a very scalable intensity martial art, protected and developed by Shaolin Nun Ng Mui) and the alma mater of Jinn Hua's own specialized variation thereof, International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karatedo Federation (even Hanshi had his teachers), International Taekwondo Federation (Here there be Taegers), Tang Soo Do World (the path of Grandmaster Chuck Norris), International Aikido Federation (how else would Navy Chef Steven Seagal liberate a Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier from a team of hijackers?), Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute (The City Of Toronto's own Shaolin Temple), Master Ken's Ameri-Te-Do presence (If we can't laugh at ourselves, then we can at least laugh the loudest at others, and other Zen)
Sensei Rokas: Martial Arts Journey
Iaido: Train For Katana Mastery Like Samurai
Special thanks to Aitrepreneur, Mickmumpitz, Hugging Face and the YouTube educational content producers, including those catering to the AI content production pipeline and of course AlphaSignal.
Something to give you perspective: The very first teacher had no formal education, didn't graduate and was self taught, but only because they had no other choice. We do.
Very Special Thanks to our Armed Forces and Federal and Provincial Police Services, who really do Stand On Guard, especially when it comes to the Charter of Rights And Freedoms and the Human Rights Act, and often without being self righteous zealots secretly protecting religious law. True keepers of the peace.
This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.
This story is intended for a mature audience. Reader discretion is definitely advised.
"Ila... ila... ila... ila... ila.. ila." Barris' voice rang out through the air around her ears.
"Barris?" Mila suddenly arose from her drunken slumber, bent sideways against her easel.
When she was suddenly roused from her state, she began falling in the direction of her easel and down towards the floor amidst the numerous wine bottles that littered the space.
Her hair was long and unkempt, almost as much so as the hair which had grown in on her legs.
She was comfortable yet absent of her own self impression, for she'd been lost in the pursuit of the one true love of her life, and indeed lost without him.
The only true love she'd ever known and the the one who'd been taken from her.
She watched as her entire reality twisted and folded until she was on her feet again. Confident fully. Standing in front of her peers in the Midspace. In front of the Sanctum Seclorem as she stood down the threat that they'd just defeated, turning back Lorr and his siege upon their stronghold.
"...truth is it that you'd prefer is it?" Lorr's teeth gleaned with a tinge of brown, as if stained by some hideous ritual beyond tobacco.
"The truth of your defeat is enough. You are defeated Power Lord on this eve! We of the Sanctum Of The New have bested you and your plans! Alivale hath declared! Sharlesbury hath declared! Westview hath declared! The Aerth Mother Lyra hath declared. The Sanctum Of The New hath declared! Fall back and lay your terms for surrender or else fall and be held until which time you'll stand trial on our terms!" Yirfir declared against their most vile adversary.
"Is this what you truly want, Mila?" Lorr smirked first at Yirfir's words, and then looked to Mila, who suddenly understood the dark plan of the Power Lord.
He'd planned it all this way from the very beginning.
It was he who had been the Mannequins that had chased Mila through the main street of Alivale until she'd arrived at the river of cross roads.
He was the one who commanded the mannequins to destroy her before she crossed the river.
He was the one who felled Barris, and in her moment of need, it was Barris whose life he took, for Barris had fallen in their place, sparing her parents with the sacrifice of his own life.
"You remember that night, don't you?" Lorr's hideous smile glistened in the Midspace Moon as his diminished forces were challenged afore the front gates of the Sanctum Seclorem.
"No! You can't do this! We won! We faced and felled the worst of you. Fair as our souls..." Mila grasped her amulet, beginning to cry as she realized that the Power Lord had intended this from the very beginning.
"It would seem that your cry for the truth of my defeat, has undone the lie of the death of your parents!" Lorr challenged her.
"Whatever is he talking about? Your parents are... Mila? Tell me you didn't deal with this devil?!" Barris pleaded with her.
"There is no such deal at the hand of this treacherous swine! My parents are alive as is Barris!" Mila declared, the amulet suddenly growing so cold that she could no longer bear its touch in her hands.
"One or the other Mila. That was the deal you chose. To undo that which could n'yer be undone! That is the balance of the Aether. You know it as well do I!" Lorr declared.
Mila's knees buckled and she fell before Lorr, crying.
"Nooo... I can't bear it! Please, don't..." she pleaded with the Power Lord.
"You must make a choice Mila, to undo this lie. Which is it? Who shall pay with their lives? Your parents, our Barris?" Lorr pronounced.
Barris was suddenly confronted with his own mortality once again as he had been on that fateful night in Alivale.
Lorr, had bequeathed upon her the choice as to who should be allowed to live, given this travesty against the very bindings of reality: Bariis Windsor, or her parents.
Barris had known a life of loss up until the point he'd met Mila, and it was from this understanding of loss that he stepped forward to face the Power Lord:
"She chooses her parents. I choose her parents. They shall live, and I shall die, and you shall not hold her nor her parents to debt on this matter again!" Barris pronounced.
"Is this what you choose, Barris Windsor?" Lorr betrothed the heir of the unimaginable.
"Noooo! You can't Barris! You can't!" Mila screamed before the gates of the Sanctum.
"Stop him! Yirfir! Jasmer! Why can't you stop him! Please..." Mila pleaded with her allies.
"He is wielding truth Mila, and repatching a fold there within. We can sense it, and therefore the Sanctum cannot interfere... our most powerful magiks will do nye against..." Yirfir declared.
"Tis true. My heart is full of power unmeasured, and yet it is broken in this time to see this peril of my allies, my friends and peers, before me," Sir Manfred kneeled before them, leaning on his gleamingly magnificent long sword, his forehead pressed to its pommel as the guard spread across his forehead, very clearly his cross to bear.
Kensai struggled against the force that held his blade - his soul in its saya - and when he could not bring his Katana to bear upon their enemy, he bowed before Barris.
"You have the honour of a true warrior. One who fights his battles with the virtue of Ryu, perhaps not so much with sharpened blade, but with the sharpened words of your soul," Kensai looked to Barris, and then to Mishima Sato.
"It is as Kensai says, as dispicable as it might be!" Xushu hovered inverted above his sister's head, a hard smirk on his face as he spoke.
A tear slid down Xenshi's face, and as it lost purchase of her cheek it fell into her hand in the form of a diamond.
"I am already missing you Barris..." she said to him.
Sato looked around amongst his friends, until his eyes fell upon those of Barris.
Barris acknowledged Sato's gaze, realizing what he must do.
Xenshi and Xushu both fell to their knees, tears of the five elements falling from their eyes to the heaven of the earth beneath them as they both cried.
The three, Kensai, Sato and Barris all nodded to one another as their peers of the Sanctum faced the Power Lord Lorr.
When their heads rose to eye height, it was Barris who spoke.
"Then it shall be that Mila's parents will live, and I will be gone in their place..." Barris pronounced.
"Nooo! Can't we...? Can't I just... No... please don't take him... He isn't... I can't..." Mila pleaded with the Power Lord, but...
[Sarah Brightman - Dust In The Wind]
Mila's sleeping face slid along her canvas until it lost surface and she fell full force to the floor of her wine bottle littered basement studio.
There she lay upon the floor, the carpet around her slowly soaking up her tears as she cried.
The water from her eyes crept through the carpet, and eventually found the concrete beneath, seeping through even that barrier until it found the water table beneath.
From there, her pain and loss spread through, into the Aerth itself, and the sky became her pain and the ocean became her tears.
The same tears the world cries for any of us who've known such loss, for how could such a vast ocean exist without?
It is within the depth of water that can be found our deepest pain, and our darkest secrets, for water is the wine of the soul.
It was the season of festivities, and certainly that time of year for which the term SAPCHOP had first been coined by Mila. The day was at its shortest throughout the year, meaning that every day beyond would be longer than the day before. Given this fact, the day was a rather special time for those whose pursuits found them as students of the Aether, and artisans of the great weave.
Most everyone was busy with activity, either preparing for their holidays or in the case of those in the field of thaumaturgy, they were busy with study or ritual. It was a significant day and certainly one that was full of potential and power.
It was eleven in the morning in Alivale, and thousands of kilometers away in Shepperton off the Thames, it was approaching four in afternoon.
Nelony was busy decorating the house with holiday lights with a little help from the neighbourhood squirrels, while a few blocks away and Shaela was preening one of her cats with a fine toothed comb.
A short bus trip from there, and Sato was busy tending to the customers that had flocked to his store for the day. In fact, it had been one of his busiest times since opening the knick knack shop fifteen years earlier.
He'd hired two students to help him manage things, and they'd do all of the odd jobs like keeping the shop tidy and well stocked with the treasures from Sato's basement, while Sato himself dealt with the customers, entertaining them with stories about how he'd acquired the items from his inventory, and each item had its own tale.
In both Alivale (in Canada) and London (in England), despite their distance apart, tiny flakes of snow drifted gently down from the sky, sprinkling both regions in a light covering, not quite deep enough to warrant a pair of boots, nor quite shallow enough to avert the need for shoveling the walk.
The streets of Alivale were crowded with shoppers, those who were out and about buying the last of their holiday gifts, most of them already laden with those they'd purchased for their loved ones. Many of those whose stores graced the main strip had stepped out front of their shops to clear the snow for their customers, some of them already having laid salt afore the front door.
At the corner of the intersection and taking a considerable piece of the real estate, was The Hot Cup And Cards, Alivale's most popular café. There within, every table was filled and no seats empty, as were the stools and bar area as well.
The aroma of fresh coffee, hot chocolate, cinnamon and latte permeated the air, punctuated by the scent of the in-house bakery. Bread, rolls and fresh cookies lined the counters, disappearing as quickly as they were made.
At one particular table sat three women. One of whom was well known in the region for her artwork, a few of the stores in Alivale selling her work on consignment, though she didn't need the money as much as she needed to constantly be busy in the act of creation, for her name was Mila Ren Dubel.
"Size matters..." Gwendolyn, an attractive woman in her mid thirties with a long and bold head of blonde hair, laughed as she sat beside her two best friends.
Mila suddenly broke out laughing at Gwendolyn's words. Something Mila had long admired about her best friend in the Alivale region. A woman who was unafraid to speak her mind, despite the discomfort it might cause others, but most often her challenging of the status quot would lead to progress, if not healthy debate and most often, hearty laughter. She reminded Mila of Shaela, though with a much softer and less scathing edge. Shaela without the piercing cynicism.
"Honey, we're talking about the size of this man's heart, and I'll tell you, he has a big one, so says the tarot..." Natalie examined the cards spread before her, struggling to contain herself over Gwendolyn's remark.
"I bet that's what you were talking about!" Gwendolyn responded, trying desperately to catch Natalie in a playful lie.
There was a moment of silence between the three, and when none could contain it no further, they, all of three of them burst out laughing, piercing the somber silence of the coffee establishment.
"This isn't quite downtown Toronto I'll have you know, and if it was, I'd bet their language would be at least on par with our worst, so could you kindly respect my tourists?" Wendell stepped over to their table of three, in the most fashionable cafe in Alivale as those seated at other tables (at least those who were paying attention) laughed along with Gwendolyn and her friends.
"They don't call this place The Hot Cup And Cards for nothing let me remind you!" Gwendolyn responded to Wendell's remark.
"And we don't usually let just any Tarot readers operate their snag here unless they're awful special to us," Wendell reminded them.
"Well it must be quite an honour for Natalie to be accepted under your roof, because I'm certainly very eager to get my reading... ahem..." Mila looked to Natalie.
"Oh don't you worry honey. You're next," Natalie replied, as Wendell returned to the counter to begin refreshing the coffee stations.
"Well don't keep me waiting honey. What do the heavens have in store for me?" Gwendolyn pressed Natalie.
Natalie shuffled the cards as Mila's cellular phone rang on the table beside her.
"Hi sweetie!" Mila smiled as she answered the phone.
"This wouldn't happen to be the most beautiful and sexy woman alive, would it?" asked Barris as she listened, immediately blushing at his words.
"I don't know. That depends. This wouldn't happen to be the most gorgeous hunk of a man in the world, would it?" Mila played along with Barris' little game.
"How could anyone hope to answer such a question modestly? You're swelling my head... not to mention some other parts as well..." Barris responded playfully.
"Ditto, though you don't have to hide the fact that its only your ego that's swelling..." Mila replied, talking quietly to keep her conversation from Natalie's and Gwendolyn's ears.
"I heard that!" Gwendolyn remarked to Mila, not actually having heard anything at all.
"And my imagination. What are you wearing today?" Barris asked her.
"My holiday skirt, which fits me perfectly today. My red and pink blouse..." Mila began.
"...the satin one? Ohhhh I like that one. Ever so slightly transparent... it just tickles my imagination..." Barris said to her as seductively as he could muster.
"...and those tights you really like..." Mila continued.
"I might just have to leave early today... chase everyone out of the museum and meet you at our favourite place..." Barris truly let his imagination run wild.
"Where? You mean that rental cottage...? And then what will you do next...?" Mila whispered her words.
"I'd..." Barris began, though his words were suddenly cut short as the museum workplace around him disappeared and he reappeared in the middle of an old marble court.
He quickly turned around to take in his surroundings, a group of men in white togas were seated as if in a meeting, a few of them wearing wreaths on their heads.
"Barris?" Mila addressed her husband to be, but the line had gone dead.
She checked her phone for reception, and upon finding it to be alright, she then addressed her friends at the table.
"How's your phone reception? Are either of you two having any problems?" asked Mila of Gwendolyn and then Natalie.
"Mine's fine. WIFI too," Gwendolyn responded.
"Same here. Why? Did you lose him?" asked Natalie.
"He'll call back... It was getting a little hot..." Mila blushed to her friends, fanning herself with her hand.
Gwendolyn and Natalie both broke out laughing with Mila.
"If its that hot, he'll call back. What guy wouldn't..." Gwendolyn added.
"I'll call him," Mila immediately responded, dialing Barris' number but only getting his answering machine.
"One more try..." Mila waited barely ten seconds and then hit the speed dial to Barris' number once again.
"You two for crying out loud! Gag me with a shovel you're just sooo damned cute! You've been with him for almost six years and you two still behave like you only hooked up yesterday!" Gwendolyn smirked at Mila, a smile on her face contrasted her tone.
"I remember when Melvin and I first met. It was flowers every day, and romance every night... for about six months... until it all dried up at once... the fun bits at least... Ohhhh those were the days," Natalie recalled as she finished shuffling the next batch of cards for Gwendolyn's tarot spread.
"These two are like starstruck lovers! Stuck in a perpetual time loop like they're in they're still in their prime or something!" Gwendolyn said with a certainly level of disgust, though it was arguable as to whether it was more jealousy than anything.
"Wait 'til they get married. A few months in and all the best stuff will suddenly disappear in a drought, and they'll finally surrender to being like every other couple in the world. A few years beyond that, and they'll replace that nice queen sized bed of theirs for a pair of single beds on the opposite side of the room...!" Natalie started turning over cards.
"That isn't my fortune is it?" Mila asked as the phone rang on Barris' end as she waited for him to answer.
"No, Mila. It isn't your fortune. Its all of our fortunes, us poor women, when our Prince Charming finally retires to become Prince Rotund, complete with a sizeable inner-tube around his waist..." Natalie looked across the room admiringly at a younger couple, both of whom were trim and vivacious, full of passion for one another.
"Ho! Ho! Ho! I do believe my ears are ringing!" Melvin entered the café as if on cue, a large sack hoisted over his shoulders.
"Honey, we were just talking about you," Natalie said to her husband as he leaned over to lay an affectionate peck on her cheek.
"And I was just thinking about you three, and how a present for you each might change those pouty faces to a round of smiles!" Melvin lay the sack down on the floor and reached in, retrieving three gifts, one each for Gwendolyn, Mila and his wife Natalie.
"I thought those were for the kids?" asked Gwendolyn of the thirty-something year old man.
"The kids have been thoroughly serviced of their holiday gifts. They had a show earlier where you'll never guess who showed up and made sure that there were no children without presents this year..." Melvin stood poigniantly looking off into the distance, his left hand still holding the gift sack, his right hand rubbing the front of his rotund, inner-tube belly.
"...whew! I though I'd lost you..." Barris finally answered the phone.
"I guess we were disconnected. Is everything alright?" Mila asked him.
"Yes... but getting back to our earlier conversation, I couldn't help but think how spending the rest of the day at our secret place might be quite fitting given the season, and let me tell you, Mr. Ho! Ho! is ever so jolly to see you!" Barris responded, picking up where they'd left off from earlier.
Mila ran her finger seductivey up her leg to the hemline of her skirt, which just barely crested her shapely knees and her crossed legs.
"Mr. Ho! Ho! isn't the only one eager to enjoy the pleasures of the season..." Mila did her best to sound seductive, only finding herself suddenly blushing as she spoke.
"Honey. I'm so sorry that we had to delay the wedding. Its been bothering me silly thinking about it, but I didn't think that my parents would ever contact us, let alone request of us to delay the most important date of our lives..." Barris suddenly pleaded with Mila.
"Ohhhh honey. Its... done, and a summer wedding would have been my dream come true, but we can wait until the spring again, but you have to promise me that there will be no more delays or cancellations... And you also have to make sure that I'm well attended to every single day until that day arrives..." Mila continued again with the seduction, finally starting to feel comfortable enough to thoroughly enjoy herself.
"Honey, I'm just about ready to lock up here, and I'll be there to pick you up in about forty-five minues. Can Miss tinkle-berry wait until then?" Barris asked her.
"Only if Mr. Ho! Ho! can... oh wait! I almost forgot. I have an appointment shortly after Natalie here gives me my tarot reading... ahem!" Mila replied, cupping her hand over the phone to keep their conversation discrete, only raising her voice slightly when she mentioned Natalie and her tarot reading.
"Oh really? How long do you need?" Barris asked her.
"An extra forty five minutes. If you come earlier, just call me and I'll give you directions," Mila replied.
"Where to?" asked Barris.
"Its a surprise..." Mila smiled at her coy little plan.
"Alright. I'll dilly dally here for half hour before I leave, though Mr. Ho! Ho! is getting very impatient... Luv you!" Barris said to her.
"Love you too. See you soon..." Mila mimicked a kiss and then hung up, and Barris immediately began doing the rounds in the museum and preparing to locking up.
"Would you and Barris care to join us this evening for a bit of holiday cheer?" asked Melvin of Mila.
"You're welcome too if you'd like Gwendolyn," Natalie added.
"I was just going to ask you the same thing. We're having a few people over for the holidays and we expect to be enjoying ourselves late into the evening. We've got lots of space if you'd like to join us..." Mila offered.
Natalie looked over to Melvin, who nodded affirmatively.
"We could do that, but what about your friends?" Melvin asked Natalie.
"We're having company at our place, but if you have the room, we could all do the holiday cheer at your manor..." Natalie suggested.
"They're part of my club. A tarot group as it were..." Natalie added.
"I'd love to have you all over. We'll be starting at 7PM but you can show up any time thereafter," Mila said, checking her watch given her impromptu plans for romance with Barris.
"I'll call my beau and see if he's into that. I don't see why not. Besides, it would be nice to catch up some more, especially over a few bottles of that Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon you've been crafting," Gwendolyn got up from her seat.
"Thanks so much for the reading, Natalie. I guess it seems that it would be a good idea to take up Mila's offer then. You could say that it was in the cards..." Gwendolyn bid her friends farewell as she grabbed her bag of holiday shopping and made her way to the door.
"Alright Mila. Your turn... and let me tell you, this looks like your chart is going to be quite remarkable. We've got a Mercury retrograde, and a Venus rising... but who's this mysterious stranger that showing up in your chart...?" Natalie began setting up for Mila's fortune, having already retrieved her friend's astrological chart and was now shuffling the cards for her spread.
"Do I know any of you?" asked Barris of the strange men that surrounded him in what appeared to be a Republic court of some ancient architecture.
Despite its having been built hastily since their occupation of Albion, it was quite remarkable that their supply lines and reach had been capable of transporting the valuable building material from quarries as far away as the Mediterranian, along what their Empire referred to as the red way. Regardless of its having been built in haste, it housed them and suited their purposes quite well. A taste of their distant home, for all roads of their vast empire truly led to Rome.
[Barris Windsor, have you lost your mind since last we spoke? I seem to recall that we made good progress with regard to our mutual learning of each others' language.]
"Barris Windsor, ex quo ultimo locuti sumus animum perdidisti? Meminisse videor nos bene profecisse quoad mutuam alterius linguae cognitionem." Ponderosus addressed Barris from the head of the court.
Barris heard the words, even recognizing that they were likely spoken in native Latin, but having no training in the language most often taught to Doctors for a career in Medicine, he was lost as to how to respond.
"Ummm... hocus pocus...? Hello-us? Hit my knee with a rubber hammer-us?" he responded, an intense migraine headache suddenly cropping up from within the innards of his skull.
"Oh my skull! Somebody please stop it!" he wailed, holding onto the sides of his head.
He grasped at his scalp, half expecting his head to split open and let forth a burst of trapped steam, but fortunately for him no such thing happened. Instead, the pain receded as quickly as it had arrived, and he suddenly had a grasp of the words they'd only just spoken to him.
[I'm sorry, but I don't know you or even remember speaking with you, let alone do I have any idea of how I ended up here...]
"Paenitet me, sed non novi te vel etiam tecum loqui memini, nedum mihi ideam habeo quomodo hic finierim..." Barris spoke, now well versed in the Latin.
[He knows of the rising rebellion amongst the people. He's clearly withholding such knowledge from us, and until we receive the reinforcements from Caesar, we're in a desperate situation with such hidden enemies amongst our midst here in Albion...]
"Seit rebellionem in populo. A nobis plane abstinet, donec auxilia a Caesare accipimus, cum tam occultis hostibus inter nostros hic in Albione desperatus sumus." Carbus Carnum stood, pounding his fist down upon a marble table as he spoke, his Roman armour gleaming in the sunlight.
[Oh? I remember this! This was all about you guys cracking your eggs on the little end, and your enemies cracking their eggs on the big end! Little Endians and Big Endians! Wait a minute, aren't you supposed to be tiny? Like really small compared to me?]
"Oh? Hoc memini! Haec omnia de vobis guys sunt ova in parvo fine crepuisse, et hostes ova eorum in magnum finem crepuisse! Parva Endians et Big Endians! Exspecta paulisper, nonne putaris esse pusillum? Velut vere parva comparatio mihi?" Barris struggled to piece together what these men of the Roman court were trying to ascertain, only coming up with a few shreds of a book he'd once read by Jonathan Swift.
[This man is very clearly a fool! A buffoon and jester, his words are infecting us with his folly, while the rebellion is gaining in strength and support amongst the people!]
"Hic homo praeclare stultus! Scurra et ioculator, verba eius nos stultitiam inficiunt, dum rebellio in populo robur ac robur obtinet." Carbus Carnum once again offered a perspective on the basis of his military expertise.
[We don't even know who their leader is... and yet this man's name is mentioned prominently amidst the scribe's request for supplies in the form of heavy furs and iron ore! I tell you, he is working with them, perhaps as their secretive quartermaster?]
"Nescimus quidem quis eorum dux sit... et tamen hoc nomen hominis eminenter memoratur inter rogationem scribae commeatus in modum pellium gravium et ferri chalcitidis! Dico tibi, laborat cum illis fortasse secretivus eorum magister?" Carbus continued driving his point how to those present in attendance of his more serious session of Republic court.
[It is true. It seems that these supplies are of purpose only for one thing and one thing alone. They're building an army to rise against us.]
"Verum est. Ad septimum sic proceditur. Videtur quod ista suppeditatio non sit nisi ad unum et ad unum solum. Exercitum contra nos aedificant." Ponderosus backed Carbus Carnum, though slightly hesitantly, for he was not a warrior but a strategist and one of the finests of the Roman court.
One of the men of the court raised his hand.
[The court recognizes Selenus Maximus, Mathematician, Doctor and Astrologer.]
"Aula Selenum Maximum, Mathematicum, Doctorem et Astrologum agnoscit." one of the courtisans shouted at the top of his lungs.
[Stand and address your peers, Selenus Maximus.]
"Sta, et tuos alloque pares, Selene, Maxime." the man at the head of the room spoke confidently and asertively.
[There is one other possibility and we have seen that there is a foul mind, a crafty one of such wiles that they might be playing us one against the other, merely by the mention of this jester's name. Sewing the seeds of mistrust so that we call into question his words, and lose the advantage of his insight.]
"Est aliud possibilitas, et vidimus esse mentem impuram, callidam talium versutum, ut nos invicem luderent, solo nomine ioculatoris. Sutura diffidentiam, ut in dubium vocamus verba eius, et utilitatem perspiciamus." Selenus Maximus spoke suggestively, but yet with an air of humble reproach before the leadership.
[This man's words by themselves are enough to sew the seeds of any mistrust, for they are the rambling of a rampant fool...]
"Verba hominis haec sola satis sunt cuivis diffidentiae semina consuere, sunt enim stulte vagabundi." Carbus presented his statement with comedic folly and humour, rousing many of the Roman court to laugh in his support.
[And yet he has intimate knowledge of their most sacred shrine here in Albion. The Standing Stones...]
"Et tamen hic in Albione sacratissimae suae aediculae notitiam intimat. Lapides stantes..." Ponderosus reminded them of Barris importance.
[The Standing Stones are no more a dangerous weapon, than is a calendar or the sticks that Druids use to wytch the water to build their wells...]
"Lapides stantes non magis telum periculosum sunt quam calendarium aut ligna quae druidum aqua ad puteos suos faciendas utuntur." Carbus Carnum challenged Ponderosus' assumptions about Barris and the Standing Stones.
[Remember, with a calendar we are able to time the strength of our military to coincide with the wrath of nature. A formidable weapon far more in strength than even our strongest Phalanx.]
"Memento, cum fasti^ temporis vires militiae nostrae cum ira naturae congruere possimus. Telum formidabile longe viribus magis quam etiam fortissimum Phalanx." Ponderosus reminded the court why he was considered amongst the wisest of men in their ranks.
[Then lead the jester there, and if he can't utilize it to help us against our enemies, then perhaps we can sacrifice him the same way the Druids sacrifice their woodland friends in their rites?]
"Tum ioculatorem illuc duc, quo si uti non potest ut contra hostes adiuvet, num forte eodem modo ei possumus sacrificare druidibus suis silvestribus amicis suis ritibus immolare?" Carbus Carnum suggested, picking up his helmet from the table and tucking it under his arm.
[All in favour, say: aye.]
"Omnes in gratia, dicite: immo." the man at the head of the court addressed them.
There was a resounding response of aye, and their session was finished and Barris' fate had been decided.
[Uhhhhh... so how is it that Druids sacrifice their woodland friends? Just in the point of interest on my part?]
"Uhhhhh... so how is it that Druids sacrifice their woodland friends? Just in the point of interest on my part?" asked Barris as he was summarily surrounded by Carbus' own guards.
[They are prepared for immortality and to assist the heathen gods of Druids, by having their hearts cleaved from their bodies and their flesh offered on the altar.]
"Ad inmortalitatem praeparantur, diis gentilibus druidum, qui corpori adhaeserint, et in aris carnes adhaeserint." Ponderosus responded to Barris question.
[I see. Is there any way I could take a raincheck on this? Maybe come back another day? I could bribe you with this crystal...?]
"Video. Estne ulla via de hac raincheck potui accipere? Forsitan alio die redeo? Tibi hoc cristallum reddere potui...?" Barris opened his hand, and revealed a tiny gem of perfect crystalline clarity that had somehow found its way into his grasp between the museum, his conversation with Mila, and then his arrival in the Roman court.
Some seven billion lightyears away, on an unimaginably huge construct that encircled a black hole, harvesting the zero-point energy imbalance that arose from the event horizon and regular space, an alarm sounded, ringing through all hundred trillion kilometers of corridor that lined the construct, finally echoing into the offices of a large bipedal like man, whose armour was very similar to that of Carbus Carnum some seven billion lightyears away and a few hundred years breadth in time.
"Did somebody say crystal?!!!" he spoke in a language very similar to English, after which he began laughing a most sinister laughter that too echoed through the hundreds of trillions of kilometers of corridor that lined the construct, before his wife yelled at him from the bedroom at the other end, where she happened to be knitting holiday stockings for that evening.
"Could you keep it down Corpus! I'm trying to finish the last of our holiday knitting you know!" she said to him from the other room.
All at once, a tremendous build up of steam seaped out through fissures in his ears, the pressure unbelievably powerful as his anger peaked.
"'Right dear. Sorry 'bout that. I'll try to keep it down..." Corpus Corzar said quietly, as he closed the door to their bedroom and stepped out into his office and over to a holographic monitor.
"I want you to find me that source of crystal! Immediately!" Corpus pounded his fist down upon his desk.
"Honey! Could you keep it down! My soap opera is just starting..." came his wife's voice from the bedroom.
"Sorry honey..." Corpus said timidly, then turning to his second in command.
"I want you to gather every ship in our fleet! And then some! We're going on a little trip because as you know, this universe isn't for big enough for both crystals and black holes. There's only enough room for for black hole powered crystal destroying supercivilizations like us!" Corpus ordered his second in command.
"And pick me up a double double coffee if you could at the nearest Timmy's?" Corpus added.
"Very well Sir..." his second in command responded, about ready to activate his entanglement displacement device.
"Oh... and don't forget to leave the little stir stick in. I kind of like that!" their leader added.
"Right away, MADE!" his second in command responded.
"Wait a second. Did you just call me a maid?" their leader responded.
"Yes Sir. You're our Mighty And Deadly Emperor, or MADE for short," the second in command neglected to inform the Emperor that he and his men were having a laugh at the Emperor's expense.
"Ahhh. Very clever of you and somewhat convenient I'd imagine..." Corpus aka MADE responded.
"If that will be all Sir, I'll be off to Timmy's to get your coffee..." his second in command disappeared upon activation of his entanglement displacement device.
When the second in command was gone, the Emperor addressed the third in command:
"When he gets back, have him vapourized. After you get my coffee from him. Don't forget the stir stick either! From that point, you'll be promoted to my second in command," Corpus' face grew contorted as a maniacal laughter erupted from him once again.
"Oh, how wonderful Sir," the third in command spoke with a horrid sense of dread, referring to a command structure where the higher you were promoted was inversely correlated with the duration of your life.
And with that, the soon to be deceased second in command gathered the immensely vast fleet of Corpus Corzar, and upon the retrieval of his double double coffee, was summarily vapourized and replaced by the third in command, who'd already taken out a sizeable life insurance policy for himself to his family's benefit.
With his coffee in hand, Corpus and his vast armada left on the hours long trip through a network of interconnected wormholes, one of which was cleverly concealed on the far side of our sun.
Space, despite its apparent simplicity, is actually a very complex thing, hence why so many human resources over years had been spent developing the technology of storage space. As George Carlin, a noteable historian and learned scholar in the science of comedy had once explained, the only real thing that we need in life is a place to put our stuff.
Over thousands of years, as humanity accumulated more and more stuff, we gave these storage spaces ever more elaborate and creative names. Initially, there was the cubby hole, a decidedly tiny space where ancient humanity would store their rocks and pepples (primitive tools at that time), and maybe a clean pair of porcupine hide underwear or two, which were the only human invention that was shorter lived than the 8-track tape.
There was the chest, a storage space that didn't need to be stored inside, as it was its self-contained inside, which was its greatest flaw. Soon after its invention, another crafty human came along and invented the hope chest, aptly named as such as a form of optimism that went along the lines: "I hope that someone doesn't simply come along and walk away with my chest".
Naturally, many people did walk away with them, often burying these chests and hope chests with immense hidden treasures, which led to the development of the inside of doors storage, as few people were capable of walking away with a two storey home.
Hence, at the end of many beds in said homes, one would find a hope chest, though the motive for its name had been reworked to: "I hope that nobody finds my sex toys in this chest". Little did they know that most other chests that had been stolen before the invention of the house, were often filled and buried with sex toys. Information that never quite made it to encyclopedias, upon the discovery of buried pirate treasure, instead often flooding the market for second-hand sex toys, which jump started Amazon three hundred years before the invention of the internet.
Soon, our storage spaces had wheels, in the form of the boot (or trunk as they call it in the new world) and the glove box (or glove compartment in the new world), and we could literally drive our stuff around. Ironically, despite the advances in technology, storage spaces still mostly contained sex toys. Ahhhh, what a thought, seeing her in her nice red lipstick and that plaid lingerie I got her for x-mas last year... Alright, enough about sex (in this paragraph).
All of the time human beings had been busy creating places to put their stuff, another group of people had been busy tampering with the aether in trying to find ways to weave reality (in mostly bizarre ways) until they accidentally happened across a space so hidden, that it actually occupied the space between our own time and space, in another dimension. This place, they would eventually come to call: the Midspace, but only because the name Timbuktu was already taken.
Using their aether weaving skills, these early crafters managed to carve out an immense keep within the Midspace, before a very angry and disgruntled man came and took it away from them. He lived in there for a very long time, though we'll never be so sure just how long, because time doesn't pass the same way in the Midspace as it does everywhere else, in much the same way that you could leave a tuna sandwich on the counter in the Midspace, and it would theoretically never, ever go bad.
As it turns out, this was entirely because the Midspace disobeyed the second-law of thermodynamics, hence Entropy did not exist in the Midspace as one of the universal markers, and as the arrow for the direction of the flow of time. This of course put a serious damper on the market for refridgerators and freezers in the Midspace, leading eventually to the people who lived there storing their ice cream in the cupboards, another deftly crafted storage space of human invention.
It was speculated that the biggest reason that same angry fellow eventually left the giant keep they'd built in the Midspace, was simply because he couldn't keep his vast wine collection chilled, so he instead moved to a dark forest in the heart of France, where years later, a group of those meddling weavers of the aether would find him again, and foil his plans to bring refridgeration to the Midspace.
After he'd gained the support of the refridgeration industrial complex, he once again came back to the Midspace, with a tremendous army who pounded the walls of that great keep, until eventually the weavers of aether retaliated and obliterated the angry man's entire army.
He left, returning to France once again, even calming down considerably and making friends with his neighbours, but not before he took the life of the lover of one of those weavers of the aether. An artist of unreknowned ability named Mila Ren Dubel.
She became isolated and withdrawn, lost in her loneliness, eventually disappearing altogether as the spaces in reality began overlapping one another, and before long, she was happily reunited with her long lost love without ever realizing that he'd been gone.
And so, without ever knowing that their reality had been altered so drastically, the Midspace once again began to thrive, and these weavers of the aether, being ever so frisky and with much time on their hands, had many children who in turn eventually moved into the giant keep, and in the process securing the future of the Sanctum Seclorum of the Midspace. Albeit, a very, very crowded Sanctum.
Of course, with need being the mother of all invention, and the father of all procrastination, the women of the Sanctum went to work building plans for an addition to the Sanctum, which was really just their uinfinished basement, which needed a lot of renovation work so that their children could all move into the basement, like all children eventually did on the Aerth. Of course, after decades of procrastination, the men of the Sanctum eventually ran out of excuses and began renovating the Sanctum's basement, which was a vast system of caves that ran beneath their giant keep, though it is still largely debated as to whether the motivating factor to get the men moving on the project was actually when the women got together and cut-off all sex until the project was done.
The Sanctum itself took over a hundred years of Aerth time to construct, if measured in human lifespans, while the basement of the Sanctum took only two weekends, before the children were forced to move in, and the sex lives of the parents resumed.
Over the course of their occupation of the Sanctum's basement, it turned into its own entirely self contained village of over three thousand people, all the unemployed teenaged kids of the residents of the Sanctum. All of them skilled in the manipulation of the aether, not to mention other arts and crafts that had long been lost to history.
With the renewed vigour of these unemployed basement dwelling teenagers, the village thrived and became a tourist draw of the residents of the Sanctum, even becoming a vacation spot in addition to being a place where the residents of the Sanctum could buy knick knacks, like potions, scrolls and even crystal balls amidst the scenic market of the underground village, all of which was lit by the magical bioluminescent crystals of eternity. Oops, I've said too much and might have even revealed the MacGuffin behind this entire story.
There goes another. I'll just file the rest of this story under the same storage space I put: Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative III: Singularity or Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative - Crystals Are Forever and of course, my most recent failure: Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative - Lost Riff.
Just kidding. Where was I? Oh yes, unemployed teenagers with far too much time on their hands, especially having finished Elden Ring several times already.
With all of that pent up energy, they built the first and only tourist village in the Midspace and the Sanctum Seclorum, and became one of the greatest successes since any children moved out of the upstairs and into their parents' basement, which was good, because on this particular day, there happened to be a delegation present in the Sanctum Seclorum, and they were on this particular moment (which would be impossible without entropy or time, but we'll use the term in reference to equivalent human lifespan), touring the Village of Eternity.
"In two weekends? Most impressive that you've achieved all of this in such a short time..." Merethal walked with two of his enjoys at his side, on his left were Yirfir Lacharme, temporary acting Matron Mistress Wytch of the Sanctum, and her husband Patron Of The Aether,Jasmer McCavanaugh.
" was all accomplished mostly over long weekends..." Yirfir responded to Merethal as they walked through the market square.
"...and very effectively motivated I might add..." Jasmer added to Yirfir's remark.
"Their market economy is self sustaining?" asked Merethal.
"Absolutely. Without any pressure from us, they seem to have all picked their own vocations, as if by some uncanny intuition of the future, although in the Midspace, future and past are both woven into one in ways that are difficult for most to grasp," Yirfir explained to Merethal.
"With or without know, one should always go with the flow," Merethal remarked, drawing upon a saying taught to him by his mentors of the Order Of The Life Well.
"We try to maintain a holistic awareness that spans both forwards and backwards in time, with regard to the Prime Plane of existence..." Yirfir replied.
"And yet you do this without any school of Temporality in this wondrous village? How do they go, if without the flow?" asked Merethal.
"Despite their being very successfully apt in their first endeavor away from home, we keep a close eye on them..." Jasmer began.
"Yes... only intervening when absolutely necessary..." Yirfir looked to Jasmer, perhaps a bit embarrassed to be speaking of such matters.
"It all seems too civil. You mean there've been times where you...?" Merethal was very diplomatic when speaking of personal matters.
"Yes... We have had to put our foot down occasionally, being the Sanctum's representation and all. We don't have any children of our own..." Jasmer responded.
"But Matron Thara Lansmore of the Order Of The Night Wytch has three. Two boys, her own and a daughter, adopted she is. Being ever so ambitious to meet up to the achievements of Matron Thara, they once aspired to have a party..." Yirfir explained to Merethal.
"It was more like a concert, really, and of course being sons of one of the most capable summoners in the Sanctum, they summoned an audience... in addition to the three thousand inhabitants of Eternity, for a total audience of nearly a hundred thousand. Three thousand Aerthlings, and ninety seven thousand Warriors Of The Shadow Rite. The only Idigenous homonid-like species in the Shadow-plane, and a very rowdy bunch... who immensely enjoy celebrations..." Jasmer explained.
"Even more so with a few pitchers of Shadowmead in their gullets..." Yirfir laughed uneasily upon recalling the situation.
"How did you tame so many concert goers without disaster or destruction? This village is absolutely pristeen!" Merethal nodded to the two envoys accompanying him.
"Well, it wasn't easy. Both Karas and Bavel certainly are very civil themselves and yet quite rambunctious when it comes to a good time... but their sister..." Jasmer paused, Yirfir suddenly cutting in.
"Domina. She can be very influential... and the bigger the crowd, the more ample her influence tends to be. She's a mind weaver, and a natural one at that. Thankfully she kept her sense about her, and was able to calm the entire crowd down before it turned into an incident. By the end of the concert, the Shadow Warriors returned to the Shadow Plane in an orderly fashion, while the residents of Eternity managed to sell quite a few t-shirts to them... Not without the influence of Domina of course... but we'll keep that secret ourselves..." Yirfir finished the story for Merethal.
"I believe that as one of the more aggressively political members of the Order Of The Life Well, that such situations could be better averted with the presence of an ample population of Seers. The Sanctum, if not Eternity seems to be shy of them..." Merethal suggested.
"Since the Battle of the Sanctum, we lost many of our Seers. The Watchers Of The Lore Of Stars suffered the greatest casualties of any of the Orders of the Sanctum, as they were a required presence as strategists and support troops for our Elementalists and Healers as you know. We've been unable to replenish their numbers, especially with so much energy in the Sanctum focused on rebuilding the Order Of The Aerth Mother. Nelony Ardbloem's current tasking and our highest priority," Yirfir told Merethal.
"Perhaps then this is an indication of just how important having good Seers is for the Sanctum. Upon the Aerth, good weather forecasters are the difference between safety and tragedy for many. Seers would undoubtedly benefit the effort to rebuild the Wytch's Order of the Aerth Mother, and replenish the focus on environmental health..." Merethal spoke confidently.
"Perhaps Merethal is right," Yirfir agreed.
"We're already stretched thin in the department of administrators. We're lacking the capacity to spread our focus so thin and in so many different directions, one of our great logistical challenges given the losses during the Battle of the Sanctum. Are you offering to assist us in this endeavor, Merethal?" asked Jasmer.
"I'm afraid not Jasmer. We too are stretched far too thin to be of any meaningful help other than our existing duties. Perhaps the best solution isn't the most obvious, but perchance the one so close to us that we fail to see it?" Merethal responded, both of his envoys nodding in approval.
Barris began running his gifts between the Girtrude And Wilbert's Alivale Paradise Museum, and the back of his car, carrying them in stacks of three at a time. They were all gift wrapped by that time, and each of them had a tag directing them to the particular person who'd receive the gift at their dinner party that night.
As Barris carried another stack to the back of the car, a large fly suddenly buzzed by his ear, causing him to spin with the gifts to avoid the giant bug altogether. When he arrived at the back of his car, he carefully balanced the gifts as he looked around for the bug.
"Flies? At this time of year? Its a bit chilly for them..." he said to himself as he organized the gifts in the back of his car, not noticing that the large "fly" was actually a bee, and that it had landed on one of the gifts and had burrowed inside beneath the gift paper.
"There... that's better! Only six more to go and we're off to pick up my wonderful wife to be... for some afternoon nookie!" Barris smiled mischievously as he jogged back to the front door of the Museum to pick up another stack of three gifts.
Near the top of the door, a group of bees had gathered, and were in the middle of a rather convoluted conversation. One of them marched along the ceiling overhang over the porch, wiggling its tail every so often, then buzzing its wings loudly as the others listened. One of the bees nodded its head, and contemplated what the other be had just stated, before he replied.
As Barris walked out of the Museum with the next stack of gifts, the bee who'd jusr responded to the other one's conjecture, then flew off, following Barris as he continued towards the car, this time instead of buzzing his ear, the bee simply landed on the top of his toque, and waved frantically for the others to join him.
"Alright! Get the other two out there, and stay clear of his eyes and ears!" one of the other bees ordered another pair of them.
The two flew off, in a straight line and landed atop of Barris' toque beside the others, Barris completely oblivious about the whole affair, and did not in the least suspect that his toque was now being used by a group of hyper-intelligent bees as a staging area for their migration plans.
Barris fit the gifts into the back, one at a time, and while he was distracted between gifts, one of the bees would jump down onto the most recent gift, and hide inside of it beneath the gift paper.
This continued until Barris had finished bringing out all of the gifts, which by coincidence had lined up perfectly with the amount of bees who'd arranged to be ready for these migration plans. They were hyper-intelligent after all, so naturally their plans had worked out perfectly, if the gifts were actually going to be delivered to another location in the world.
However, in this case and much the the bees' lack of awareness, the gifts were only going to travel about fifty kilometers in total, where they'd end up on a gift table adorned with a decorated pine tree and various lights and doo-dads and doo-hickies where a bunch of half drunken adults previously stuffed with hors d'ouvres, would one by one open them, hence ending the bees' migration plans short of their original plan and forcing them to settle for a place at said party.
How you might ask, could a group of hyper-intelligent bees so horribly bungle such a devious plan?
As I stated earlier, they were hyper-intelligent, not hyper-scrutinizing, hence, none of them at all considered any changes to the initial plans once suggested by the first bee... because of the fact that they were not very good at scrutinizing and... this plot element is kind of lame... but that's how it happened. They were very smart, but not very scrutinizing, and so they quickly accepted the first plan thrown at them and I'm sticking with that, because I'm the author, dammit.
Barris returned to the Museum and armed the security alarm before closing and locking the door, after which he made his way to the car and got in. While singing a horrible rendition of Oasis' song Morning Glory, he started his car and began driving happily on his way to pick up his total babe of a wife to be for some <insert your favourite euphamism for afternoon sex at a secret location here>.
The bees, had for most of the trip, spent their time reading the packaging and if applicable the instructions on each of the gifts, and by the time Barris had arrived in Alivale to pickup Mila, they could have been considered experts at each of the respective gifts which they occupied, though at this point in the plot, that wasn't important at all but I just thought I'd throw that out there regardless.
Forty-five minutes later, and Barris was pulling the car up in front of the Hair Salon. He got out and paid for a parking spot and then proceeded into the salon, very sneakily.
The hairdresser immediately spotted Barris as he snuck in, but she feigned ignorance and played along wiith Barris' plans regardless as he found a spot in the waiting area, unseen by Mila.
"...and then you know Shaela and how she can be sometimes. She just walked right over to the creep who'd made that remark about Nelony, and scratched his chin flirtatiously. Of course, from the moment he saw her he was eating it all up as she fed it to him, and then she took her entire glass of wine and poured it into his lap..." both Mila and the hair dresser began laughing at Mila's story.
"So I take it Nelony left with the other man?" asked Tammy, the hair dresser.
"Yes. They did leave together, which was one of the happiest moments I've seen in recent years, poor Nelony having spent most of her time alone before that. From what I hear, they've been an item ever since..." Mila smiled as she thought about their previous yearly Halloween outting.
"'ve just got to find one for Shaela and we can all get together for a quadruple date!" Tammy added as she began removing the foil wrapped segments she'd used to dye Mila's hair.
"Now that's definitely a plan... I'm still looking for one for Shaela. She's a bit asocial... but as soon as you mention the term cat lady..." Mila rolled her eyes as she gossipped with Tammy.
When Tammy had the last piece of foil out of Mila's hair, she applied a conditioning finish to her hair from a mist-spray bottle and then grabbed the hair dryer and began shaping her new hairstyle as Barris snuck up behind them from the waiting area.
When Barris grabbed Mila's shoulders from behind, she nearly jumped out of her chair, as Tammy stepped backwards laughing at Mila's reaction.
Mila spun her chair around to confront Barris, who had a very devious look on his face, but when he saw Mila's new hair and style, his look changed to one of utter awe.
"Awwwww!!!? You cut off all of your long hair!" Barris responded as she looked to him.
The hair dryer suddenly stopped. and there was a moment of utter silence, Tammy cringing, and Mila looking back at Barris, her eyes having grown larger as tears quickly filled her bottom eyelids.
"You don't like it?" Mila asked him, still looking to him in shock.
Barris suddenly found himself on the spot, one of his feet already all the way in his mouth, his other foot waiting on standby as he searched for the right words to undo the damage he'd clearly done thus far by his remark about Mila's new hairstyle.
"Its..." Barris blurted out, very clearly stalling for time as his other foot readied itself to jump full force into his mouth beside his first foot.
Tammy crossed her fingers as Barris struggled to find his words.
"Nice...! Really... really... nice!" he finished, even trying to elevate the pitch of the end of his sentence, hoping that it would be enough to repair a situation which had recently gone critical.
"You don't like it?" Mila responded.
"No...! No... of course not! It looks... very nice!" Barris' other foot now all the way in his mouth too, several other parts of his body suddenly interested in seeing if they could fit in as well, his hands already attempting to dive in.
Mila turned around in her chair, giving Barris her back as she looked in the mirror at Tammy's masterpiece of hair dressing.
Mila turned her head to this side, and then that side, and a smile slowly grew back in place of the frown Barris had so carelessly planted there moments earlier.
"Its... shorter... but I like it..." Mila's smile grew that much more, despite Barris' initial remark.
"It really brings out the pretty features on your face and jaw-line... without overpowering them from the background..." Tammy spoke up in defense of her vision of Mila's ideal framing presentation.
"Are you listening to her Barris? Are you learning anything about women yet?" Mila said to him, the bottom of his stomach falling out as the severity of the situation finally became apparent to him.
"Uhhhh... precisely! That's exactly what I was going to say..." historians would, years later say that it was clearly a low moment for team Barris, using the: you took the words right out of my mouth line, first coined by Meatloaf in the late 1970s.
Historians would further go on to remark that it was a bad play, and that he instead should have remained silent and listened to the two women as they expertly repaired a difficult minefield of a situation into which Barris had stumbled, for it had initially begged the thought in Mila's head: What would make Barris better for me? What don't I like about him?
At that moment, the dynamic that every couple dreads was brought to fruition. The nagging things that bothered them about each other and the things that they thought if they changed about them would make them better, that neither had the courage to bring up with the other, until that very moment when Barris stumbled with the ball regarding Mila's new hairstyle.
That was when Mila first had the thought: What is nagging me so much about Barris?
Mila paid Tammy for her artistic work in creating the masterpiece that now crowned Mila's head, and the two had a good laugh despite the earlier dynamics Barris had introduced into their afternoon, while he only considered how romantic a fellow he was to be picking up his fiancé to take her to a secret love nest of theirs for a romantic quickie.
It even lost its lustre as he rolled it around in his head, after he'd so selfishly blurted out exactly what he'd thought about Mila's new hairstyle.
Awwwww!!!? You cut off all of your long hair!
The words echoed through the empty chasms in Barris' head.
When she turned away from Tammy and began heading towards the door, there was a moment that stood in slow motion as he really looked at her as if for the first time again. And at that moment, he saw her in all of her glory, the wonderful shape of her cheeks rounded perfectly and framed against the borders of her eyes, all underlined by her luscious red lips, and as Tammy had stated, her hair perfectly in the background, like the perfect frame for a masterpiece of a painting.
All at once Barris saw her and took her in.
Mila noticed, and knew that something was different, but she was already hurt and had in the short time speaking with Tammy, gotten over it. She wasn't thinking about their romantic secret love nest at all. She was thinking about the things she'd change about him to suit her needs, and most selfishly so, for she'd never in all their time together, put herself first. It was always about him and what his fantasies were.
He quickly grabbed the door for her as she waved goodbye with her fingers to Tammy, walking by Barris as if she wasn''t showing him off to everyone else, but as if she suddenly realized that she was and had been the best thing about them, because for the entire time they'd been together, she never put herself first and that was going to change.
The Phalanx marched perfectly in rhythm and form, a giant red box against the luscious green fields as eight columns of men moved on towards the great monument of the Druids: Stonehenge.
Ponderosus walked alongside Barris, whose hands were now bound behind his back while a length of the best Roman rope fastened him to two nearby Guards in Carbus Carnum's own unit, Carbus behind the two men as they marched forward, Stonehenge now visible atop the plateau and their destination.
[If you care to relieve yourself now of your knowledge of this place, it would be a most beneficial time for you to do so.]
"Si tibi nunc huius loci notitiae curas levare, commodissimum tempus tibi id facere futurum esse." Ponderosus spoke with the calm of a scholarly man and one who kept matters of war and savagery at arm's length.
[You heard this blathering fool's drool earlier, Ponderosus. He is just a fool from admidst a people obviously much more well informed than he, who has fallen into a dangerous situation, impersonating the worldliness of one who knows. I prefer to think that this whelp of a man knows nothing! He'll grovel at your feet and say anything he believes you want to hear, just to spare his life a few moments more.]
"Audisti hoc stultorum blaterantes prius nugae, Ponderose. Stultus est ab intimo homine multo manifestius instructior quam ille, qui in periculosas res incidit, munditiam cognoscentis personans. Malo putare quod hic catulus hominis nihil scit! Ad pedes tuos noet, et quicquid audieris credit dicturus est, vitae modo parcat paulo plus." Carbus Carnum spat at the back of Barris feet after addressing his superior.
[It seems that you're lacking the support of the brutes, my dear friend and I can only do so much to stave their blood-thirsty nature, for their respect of me is purely on the grounds of duty and out of respect for their superiors. The moment I stepped out of line, they'd be at my throat just as readily as they are at yours. If there's one thing I've learned in this world my friend, its that the appetite of wolves is peaked by the appearance of weakness. Fret not though I know it to be difficult, for real strength lies not in the fiber of one's muscle, but in the mettle of their heart's thumos. If you allow these men to trounce you with words, then you're failing us both. Be unafraid to share your knowledge of this ancient device with me, for if you do, I will see to it that these wolves grovel at your feet rather than either of us at theirs.]
"Brutorum auxilio tibi cares, amice carissime, nec tantum possum tantum sanguineum sitientem occidere, est enim respectus mei pure ex officio et ob reverentiam praelatorum. . Ut iam egrederetur, aeque facile in gutture meo forent quam apud te sunt. Si hoc unum est, amice didici in hoc mundo, quod luporum appetitus specie infirmitatis spectetur. Ne contendas, etsi difficile esse scio, verae enim vires non in fibra musculi, sed in cordis thumo consistit. Hos si permiseris verbis te jactare, tum ambos deficis. Non metuas tui huius priscae notae communicare mecum, nam si facias, curabo ut lupi ad pedes tuos potius quam alterutro nostro volent." Ponderosus appealed to Barris' sense of camaraderie that had formed over the time of their acquaintance.
Ponderosus knew that they were both cerebral more so than savage. That their fortunes depended not upon how many different ways they could bludgeon a man in combat, but in their ability to inspire others to think beyond the shadows of the forest and their own dark fears, most of which were founded in ignorance.
Ponderosus knew that for ignorance to win, it only required good men (and women) to give up thinking, to remain silent when their voice was needed, and to do nothing when action was called for.
Even the great warrior General and Emperor Caesar was bound between these two eidos of the omni. A warrior's heart and leader's mind. The savage and the cerebellum in constant flux, while the man pray n'yer that either grew too far in strength that much above the other, for history had demonstrated that when one was absent, that it would soon be needed the most. The fall of every great empire that preceded theirs was beset by this very fact. The cerebellum and the savage were the saviours of the empire, so long as they remained in balance, but never in harmony.
Each had the means to undo the other easily, but when they worked together, they could move mountains to valleys and oceans to seas.
Their columns of Phalanx arrived, encircling the Stonehenge protectively as Ponderosus, Carbus Carnum and Barris Windsor approached its center.
On the top of a nearby hill, and within the tree and brush that covered it and spanned nearly a semi-circle of the distance around the Stonehenge, an army lay in wait.
There, against a tree, covered in war paint, a tall woman of fiery hair and flairingly toned musculature who somehow graced it all with the power of femininity, she stood there watching the Roman Phalanx, its leader Carbus Carnum, a man of state known as Ponderosus according to her intelligence, and finally, the chosen one: the man who would complete her and together re-establish the Albion Of The Welsh and the Druids and the Albion Of The People: Barris Windsor.
[Boudicca! I ye beg naught we on this day and in this light challenge their Phalanx... We are without armour... and these are men who practice war every single day of their lives! They be as they are... the best that the Romans have to offer to defend their interests here... even this far from their home... I beg of you Boudicca, do not face them on this day!]
"Ystyr geiriau: Boudicca! Yr wyf yn erfyn dim ar y diwrnod hwn ac yn y goleuni hwn herio eu Phalanx... Rydym heb arfwisgoedd... a dyma ddynion sy'n ymarfer rhyfel bob dydd o'u bywydau! Maen nhw fel ag y maen nhw... y gorau sydd gan y Rhufeiniaid i'w gynnig i amddiffyn eu buddiannau yma... hyd yn oed mor bell â hyn o'u cartref... Rwy'n erfyn arnoch chi Boudicca, peidiwch â'u hwynebu ar y diwrnod hwn!" Marlin of Eire pleaded to Boudicca, who up until no more than a year before, had been the mother of two daughters, and the wife of their head of state.
A peaceful woman who'd kept their family and their people together since the arrival of the first Romans to set foot upon the shores of Albion.
When hope had abandoned them, their people as they realized that they were no match for Roman furnaces and forges, or for their formations and tactics, it was Boudicca's firey red hair and her piercing eyes so determined and full of promise, that kept them and their people together.
When the Romans arrived to meet with her husband, and negotiated the first allegiance between the Welsh between the sea and the hills, between the lush and the druids, her people looked to her, knowing that she'd never allow her husband to sell them off, to be annexed by a Roman conqueror who were known for annexing their enemies and integrating them into state.
The Greeks and Macedons had become part and parcel of their empire. There was no longer Zeus, Aries or Aphrodite, they had become Jupiter, Mars and Venus. Hermes had become Mercury, the Mercurial trickster of the gods. As more and more were consumed into the ranks of the Roman empire, so too was their culture and history, annexed. The people of a new name, living under gods of a lost people.
The idea of cerebellum and savagery helped to sell this spread to the people, for the Romans were the cerebellum, the light of civilization, keeping at bay the darkness of savagery. Of all that opposed order. All that opposed Rome. All that opposed the one road leading there.
When the Welsh people, the old and true Albion were faced with annexation, it was Boudicca who stood and defied Rome.
When they killed her husband and took her to the square outside of her home, and raped her two daughters in front of her, as they pronounced her as being a false prophecy of the people.
She was no Warrior Queen, for she'd stood idle as her own two daughters were raped by her conquerors and as her people, the people of a prophecized the coming of a Warrior Queen, watched their heroes, their gods crushed one by one by the conquerors. Their hope was trampled under foot as her daughters cried for mercy, their clothes stripped from them as they were laid bare for all to see.
It was from this darkness that Boudicca arose, and it was from the hilltop overlooking the Stonehenge, the greatest wonder of their world, and one built by the Druids for purposes known only to them, that she weighed her enemy, and the risk of freeing the one from their grasp.
[What are you that claim the ancestry of a Celt, of an Eirish Magi, allegedly descended from the line of the Druid, who cannot wield their magiks to assist us in this time that our ancestors call us forth to thwart our greatest enemy? Would you watch more of our daughters soiled by these filth?! If it is your name and people... EIRE! Anger! The fire of the soul! Then bring it forth to power Druid magiks! Or hold your tongue you filthy bastard while I fight them!!!]
"Beth wyt ti sy'n hawlio llinach Celt, o Lygad Eirish, yr honnir ei fod yn disgyn o linach y Derwyddon, na allant ddefnyddio eu swynion i'n cynorthwyo yn yr amser hwn y mae ein hynafiaid yn ein galw allan i rwystro ein gelyn pennaf? A fyddech chi'n gwylio mwy o'n merched yn cael eu baeddu gan y budreddi hyn?! Os mai dyma'ch enw a phobl... EIRE! Dicter! Tân yr enaid! Yna dod ag ef allan i rym derwyddon Derwyddon! Neu dal eich tafod chi bastard budr tra byddaf yn ymladd nhw!!!" Boudicca's eyes flared as she spat her words at the great Eirish magician Marlin.
The man she'd addressed seemed to have given up. Somewhere within him he was simply a little child fleeing in search of his leviathan, the one that every person who'd given up their own power came to believe would save them against the forces that thwarted them. An unseen saviour of unquestionable power that would in any instance step in on their behalf, no matter if they were just or dire in need.
Her men were divided roughly along this same crime of the soul, when a people gave up on themselves and instead turned to the invisible leviathan to right their wrongs and to shore up the inequities visited upon them by consquences, invaders, monsters or savages cum forth from the wild.
She looked at him, disgusted that the legendary Marlin had become this. That he would give himself to some unseen protector, rather than find that strength within himself to stand beside the people and the land, and serve it for their right to thrive upon it, go forth, multiply and be fruitful unto humanity and the life of nature and the Aerth Mother alike.
[Magi like you wrought that Stonehenge aeons ago, and yet you give up, knowing that no man alive could have carried stone of that size and shape from the quarries on the other side of this land to erect that which ye see before you! Therein lies the secret to the power of the magi and of you and your kind Marlin of the Eire! Find it, or fall on this day. I command thee that you and your Magi will take the first line in our assault. Ye are committed to finding the secrets of Druid magi before their blades find your bare skin and ours. You might fall a coward today, but know it that I will give all the fight I have to make sure that none of us fall!]
"Bu Magi fel chi yn gwneud Côr y Cewri yn ôl, ac eto rydych chi'n rhoi'r gorau iddi, gan wybod na allai unrhyw ddyn yn fyw fod wedi cario cerrig o'r maint a'r siâp hwnnw o'r chwareli yr ochr arall i'r wlad hon i godi'r hyn a welwch o'ch blaen! Yno y gorwedd y gyfrinach i rym y hud a lledrith a chi a'ch caredig Marlin yr Eire! Dod o hyd iddo, neu syrthio ar y diwrnod hwn. Dw i'n gorchymyn i ti a'th Lydaw gymryd y llinell gyntaf yn ein hymosodiad. Yr ydych wedi ymrwymo i ddod o hyd i gyfrinachau hud a lledrith Derwydd cyn i'w llafnau ddod o hyd i'ch croen noeth a'n croen ni. Efallai y byddwch chi'n cwympo llwfrgi heddiw, ond yn gwybod y byddaf yn rhoi'r holl frwydr sydd gennyf i wneud yn siŵr nad oes yr un ohonom yn cwympo!" Boudicca's voice rose in volume, echoing behind the hills so that every Welsh soldier could hear it, but the trees kept her voice from reaching or alerting the Romans.
Marlin listened as she spoke, and noticed that her voice spread far into every ear, and yet the Romans did not hear a word of it at all.
He then realized that the trees had kept it from them, for the trees were both alchemy and alchemists. They could both carry and obscure sound to whom they chose, and yet there was something oddly familiar about the trees that caught Marlin's attention on this day.
His heart began to beat faster, as the Welsh soldiers began lining themselves up, readying for their assault upon a vastly superior force. A force that would easily crush them lest their Warrior Queen be right about finding their one.
She had proven to the people that she was a force to be reckoned with, but they still had not seen a Warrior Queen.
Half of them had reserved themselves to the fact that within the next hour, they would be carried away into the vast sea in the beaks of the Heron, into their death and the land beyond.
The other half, had seen and known the Warrior Queen, and to them there was only victory. However, it was Boudicca who knew that it was both sides who were the fools, for her people didn't need one or the other. Her people needed everyone to be together.
And so it was that as Boudicca delivered the last speech she'd give as Boudicca, that Marlin of Eire learned of the secret of the Stonehenge.
Thirty minutes later, and an army of the one true Warrior Queen charged down the hill to face the most advanced army in the world in the eighth centurty in Albion.
One year later, and by that time she had conquered all of Albion and the surrounding isles, side by side with her husband: Barris Windsor.
A very different Barris, and one who'd learned the secret of Ponderosus' advice. Of becoming both the cerebellum and the savage.
Something that Queen Boudicca and her husband King Barris Windsor would often discuss with Ponderosus, for he had risen to become their advisor, while Carbus Carnum toiled as a prisoner in their castle at Cardiff.
While Barris had grown as a man by embracing his savage nature, and balancing it with his cerebellum, Carbus Carnum had tamed his own wolves, and had learnt restraint and wisdom in his year as a prisoner.
Mila lay naked face down on the bed, her eyes open and looking around the room as she thought about their situation. Barris meanwhile, lay on his side, sleeping soundly after having been quickly satisfied, which was part of Mila's plan, as their earlier situation at the hair stylist had left her feeling anything but wanting to be pleasing to this man.
It was like the illusion had all fallen at once, when he'd initially remarked about her new hairstyle. It was all about him.
Their sex earlier had been fun, in an ever so quaint way as Mila now saw it, but it had not been in any way satisfying for her, but by that moment in time she was alright with it, for she just wanted to get it over with, and so upon their foreplay, which was rather abrupt and awkward, Barris moved quickly to mount her, and she decided that she'd make sure it was over very quickly, so he'd be fast asleep and she could have some time in an uncluttered mind space to think to herself and of her life and what she really wanted.
She lay on her front, her milky white skin glowing nearly to perfection as she looked at the mirror that covered the wall she was facing. With her artist's eyes, she was seeing a world of colours and hues, of light and shades and there she was. She could see it herself. She was truly one to behold, and she did not look with conceit, but rather humble gratitude, and a sense of sadness as she wondered if the man sleeping beside her would ever look at her and see what she just saw.
Would he just get away with wasting her life and time, with his wit, all the while gaining a tire around his waist and becoming ever the less pleasing to her, when compared to the effort she made to take care of herself for him... no... wait... she corrected herself. She took care of herself for herself, and this man didn't take care either for himself or for her.
She could see that time would pass, and she'd age like a fine wine, always having that inner happiness and peace that had preserved her, and that need to know that there was one person in her life that knew her better than anyone else in the world. Her perfections and her flaws alike, and found both just as appetizing about her. Someone who could look at her, her breasts maybe, for she had one ever so slightly smaller than the other. It had been something that Barris had never commented about before, and she knew that he hadn't noticed, and with their recent conflict of appreciation, this bothered her more than ever.
Did he know that she had one smaller breast, and that it was something about her that was his. Something about her that she might see as a flaw, but that if he truly knew, would see it as something to love about her. Another thing. Not a disgusting imperfection to hide, but just something that was so close to perfection and yet so far from it, that he couldn't help but love it knowing that it was something only he'd ever know about her. It was something so intimate about her, that it was a treasure, and yet she wondered if the man she'd quickly lulled into orgasm just to have a bit of peace for a moment in a day that had caused her to question everything about him, if he'd even known that about her and just not mentioned it out of shame. As if it was something disgraceful and to be hidden, or something to be treasured and cherished.
These treasures that they shared, these personal secrets about each other, were they entering into a world where even intimate secrets between couples were no longer safe?
Where the minds that cloud privacy and swarm the dreams of the population and its secrets, were now taking away the intimacy shared between a couple that connected them to each other, and to a special moment involving the two.
As an artist, Mila had noticed this more and more, especially since the events of last autumn, when the ghouls had invaded Alivale, and Girtrude and Wilbert had spoken to them from the grave, reminding them of the importance of the secrets between lovers. How the future would challenge love itself, taking away the moments shared between two, that were not meant for anyone else in the world... in the universe... but them.
That this hungry thing one day would undermine the very foundation of what it was to become one with someone else. To be taken from every lover in the world, one by one, until there were no secrets that lovers had, the nobody else in the world didn't already know about them.
The day that when a person had love for someone, that it bore no signifcance anymore than anyone else had in terms of regard for the same person. The day when the way that others felt about each other, only had one flavour and one extremity.
It would all fall with the eradication of secrets between lovers, by a people who denied everyone of such secrets altogether.
This was the secret that Girtrude and Wilbert had given them to protect. The secret that, when secrets between couples were gone, having become public knowledge without borders, that the bias of love would cease to exist and face its greatest threat ever.
Was Barris protecting her from something, or did he not even value the things she'd shared with no other man but him? Did he remember Girtrude and Wilbert's secret?
All of the things that had kept them together, one by one, were disappearing under a hidden pressure that had arrived around the same time as Girtrude and Wilbert's message of hope.
As he lay sleeping, she pondered if he even knew what love was anymore, and if she were to stay for the duration, what she might change about him to overcome his ever growing lack of appeal to her.
She thought of the noble ways she'd change him, his grandeur and being. She thought of the naughty ways she'd have him changed, the things about his mannerisms and physique, and his attention to his responsibilities that she didn't like. How she'd change them all just to suit her needs.
What she didn't know, was that as he slept, he dreamt of exactly the same thing with regard to her.
By the time Barris had awaken, Mila was already dressed and made up, and seated in an overstuffed chair in their favourite romantic escape hotel room and reading an ebook on her phone.
She purposely continued reading as he situated himself on the side of the bed and began dressing himself.
"I hope its good..." he said politely as he slipped his underwear on.
"Oh... You're up? Have a good sleep?" she responded to him more so on automatic than out of actual concern.
"Yes... It was a bit chilly, but I'm guessing that's because you were five feet away on that cosy overstuffed chair reading, instead of snuggling up to me..." Barris responded, clearly having lost his lustre to the woman across the room from him.
"I'm sorry that for once, my world didn't twist or bend to accomodate yours, but I needed my own gratification and my book was up to the task, seeing as it wasn't in the slightest way thinking only of itself!" Mila responded to him.
"I wasn't thinking of myself simply because I was too freezing on the bed without the covers pulled over me, something you could have done on your way to read your vaginal fantasy book!" Barris defended himself, still not quite getting it.
"If you were so cold, then why didn't you pull the blankets over yourself?" she responded, only slightly paying him any attention as she continued reading her book, which was a historical romantic fantasy thriller she'd picked up from Amazon recently.
Barris finally having gotten his pants and socks on, stood from the bed and pulled his shirt over his chest, and down over his ever so slightly enlarged belly. This caught Mila's attention, over the top of her phone and became another secret point of her contention with him.
They paused for a moment, looking briefly at each other as their tension with one another grew.
Barris then, resorted to something he'd thought would fix their issue, which he'd regarded mostly as a random emotional problem on Mila's part, as she'd often have such fixations only to hours later take a much more forgiving stance, which Barris presumed was because she simply wanted something from him.
Of course, from her perspective it was he who would inevitably perform an emotional one-eighty, and by the end of the day be groveling up to her, which of course would only serve to postpone her growing aggravation, and her resent for him.
"Where are you going?!" Mila confronted him as he slipped his shoes on.
He ignored her, opened the motel room door and made his way over to the car, from whose rear boot he pulled two of the gifts he'd previously prepared. He then after closing the hatchback, proceeded back into the hotel room, closing the door behind him and throwing his shoes off and kicing them beside the door.
"What are those?" Mila asked him accusingly.
"They appear to be boxes covered in colourful paper... oh and look at this... they have name tags on them as well! Let's take a peek and see who's names are on them?" Barris responded sarcastically as he shook each of the gifts in turn, before examining the tags affixed just under the bow on each package.
Mila's face went from a look of skeptical criticism to interest and curiosity as Barris examined the gift wrapped boxes.
"Look at this. This one says: To My Dearest Mila... clearly not referring to you, whom I'd refer to as my: its that time of month Mila. I'm guessing that this gift quite possibly is for my other Mila, on the other side of town. The one with the long hair... and who wouldn't leave me naked and freezing on the bed without a comforter!" Barris withheld the gift as she reached for it, sharpening his words.
"I'm sorry to say that she's indisposed right now, as she's currently with my: sexy hunk of an endowed god of a real man and his chiseled abs and commanding - throw me on the bed, Barris, " she finally grabbed the gift from him, wielding it like a weapon as she stood before him.
Barris caught the protrusion of his belly just beneath his line of sight, and felt a stinging tinge of emotional pain from her words, once again never having taken into consideration his own words and how they might have affected her.
"Fine! Then lets open our gifts, but don't forget to make a wish!" Barris said to her on the brink of cursing, as the bee snuck out from the gift wrapping and found its way around to his rump.
"What could a girl ever hope to wish for when she already has a man like you!" Mila responded as the bee from her own gift flew to her behind as she stood, readying herself to rip the paper from the gift.
As they began tearing, the bees both simultaneously stung them, each in their petute and quite painfully so. At that very moment, and in the height of their aggravation with each other, and the pain of the bee's stings, they made their wishes for each other.
A man who appeared similar to Barris in every aspect, except for the fact that he was rippled with muscle tone. Not mass, but perfectly sculpted form, marred only by several battle earned scars that populated various areas of his now bare skin, as he lay wrapped around a woman of similar fitness, whose long red hair lined the bed beneath her luscious body.
They were fast asleep, though upon her eyes opening, it could be easily seen how remarkably similar this woman was to Mila. The most blaring difference being her long flowing red hair and her war tattoos which in Welsh, when translated to English, would have read: Boudicca - Warrior Queen Of Albion and Conqueror Of All.
She leaned up from the bed, her muscles flexing as she sat up, her lover still wrapped around her.
She looked around the unfamiliar surroundings, unable to fathom most of what she was seeing. For instance, there was a device emitting light without fire across the room from her. Beneath it, another device, with glowing runes and symbols of some form appeared to flicker in rhythm, as if to the beating of their hearts. She nearly jumped when the runes suddenly changed, and again continued their strange counting of heart beats.
All at once and Barris was up and on his feet, reaching for his Welsh Gladius, one he'd crafted himself after he and Boudicca had conquered the Roman Empire only a month earlier.
[What foul weaveth did the Hun-Pict allegiance put upon us?]
"Pa wau aflan a osododd yr Hun-Pict arnom ni ?" Barris found the hilt of his blade, standing protectively between the fireless light and the device whose runes ebbed in time with their hearts.
Behind them, a door crashed open and Carbus Carnum burst in, adorned in full Phalanx armour, his own bronze Gladius held before him.
[Forgive me Empress. I blinked but a moment and found this unfamiliar blasphemy and feared for your safety!]
"Maddeu i mi Empress. Amrantais ond eiliad a dod o hyd i'r cabledd anghyfarwydd hwn ac yn ofni am eich diogelwch!" Carbus Carnum spoke in near perfect Welsh, only the slightest hint of his Roman accent present.
Boudicca was up by that time, and with her own blade confronting the runic device. She tapped it with the tip of her blade several times, and when it failed to respond, she turned her attention to the fireless light.
She reached out for it with her fingers, the light caressing the silhouette of her perfectly chiseled body as her fingers found its source.
It was warm to the touch, but not hot like fire.
[It is nay weaveth. Just a device like an ox-cart or a lantern. Much farther along in alchemy than our own I'd wager.]
"Nag gwehydd ydyw. Dim ond dyfais fel cert ych neu lusern. Ymhellach o lawer mewn alcemi nag y byddwn i'n fentro." Boudicca responded, her interest passing away from those devices, and now to one on the other side of the room that blew warm air through an opening crafted from metal not unlike that of their blades.
When she arrived near the opening, Barris reached out and grasped her, keeping her from getting any closer to it's breath.
[Might this be the entrance to the Roman hells? There burns deep inside fires that are pushing this warm breath of demons at us.]
"Ai dyma'r fynedfa i uffernoedd Rhufeinig efallai? Mae llosgiadau dwfn y tu mewn i danau sy'n gwthio'r anadl cynnes hwn o gythreuliaid atom." Barris suggested to her, urging her to err on the side of caution.
[Nay. Tis just another device, whose alchemy is much beyond ours.]
"Nage. Dim ond dyfais arall ydyw, y mae ei alcemi lawer y tu hwnt i'n rhai ni." Boudicca moved closer to the opening, her former goose pimples having arisen previously, began shrinking as she got closer to the warmed breath opening, her body tingling from the sudden heat.
She clasped Barris' hand tightly, pulling him closer for she wanted him to feel the same sensation.
He held fast for a moment, but in the end her grip over him won, and she pulled him closer to her and the strange opening of metal, as their nudity was bathed in warm demon breath from within the unfamiliar and hellish device.
Carbus Carnum ever so slightly smirked as he watched their fingers close as did those of lovers, and as they warmed together before the air emitting device, neither Boudicca nor Barris took notice of his attention towards her, nor his envious gaze.
Ponderosus then fell in behind Carbus Carnum, he too curious as to the nature of what they were witnessing.
[There are more devices out here. Horseless chariots, some of which seem to have consumed their owners.]
"Mae mwy o ddyfeisiadau allan yma. Cerbydau heb geffylau, a rhai ohonynt fel pe baent wedi bwyta eu perchnogion." Ponderosus gestured in the direction of the door through which he'd stepped to check up on his Empress.
Barris' eyes fell upon their armour, which lay on the floor beside the bed from which they'd first awakened. He reached for her breastplate, offering to dress her. She turned and kissed his lips gently, again not noticing how Carbus Carnum's attention of them had changed. She gave Barris her soft and scarless back, and he carefully slipped her breastplate over her body, making sure that the padding was comfortably fit to her curves as her body took the weight of the armour.
He tightened it on her back, and when he was done, she did the same thing for him, the entire display seeming ritualistically sexual in some magnificent form, and yet both Ponderosus and Carbus Carnum by that point in time were long gone, and outside investigating this strange land into which they'd suddenly been thrust.
Boudicca and Barris had shortly thereafter, dressed each other and both were now ready for battle, her own armour gleaming beside his as they stepped forth from a motel on the other side of town, to meet up with their army, who stood covering most of rural Alivale, as holiday traffick stopped for what most commuters believed to be some kind of holiday parade.
[Empress, they seem not to be showing their due to your reign. Shall we humble them for you?]
"Empress, mae'n ymddangos nad ydyn nhw'n dangos eu dyled i'ch teyrnasiad. A wnawn ni eu darostwng drosoch chi?" Carbus Carnum advised her on such matters, which were of immense importance given the propensity of weakness and grace expressed on her part to quickly transform the ambitions of the populace into full blown rebellion.
These people Carbus Carnum knew, were not empire builders. They were the thralls of some other builder, whose alchemy had crafted all they could see. They were merely the cattle, who most often did not know or understand that rebellion would bring about collapse, as infrastructure broke under the weight of supporting such an immense populace without supply to keep it alive. These were the cattle who'd march themselves into their own death and the destruction of society, if not without the guidance of the true alchemists and builders of living potential.
Boudicca nor Barris shared Carbus Carnum's stringent views, but they recognized that he'd learnt these ideas from experience after twenty years near the top of command of the world's largest empire. The empire which Boudicca herself overtook to become the largest empire in human history.
Carbus had come to his understanding of the way of things through the harsh Republic Autocracy of Roman rule, which protected the people from themselves, as they simply did not know any better, and up until Boudicca had taken up arms against the Roman empire, their form of empire had worked considerably well. Many had been happy with having the safety of a large army to protect economies from savages and those who'd live without the rule of law.
As this empire grew in size however, and the further its reaches spanned from that one road that always led to Rome, their system of management become overstressed, and often corrupted, as the means to enforce and account for, were centralized in one place, and no matter their reach, there were always places at the edge of empire that lived by a very different law than Rome, and often led by those who'd defy with force if need be.
It was from this very sentiment that was born their Empress Boudicca. An Empress of the people and when her prophecy had come to pass, and she'd found her one true love, the one to stand beside her at the throne, she'd become Boudicca - Warrior Queen Of Albion And Conqeror Of The World.
Until this new world had woven its way into their empire.
[Let the people continue their being as they were. Tis clearly a celebration of some kind. Be scarce of them and stay out of their sight until we know further. Carbus, take the army into the wild away from their alchemy and horseless carriages. Ponderosus, I want you to put your mind and those of your scholars to deciphering their alchemy so that we many use it to suit our own purposes of empire. We will remain scarce, and then reveal ourselves to show them the way.]
"Gadewch i'r bobl barhau fel yr oeddent. Mae'n amlwg yn ddathliad o ryw fath. Byddwch yn brin ohonynt ac arhoswch allan o'u golwg a'u ffordd nes y byddwn yn gwybod ymhellach. Carbus, ewch â'r fyddin i'r gwyllt i ffwrdd o'u cerbydau alcemi a heb geffylau. Ponderosus, rwyf am ichi roi eich meddwl chi a rhai eich ysgolheigion ar ddehongli eu alcemi fel bod llawer ohonom yn ei ddefnyddio i weddu i'n dibenion ein hunain o ymerodraeth. Byddwn yn aros yn brin, ac yna'n datgelu ein hunain i ddangos y ffordd iddynt." Boudicca pronounced to her advisors and generals as she made her way over to her own horse-drawn chariot.
Many of the people driving in their horseless carriages stopped to wave at and honk their horns at Boudicca as she passed them in her magnificent armour, Barris walking beside her as they both waved to the people trapped inside of these strange carriages.
A wall of noise emerged from the traffick as she passed them, smiles filling the faces of both the adults and the children who looked on as Boudicca arrived at and stepped up onto her chariot.
She smiled ever so gracefully, yet retained the dignity of a woman who led the largest empire the world had ever known.
Their chariots turned and left along a side road, followed by column after column after column of Phalanx, archers, slingers and cavalry by the hundreds of thousands as they filled the region just outside of Alivale.
And yet, the power of a single wish had not yet completed its own turn quite yet.
Many kilometers away, on the other side of Alivale, in a very different motel room, where Mila's and Barris' own argument had culminated in a sharing of gifts and much spite, which had by that point, led to a pair of hyper-intelligent bees secretly escaping from their gifts, and finding their way to their mutual posteriors, where upon at the very moment of Mila's and Barris' own realization of their holiday wishes for each other, the two bees simultaneously stung them, at that most delicate of parts upon which most people spend nearly half of their lives perched.
At that very instant, though neither Mila nor Barris could tell you if it actually happened as they perceived it, or if it was a side effect of being stung in the rump, the lights everywhere in the universe suddenly went out and stayed out for about three seconds. After those three seconds of darkness passed, every light in the universe all at once lit full tilt for three seconds.
And then it simply was exactly like it was before. Except for a few minor differences, the first of which Barris immediately noticed by how slack his clothing had suddenly become on his body, though his eyes were still closed at that point, as Mila's opened to take him in.
Barris had become a sculpted god of a figure, with a perfectly chiseled body, a chiseled jaw-line and cleft chin, not unlike that of Henry Cavill (who first came to mind when Mila made her wish).
"I feel very different..." Barris said to her, his tone very different, if not somewhat deeper, though he still hadn't opened his own eyes.
"Wait! What's going on?!!!" Barris said, his voice still very much deeper than it had been.
"Something's very different... I mean really different..." he opened his eyes and looked around the room a few times.
"I can't believe how much this place needs a good cleaning!" he said aloud, looking around the motel room at how disheveled it had become since they'd checked in.
"Did we do this? I can't believe this?" Barris immediately began looking around the room for cleaning supplies, before his eyes suddenly came to rest upon Mila.
"I feel a little off balance here..." Mila said to him, her voice ever so slightly higher than it had been, and perhaps even softer and more docile, but that wasn't what had caught his attention.
Mila's chest, which had been considerably modest and much to Barris' liking as it had been, had suddenly grown a thousand fold. Her breasts, which previously had remained very much in the background, quaintly and curvaceously modest, were now mountains of mass, sticking out from her body in a way that could simply not be missed.
No matter how much Barris tried to focus on her face, his eyes were instantly drawn down towards her much larger chest.
But it didn't stop there.
Her waist had remained the same compact size it had been, perfectly suited to her previous shape much like her previous chest, while her waist had become underlined by curvaceous hips that could undoubtedly be used to calibrate the machines that were used to make violins and cellos.
"What did you do to me?!!!" Mila screamed at him ever so softly and seductively as she caught a glimpse of her own chest and cleavage from the first person perspective.
Her stomach, legs, knees and toes were simply no longer visible from her current perspective, and she dreaded the risk to her back if she attempted to bend over.
"I... Look honey, I really need to go to the lew right now... and this place needs cleaning! Can you believe we actually slept in here? How am I going to cook us a five course gourmet meal in a pig stye like this?" Barris said as he ran for the bathroom.
The sound of his fly was quickly replaced by a shriek from the bathroom.
"Is the toilet dirty or something?" asked Mila softly, ensuring Barris was alright.
"Something is way different! It was never this big before! I mean it was fairly big... but never this big!" Barris sounded very panicked, even with his much deeper and masculine voice.
" good thing about it is that my aim's a lot better... which means less cleaning!" Barris responded, trying to find another positive in a clearly very uncomfortable situation.
"Ohhhh... I'm sooo sorry..." a part of Mila with which she'd been unfamiliar lied, as she snuck over to the bed and lay herself down on it seductively, certain that her breasts would scream his name as soon as he left the bathroom.
"Ow!!! Its going to take a lot of getting used to this. I'm definitely going to need speed bumps for my fly..." Barris said, as he put the giant cyclops back in its cave.
Meanwhile, Mila lay waiting for him on the bed, now rolling over onto her chest (which propped her entire upper body up), her cleavage clearly visible just beneath her chin.
She lay there in this new concept of seductiveness she'd never experienced before waiting for Barris to step out of the bathroom, but he never did.
"I think I broke a nail...?" Mila said aloud, trying to concoct a fantasy situation where he could come to her rescue, leading into hours of love making and their enjoyment of her new assets.
By the time she finally got up from the bed to check on Barris, he opened the door to the bathroom.
"Are there any tea towels or linens around here? I've almost got the shower perfect! Its like spotless. It just needs a bit more scrubbing and it will be perfect for you, babe!" Barris said as he peeked out from behind the door.
"I'm feeling a little chilly and I was hoping that you could warm me up a bit...?" she swayed her head to the side, and used her hands to press her breasts together invitingly, but Barris was still focused on finding the cleaning supplies he'd need to get the bathroom just right.
"I'm sorry honey, this is only going to take another half-hour... speaking of! We have to get back and get the cooking started for the party tonight!" Barris slapped both of his hands down upon his head, now completely flabberghasted, especially with all of the unfinished cleaning and cooking that still needed to be done.
"We can be a little late..." Mila drew her finger seductively down his chest.
"No we can't! How am I going to build that addition to the deck before the guests start arriving?" Barris said to her, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her gently.
She smiled seductively, clearly very turned on by his touch.
"Come on honey! You start getting stuff out to the car, and I'll finish the last of the cleaning and we'll get out of here and back home in time to get the deck finished, the cleaning done and the food cooked for tonight's party!" Barris said as he returned to the bathroom to finish wiping down the shower.
By the time Mila had loaded the car, Barris had returned from the bathroom, when he caught sight of her fingernails.
"Wait a second! We've got to fit your nails in too. When we get back, I'll give a manicure and pedicure, and do your nails (after I do your facial mask and give you your backrub), and then I'll get working on the deck while you get ready? Sound good?" Barris asked her.
"I just wanted to take a little time to appreciate you honey..." Mila moved in to kiss him, but found that with her added assets, she couldn't quite get close enough to his lips.
Barris leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
"Alright! Lets go while we still have time!" Barris ushered her out of the motel room and into the passenger seat of his car, and then made his way around to the front.
After checking out, they drove home to Mila's Manor, a thirty minute trip from the motel, where the first of the guests from the Sanctum were starting to arrive in the early evening.
Before Mila was even out of the passenger seat, Barris was sprinting to the backyard and his lawn cutting shed, where he'd kept most of his sparse collection of tools and equipment. Namely, the tractor mower for Mila's humongous lawn, and a small toolbox that contained a claw hammer, a few screwdrivers, a hand saw, a plumbing bob, a level and few boxes of nails.
Yirfir and Jasmer turned from the front door to face Mila as she rounded the back of the car, to start unloading the party gifts.
"Mila, you're looking rather well today..." Yirfir remarked, not able to see her fully as she was obscured behind the car and the gifts she was attempting to negotiate around her new assets to more effectively carry them.
The gifts that is.
Barris' holiday gifts I meant.
The ones that Barris had delicately wrapped earlier with his hands.
Oh for crying out loud, I mean the boxes wrapped in gift paper into which the hyper-intelligent bees had stowed away as part of their migration plans to setup a franchising scheme for their next hive. Not referring to any (new) addition to Mila's body in any way shape or form. I mean, its already bad enough that writers like myself were tripping over them constantly with adjectives and clearly pushing the boundaries for what was acceptable in modern literature, and most insensitively I might add.
"Do you need a hand with those...?" Jasmer asked Mila, who looked at him rather puzzled and perhaps even confused.
"Oh? The gifts you mean... That would be wonderful Jasmer..." Jasmer stepped over to the car as Mila passed him and Yirfir.
"Something's wrong. They must have had an argument. She's never this agreeable," Yirfir leaned in and remarked to Jasmer, who quickly built up a stack of gifts first for Yirfir, and then for himself.
"They're young-ish and in love-ish is all that is. I wouldn't read anything into it further than..." Jasmer's jaws dropped on Mila's return trip back to the car.
"I was only concerned... for... their... mountains..." Yirfir tried to finish her statement to Jasmer only to catch sight of what had caught his attention.
"That's a lovely blouse Mila..." Yirfir acted faster than Jasmer, who was still tongue tied.
"You like it? Thank you! It seems to go nice with these shoes..." Mila responded, turning and modeling the blouse for them.
"It does... quite well..." Yirfir continued along to the dining room table where Mila had placed the first gifts.
Jasmer followed her and unloaded in the same place and they returned for their last trip.
"You must have had a busy day from the look of things..." Yirfir smiled, making more pleasant conversation as she arrived back at the car with Jasmer.
"You noticed! Tammy did it for me. I think its just lovely, but between you and me, Barris thinks its too small for my body..." Mila explained to Yirfir and Jasmer, who both seemed perplexed as to how Mila could so casually refer to such a big change.
"I honestly never had Barris pegged that way..." Yirfir responded, she too now tongue-tied.
"Well he really likes it big and long... so naturally this caught him off guard quite a bit..." Mila responded, so clearly unhindered.
Barris quickly walked by them, heading for one of the buffet drawers.
"I would have preferred a bit longer myself..." Barris said to Yirfir and Jasmer as he opened the drawer, clearly searching for something.
"I see..." Jasmer was out of responses as was Yirfir by this point.
"Have you seen the orange extension cord?" asked Barris of Mila.
"Yes. Its plugged into the other orange extension cord powering the backyard speakers..." Mila replied.
"We haven't seen you for sometime Barris. What are you up to?" asked Jasmer.
"Sorry, I'm just putting an addition onto the back deck right now, it should be ready in about half an hour, at which time your bath should be warmed and ready for your afternoon massage Mila?" Barris responded to Jasmer and Yirfir, and then looked over to his fiancé to assure that she had the schedule he'd planned for their night committed to memory.
"Are we too early? We could take off and step into town for a bit if you're still preparing?" Yirfir suggested to Barris, as found a measuring tape he'd been looking for in the buffet drawer.
"No! Don't be silly! Can I get you a drink? Take a seat out back and keep me company while I finish the deck..." Barris suggested.
"Alright. Do you still need us Mila?" Yirfir asked her friend and former student.
"That's alright. I'll get the gifts ready and Barris will bring you your drinks..." Mila replied, as she began making room under the tree for the spread of gifts that Barris had prepared.
"So Barris, I didn't know that this Tammy person was a surgeon..." Jasmer asked Barris as he returned from the bar fridge with a trio of coolers for them.
"A surgeon? Oh, you mean... No. She's a hairdresser. Don't be silly. She's fully qualified. A little snip here and there, and Mila's as good as new..." Barris cracked open his cooler and presented it to them for a toast.
"Yes... cheers..." they poured their coolers into their cups and each took a healthy drink before continuing.
"So... when did you get into home renovation Barris?" asked Jasmer, pulling a chair out for his wife after which he seated himself beside her.
"Today... mostly. A bit earlier. It was something I've been putting off for about twenty years now..." Barris responded, as he took the handsaw and expertly cut several logs he'd felled from some of the pine trees on Mila's property, into perfect two-by-fours.
Enough of which to finish his work on the deck.
"I see that you're quite skilled at this... Did you just pick it up or...?" Jasmer continued, now clearly concerned that Barris might not be entirely together.
"Mostly. I've gotta make sure I'm worthy of my wife's affections you know?" Barris said as he affixed the two-by-fours to the deck, tapping them quickly in with a hammer and several eight inch galvanized nails until the addition and the accompanying rail was in place six minutes later.
"There... all done. Need another drink? I'm just going to run Mila's bath..." Barris said as checked their glasses.
"Sure, we'll take another Barris," Yirfir agreed to his offer.
A moment later and Barris returned with their fresh drinks and a full platter of prepared Salmon Rolls, Dumplings, and Spinach wrapped Scallops and Avacado dip.
"Enjoy!" Barris said and then disappeared back into the house to attend to Mila's bath and massage.
"It took him fifteen minutes to build an addition on the back deck, big enough to accomodate another twenty people, and he did it with wood he cut from pine trees moments ago, a hand saw, and a few hand tools. Something is clearly different about Barris..." Jasmer reasoned with his wife.
"Personally I'm very happy for Mila, having such a dedicated man..." Yirfir responded to Jasmer.
"Oh please! He's a little too accommodating! Its not natural for a couple to just agree to everything they want," Jasmer said to Yirfir.
"And you're saying that she hasn't made some concessions for him?" Yirfir gestured with her hands, miming a huge pair of breasts.
'That doesn't seem anything like the Mila and Barris I know, is all that I'm saying. They were always the quintessential romantic couple... mostly... but never to the point of making their guests feel like they should gag themselves with a shovel... their concessions for each other as you put it, so nauseatingly unlike them..." Jasmer reasoned with his wife, who looked at him shrewdly.
"Does that mean that you wouldn't do the same for me...?" Yirfir challenged him in their little game of wits.
"Ditto!" Jasmer responded, cupping his hands over his chest to mimic a huge pair of breasts.
"Yes... There are limits to the concessions that couples should make for each other..." Yirfir reluctantly agreed, not willing to alter her body except in the interest of her own health and well being.
"Not to mention there are limits as to one's sacrificing of their own integrity for their partner's benefit..." Jasmer added.
"Its her body, though..." Yirfir argued as she thought about the choice Mila had so clearly agreed to.
"Are you saying to me that you'd find it alright if I went out there and started going on about how much I admire women with large breasts, in front of impressionable young women much, much more modestly endowed?" Jasmer responded.
"Young impressionable women? You mean minors?" confirmed Yirfir.
"Its their body?" Jasmer threw her argument back at her.
"Not if they're minors! What kind of a monster would make young women feel self conscious about the size of their body parts? Enough so that they'd think that for members of the opposite sex to like them and notice them, that they should go out and get their bodies alterted to please?" Yirfir responded, clearly very passionate about the topic.
"Mila's not a minor. She had to have made that choice for herself as an adult," Jasmer responded.
"I still find it difficult to believe that the Mila I knew would ever agree to something of that ilk. She was my student for years Jasmer. You have no idea what you're talking about," Yirfir defended her stance on the issue.
"Fine! And the Barris that I know would never request something like that of her!" Jasmer stood up for Barris.
Yirfir thought about it carefully, and then nodded to her husband.
"Agreed. There is something not right about either of them. They're so unlike the people we knew." Yirfir looked to Jasmer, a modest smile slowly appearing on her face.
"What? What is it?" Jasmer asked her.
"Its good to know that despite our not bending over backwards for each other, that we can still work together," Yirfir said to him.
"Honey, we wouldn't have it any other way," Jasmer agreed.
Nelony suddenly opened the sliding door and stepped out onto the deck, Shaela in tow, preceded by a handsome man with whom Yirfir and Jasmer were unfamiliar. Barris appeared behind them all soon thereafter.
"Yirfir? Jasmer? Barris? I'd like you to meet Eric," Nelony smiled as she introduced her date.
"Pleased to meet you all. Nelony has told me so much about you and I have to admit, you appear the part in person," he said to them, politely shaking their hands as he greeted them.
"She already has him well trained as you can see..." Shaela remarked as she followed them around the table for her greetings.
"She's not the only one..." Yirfir looked to Barris, who'd arrived with a handful of drinks from the bar fridge.
"The glasses are on the table there. Help yourself. I'm just attending to Mila for a bit longer. Help yourselves to the hors d'ouvres here and we'll be with you in a bit..." Barris disappeared back into the house and ran up the stairs to finish Mila's manicure, pedicure, foot and body massage and nails.
Gwendolyn sat comfortably in the driver's seat of her two door hybrid, while Nathalie sat beside her in the passenger seat, her phone in hand as she read a question for Gwendolyn:
"In nineteen ninety-eight, this company was founded by an eccentric systems software engineer, initially starting out as an online chat platform?" Nathalie asked Gwendolyn.
"What is MindSpice and who is Gabriel Asnon?" Gwendolyn responded.
"<BEEEEEEP>... close! Want another try?" Nathalie offered Gwendolyn after mimicking the sound of a losing buzzer with a raspy voice.
"...uhhhh... nineteen ninety-eight? Oh! What is Cheerify and who is Cynthia Pearldolly?" Gwendolyn responded excitedly.
"That's definitely close enough, though FYI her name is Cynthia Pearldottir. That's pretty good so far. Twenty questions and you've gotten sixteen of them right," Nathalie checked Gwendolyn's score on the phone.
"...and I was driving the entire time. That's got to be worth an extra point?" Gwendolyn added.
The car ahead of them, which had been slowing down more and more as the driver obviously checked either side of the road for landmarks, suddenly came skidding to a stop. Gwendolyn slammed on her brakes, immediately leaning on her horn.
"What's with this driver? They've been stop and go for the last twenty minutes!" Gwendolyn said, very obviously frustrated as Nathalie checked their location on the GPS.
"We're like right out front of Mila's. The driveway should be just up that way on the left hand side," Nathalie pointed out to Gwendolyn.
"Oh, good. Should I just pass her or wait?" Gwendolyn checked the oncoming lane for any traffic when the car ahead of them began moving again.
"Finally. Let's see if we can make it to the driveway..." Gwendolyn said sarcastically.
The car ahead of them paused as it arrived at Mila's driveway, and then slowly made a left turn into the enormous driveway and took a parking spot outside of the double car garage. Gwendolyn pulled in behind the car and shut off her car before getting out with Nathalie.
The driver of the other car was a short woman of about five foot seven, clearly adorned in gypsy attire when viewed from behind. She turned to face Gwendolyn and Nathalie who were greeted by a pretty and lively face.
"You had a little trouble finding the place?" asked Gwendolyn of her.
"Trouble? No. I'm a teller of fortunes and I knew that it would be a difficult and long trip, coming all the way from my shop in Niagara Falls. If I didn't, then what kind of teller of fortunes would I be?" the Gypsy responded to them.
"Bad traffic?" asked Gwendolyn.
"That... and the fact that this car is from nineteen ninety-eight and doesn't have GPS, which is very odd because my brother set my shop up with the latest computer and website. I'm Bella your Forune Teller. Enough about me, and who might you be?" the Gypsy responded, extending her hand first to Gwendolyn and then to Nathalie, though Nathalie cut in, very excited to be meeting another fortune teller.
"I'm Nathalie, a dabler in the mystic arts myself. I mostly focus on tarot cards, astrology and occasionally tea readings too. Its so nice to meet you! Oh, and this is my friend Gwendolyn!" Nathalie shook hands with Bella and then introduced Gwen.
"Pleased to meet you, Bella. Do you have a phone? Cause you can just hook up a phone holder/charger in your car and plug it into the lighter, and use the GPS from your phone," Gwendolyn explained to Bella, who seemed stunned by Gwen's simple solution to her dilemna.
"I'll get my brother to do it when I get back to Niagara Falls. Thank you! You see, I've only known you for a minute, and you've already done something good to help me. You're a kind soul," Bella responded to Gwen, as a limousine pulled into the driveway and slowly pulled up, lining the back door up with the front walkway.
A tall woman with immensely perfect blonde hair and a near perfect physique stepped out of the driver's seat of the limousine and proceeded to open the back door as she stood to the side.
An older small framed man got out of the back seat, a hat adorning his head, wearing a black dress coat and slacks and an elaborately ornate cane in his hand. He turned to face Bella, Gwen and Nathalie, removing his hat briefly from his head to greet them before replacing it again.
"Good day," the man said to them as he turned to head towards the front door.
Another man stepped out, much taller than the first but somewhere near the same age. He wore a gray suit, and a perfectly knotted bow tie graced his neck. He too smiled and nodded to the others before following the first man towards Mila's front door.
"I'll just park the car at the end of the driveway, on the gravel if that will be alright, Morton?" asked the limousine driver.
"That would be wonderful Gallea. Good suggestion. Then, if you would grace us with your presence and escort these kind guests to the front door with us, we could all make our entry at the same time," Morton added.
Gallea closed the back door and got into the driver's door of the limousine, and then pulled out backwards to the end of the driveway and onto a gravel section that housed the mailbox and package reception safe. When she'd parked the limousine, she got out and approached Bella, Gwen and Nathalie, somewhat overshadowing the three of them.
"Hi. I'm Gallea Keyser," Gallea held out her hand for each of them in turn.
"Gallea! How are you my darling! We haven't seen each other in nearly two years!" Bella offered her friend a hug.
"I'm sorry, but you look so different with this year's holiday attire. Morton? Benjamin? Its Bella and her friends Gwendolyn and Nathalie," Gallea quickly covered for herself, and then informed Morton and Benjamin before walking with the other women to the front door.
As Morton was about to press the door bell, the door suddenly flew open.
"Hello Morton. Benjamin. Bella! Gallea too! And..." Barris began.
"Barris, this is Gwendolyn, and this is Nathalie," Gallea introduced the two newcomers to their group.
"I'm Mila's fiancé, Barris. Very pleased to meet you. Do come in and make yourselves comfortable. There's food and drink out back on the deck, and I'm just getting some other goodies ready for later. Mila should be down any moment," Barris said, holding the door open for them as the all filtered into the front foyer.
"Bella! You look very... have you lost a bit of weight?" Bella turned to comment to Barris, but by that time he was already gone somewhere else working on his immense list of pre-party chores.
Gallea took their coats and put them in the closet, and then led them to the sliding doors of the back deck, where many of the guests were gathered and the party was beginning to pick up steam as the evening sun settled beneath the grove of apple and pear trees that graced Mila's orchard.
Morton and Benjamin found their way over to Yirfir and Jasmer, greeting the other guests along the way.
"Is this the senior's section?" asked Morton with a mile on his face.
"It certainly is. Can I get you a plate of cheese and avocado dip, and a cup of prune juice and maybe?" asked Jasmer jokingly.
"That's quite alright. I'll stick with a glass of Mila's house wine if you're asking," Morton held out his hand to greet Jasmer.
"I'll get that for him. I know my way around here. What are you having Benjamin?" asked Nelony, standing from her place beside Eric.
"A glass of sipping whiskey, three fingers should do, Nelony," Benjamin smiled as he took a seat beside Yirfir.
"Morton, I just noticed that they have a place for the gifts? I'm just going to run out to the limo and get our gifts from the back trunk," Gallea said as she disappeared into the house once again, and out through the front door.
"With all these fresh faces here, how are the Sanctum regulars going to show up without causing suspicion?" Morton asked Jasmer, but it was Yirfir who answered.
"Mila had a rather large gazebo installed last year, with an interior large enough for the portal weavers to use. It remains hidden inside. There's motion sensing lights inside of it, so nobody ends up arriving in a dark room and stubbing their toes on a doorframe. We're the only two who've used it today, but there's a lot of guests from the Sanctum yet to arrive, so I imagine we'll see quite a bit of activity from it," Yirfir explained to Morton.
"I would've used it myself if I'd have known, with Benjamin's help that is?" Morton responded.
"What about this that I've been hearing that the Sanctum is having a staffing shortage?" asked Benjamin.
"We've had trouble attracting new members, not to mention with recent issues involving what appears to be a non-consensual psychic collective of some form, our security screening process is vulnerable, and we haven't had the resources to evaluate the threat or develop a new screening method. We've mostly been relying on full members, who have been bringing us people they trust, but at only a trickle's pace since before the Battle of the Sanctum," Yirfir explained to them.
"As a possible short term solution, we're looking at bringing in a new order of seers. Especially those with talents for entropic alchemy, divining, remote viewing and fortune telling, not to mention we're also looking for the naturally veiled..." Jasmer added.
"And by naturally veiled you mean...?" Benjamin asked.
"Those born with a natural immunity or shielding against extrasensory phenomenon. There's a multitude of lore in a number of worldly cultures that indicate those born with immunity, but we haven't been able to verify many of those means, but we're working closely with a number of outside mystic agencies to identify prospects," Jasmer continued.
"What about Gallea?" Morton suggested.
"But she's a..." Jasmer paused, not entirely sure of how to politely address her origins.
"A crafted woman. A construct. A golem, of the richest white clay, the most pristine water and the purest gold. She is everything that my wife and I had dreamt of in the daughter we were planning to have. Before Arlaya passed away, she made me promise that I would go on to have a daughter, our daughter. I promised her on her death bed, and she gave me her most treasured heirloom, one that had been in the possession of every woman of her family line. Before she passed on, she put every one of her dreams and aspirations about our daughter into this heirloom, and it became Gallea's heart. She can't reason the same as we can, though she's quite adept and skillful in life, but her greatest strength is her heart, for in it, my wife's and my dreams of a daughter are contained. She lives by her heart. As for what you're looking in terms of your prospects for the Sanctum? She's immune to psychic intrusion, for the means to her rationale doesn't originate in the same way as it does other people. Her heart is a mystical source that can't be scryed, by the means that psychic collectives or others who use collective scrying to open a person's mind and memory employ. However, please do remember that she's our daughter, my wife's and mine. She's no less a real person than anyone else, and in the end it would be her choice alone," Morton explained to Jasmer and Yirfir.
"Would you mind if we discussed the matter with her?" Yirfir asked Morton.
"Not at all. That's why I suggested it. She's not going to grow as a person if she's only ever with her father. Working with the Sanctum would be a good thing for her and for you from what I understand," Morton added.
"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and thought that you might want to know that there's a few 'seers' here tonight. Bella for instance, and that other girl over there... uhhh Nathalie I think?" Shaela leaned over and interjected herself quietly.
"Bella? We could discuss these matters with her. She's clearly demonstrated her abilities in delving and scrying, and to a degree in entropic alchemy," Yirfir quickly glanced over to Bella's direction.
"We'd have to test her intrinsic and latent abilities and see that she'd be a good fit for the Sanctum. Same with her friends. We'd have to approach them very cautiously and in the usual manner," Jasmer responded, looking to Yirfir and Shaela.
"It sounds to me as if you're on your way to a few solutions then," Benjamin smiled.
"I suppose we are. Maybe that's a sign of things to come, both at this party and perhaps for the future of the Sanctum?" Yirfir suggested.
"Let's finish our drink, and we'll both speak with Gallea, and Bella," Jasmer added.
Six billion light years away, a vast armada of space borne vessels emerged from a twisted and sinewy conduit of time/space extending itself for twenty light minutes from the event horizon of a supermassive black hole at the center of its host galaxy.
Corpus sat in the command chair aboard his flagship vessel, the Crystal Crusher, looking at the holographic navigation charts as he tried to find his route through the wormhole network.
"Hmmm... we went through the NGC 1560 wormhole two jumps ago, and then through the M87 just now... That would put us... oh dang! I think we're..." Corpus scratched his chin, as he traced his route on the navigation charts.
"Sir, we could stop and ask for directions?" his 2IC suggested.
"bahhh! We're not lost! I'm just finding us a better route! Don't we have quantum-scale boson, muon and gluon actuated computers to handle this sort of thing?" Corpus asked.
"Sir, we switched them off a couple jumps ago. When you complained about a strange ringing in your ears?" his 2IC reminded him.
"Oh? That's what fixed it? I was thinking that it just went away. Hmmm. Good job. Insofar as directions go, no! I'll figure this out... wait... is that an O-class blue aura crystalline star I see on our scanners?" Corpus pointed out on another part of the holographic interface.
"I believe that is, Sir," his 2IC answered.
"We have some crystal crushing to do! Set course for that star! We're going to crush it!" Corpus closed the holographic navigation map and opened his tactical and strategic interface.
"Ohhhh... and when we're done, we'll go back a jump and take the other wormhole. We'll find our way soon enough..." Corpus said as he lined up the array of compressed neutron cannons at their target.
Through the corridors of the ship his voice echoed until it reached the chambers of his wife.
The communicator came on and her voice emerged:
"Corpus? Are you there? Why don't you stop and ask for directions?!!!" she said to him.
"Alright honey. I'm on it, after I take care of some other pressing matters..." Corpus spoke in a withdrawn and timid voice as he smirked at his 2IC.
"Alright. After we've crushed this crystalline star, stop and ask for directions," Corpus said aloud, not even looking to his 2IC but definitely resenting him.
"Yes Sir. Alright men, you heard him. Crush that star!" the 2IC ordered, wondering if he'd moved closer or farther from shortening his life span.
Barris quickly made his way down the stairs ahead of Mila, who was still taking things carefully not being able to see her feet from her current perspective anymore, and feeling somewhat of unfamiliar balance.
Her nails, both those on her hands and feet, upon which were worn her favourite heeled dress shoes each adorned with a crystal near the toes, were expertly painted (by Mila of course). Her body was adorned by a long dress which managed to fit her topside much to her gratitude given her recent changes.
When she'd made it to the bottom of the stairs, it was Nelony who now in the kitchen, spotted her first.
She had a glass of wine in her hand, which upon seeing Mila, summarily dropped to the floor.
"Oh dear...!" her hands immediately went to her cheeks.
"Nelony!" Mila opened her arms for a hug, much to the dread of her best friend.
"Watch your step on the glass dear. I seem to have dropped my wine..." Nelony said awkwardly as she dodged Mila's hug.
"Let me get that. You're a guest! Go out there and enjoy yourself. I'll be with you in a minute with a fresh glass for you," Mila said as she grabbed the broom and began cleaning the broken glass from the floor.
"Uhhhh... you seem a tad bit over burdened already. Perhaps I should stay and assist?" Nelony asked her friend awkwardly.
"That's alright, I'll get this done. You go out there and enjoy yourself," Mila said almost too agreeably.
Nelony bumped into Barris as he made his way out through the sliding door.
"Sorry 'bout that love," Barris said to her.
Nelony looked at Barris with a scathing look on her face as the pressure built within her.
Despite her best efforts, her hand as if spring loaded, suddenly jumped from her side and slapped him across the face, loudly enough that the entire party in progress suddenly stopped.
"How could you?!!!" Nelony screamed at him.
"You mean the deck? I thought it was big enough? There's lots of room for everyone!" Barris responded defensively.
"Oh sure, the deck's big enough, but Mila's knockers weren't! You pig of a man!" Nelony nearly spat at him.
"I beg your pardon, but Mila had the knocker on the door replaced years ago with a doorbell!" Barris rubbed his face as it swelled ever so slightly.
"You know exactly what I mean! She wasn't good enough for you that you had to change her?!!! You make me sick!" Nelony stormed outside and to the border of the deck, her back to Barris as she waited for Mila to return.
Every one of the guests was staring at Barris, perhaps waiting for him to say something to ease the tension that had clearly peaked and was not in any way ready to give up its place at the top.
Morton Keyser looked to Barris, suddenly recalling why he'd placed such an importance upon attending Mila's party.
His memories went back to years before, and his first encounter with the Sanctum and their allies...
A Lady's Prerogative: The Pug Mandate
At that very moment, the doors to the gazebo opened and a number of guests stepped into view, the first of which made his way upon four short and stubby legs.
"Happiu~isuka!" Nelony said excitedly as the little pug ran for her happily.
"Someone's been keeping well?" Nelony said, reaching into her pocket and pulling forth a dog biscuit which she'd brought specifically for the pooch.
He happily took it in his jaws and began crunching it to smithereens, making sure that none of the crumbs or morsels were lost to the surface of the deck.
"Like any good party guest, he always immediately goes right for the hors d'ouvres and buffet," Mishima Sato said as he walked the flagstone trail from the gazebo to the deck, accompanied by a few other expected arrivals.
"That might not be the case if someone fed him a bit more!" Nelony responded.
"If I fed him the way you do, it would have been a very thin and frail me running to you for handouts from your pocket, and him hobbling along with an extra two hundred pounds of weight, after having put me in the poor house having fed him the same designer treats you've been giving him," Sato responded.
"He deserves a good treat every now and again," Nelony responded to him.
"Well this is now, and again won't happen for at least another six months. A good pacing for the kind of treats with which you've been spoiling him. If you only treated people the same as you do him and the rest of nature, this world might be a virtual utopia by now," Sato replied.
"It would seem that we're not too early..." Xenshi said as she approached Mila's back deck.
"Or too late," Xushu, her brother, added from beside his sister.
Near the sliding doors on the deck, Yirfir and Jasmer both approached Barris, while most of the rest of the party slowly picked up to the level of a hushed conversation, tension still thick in the air after Nelony's confrontation of Barris.
"I take that Nelony was addressing you about Mila's recent changes?" asked Yirfir.
"What changes are you referring to? Her hair?" Barris responded, folding his arms and revealing a very toned pair of arms and shoulders, which too caught Yirfir's and Jasmer's attention.
"Not exactly..." Yirfir began, once again hitting the roadblock of how awkward a subject it was to discuss, despite the fact that there was a clear need for it to be so.
"Barris, we're concerned for both Mila and yourself. You see, the Mila we know and love was much lighter in the region of her chest..." Jasmer began.
"...considerably so and happily as much too," Yirfir added.
"As was the Barris that we knew, with every aspect of her being, both in terms of her creative and gentle being, and her immense natural beauty. In fact, it was something about which you were both quite happy. It was never the kind of thing that we'd expect either of you to change so drastically, seemingly so on a whim," Yirfir continued.
"What are you talking about? The Mila I've always known and loved has always been a little..." Barris too felt uncomfortable discussing these matters about his fiancé even with their best friends, and so he cupped his hands in front and mimed it for them.
"...big... ...mountainous... ...spacially greedy..." Barris explained as he caricatured it for them with his hands.
Yirfir gently grabbed Barris by the arm, and pulled him inside of the house through the sliding doors. They ventured a ways down the back hall, past the kitchen and to the wall of shame, as Barris often jokingly referred to it.
The wall was lined with framed photographs, mostly of Mila and Barris, and certainly of family and friends.
"See this one here?" Yirfir pointed out a photograph of Mila to Barris.
It was a photo taken at the beach, as Mila lay on a folding sunbed in her bikini, even posing for the photographer, who just happened to be Barris. In the photo, it was very clear that Mila was nowhere near as endowed as she now was.
"How is this? This is Mila, but she's so different from the Mila I've always known," Barris reacted upon seeing the photograph.
"And yet, that Mila in the photograph is the Mila we've always know," Yirfir responded.
"And we can't both be right, is what we're trying to say," Jasmer reasoned with Barris.
"Oh, its so nice to see someone finally admiring the wall of shame..." Mila said as she snuck up on them from the kitchen.
"Hi honey. Yirfir and Jamser were just taking in the memories contained on this wall, and they happened to notice something a little off in the photos..." Barris handed Mila the photograph of her on the beach.
She immediately smiled, remembering that exact moment, but then an abstract difference between herself and the photo arrived at her awareness. She looked down at her own bosom, and then the one in her photograph and seemed very perturbed.
"Is this some kind of a joke? I thought it was against the rules of the Sanctum to use the weave for personal hoaxes or grudges!" Mila looked to Barris first, and then to Jasmer and finally Yirfir skeptically.
"These photos Mila, are of the Mila we all remember. So far, it seems that you and Barris are the only two who don't concur with this point of view," Yirfir explained to one of her favourite students of the weave.
The sliding door suddenly opened and Nelony stormed in the door, followed by Sato, and finally by Xenshi and Xushu who pursued them all in an attempt to keep up with them in case of trouble.
"Wait...!" Yirfir urged Nelony to hold her challenge for the bigger discussion, but failed.
"Finally I find you! Mila, why did you do this to yourself?!!!" Nelony challenged Mila.
"Do what? My hair you mean? I thought it was..." Mila once again found herself in the salon chair, looking at Barris' face, when he had been lost for words upon seeing the immense change in her hair style.
"Its... nice...! Really... really... nice!" Barris had said to her, doing everything he could to soften the shock it had been for him.
Mila now stood before Nelony, facing the same scrutiny (from which the hyper-intelligent bees could have learned a thing or two), that Barris had given her in the salon and the entire situation suddenly unfolded before her mind's eye. Her sudden sense of sadness that the man she loved was so set back by her courage to try something new with her hair, one of the many palettes through which a woman expresses herself. And he responded as if he had somehow lost her.
Now, here were her friends doing exactly the same thing to her, and yet something still stood between this moment and the salon that had gotten in the way. Something that was supposed to be private. Affectionate. A moment between two in love.
She thought back to the hotel room, and what a wonderful time they'd had there, but there was another competing memory. One that overlapped the same memory she was having and it was very different. She'd felt elated at the moment she'd shared with her Barris, the man who now stood beside her and the same man with which she'd been involved for the last nine years.
And yet, there was a moment when their love making had been, insofar as her efforts go, an attempt to end it abruptly, so she could have some mind space of her own to contemplate the state of her relationship with Barris, while he inevitably slept in his post-orgasm slumber.
She had memories of life and her immense creativity, crafting and designing many great works of art over the course of her life. Many adorned her walls, while many she'd worn to parties and gatherings. She was the center of an entire ecosystem of creativity, and despite what these people were calling her out for, she remembered being accepted exactly as the person she was. Not the person they now expected her to be. It was as if she'd recently acquired two different sets of memorty that occupied the same recent time span.
Memories that were competing with one another.
They converged around a moment when Mila remembered tearing the wrapper off of her gift, and in a moment of both the most extreme love she could have for someone, and the most enduring hatred of his worst, she wished for something that...
When she returned from her thoughts, Nelony and Yirfir were in a heated argument with Sato and Jasmer, while Xenshi and Xushu both in their own way attempted to be the peace makers. Xushu would take their argument to the extreme, hoping to snap them out of their sudden emotionally guided disdain for each other's perspective, while Xenshi provided the voice of reason, a beacon from which they could all find common ground and the sensibility to discuss matters rationally. However, the conversation was missing the two people over which it was being fought.
"It was the gifts!" Mila suddenly blurted out.
"Mila, could you kindly stay out of this...! Wait! I'm sorry Mila, did you say... the gifts?" Yirfir turned to face Mila who'd suddenly returned from her emotional turmoil of recall.
"We opened gifts! Do you remember honey?" Mila grabbed Barris' hands, naturally holding them close to her chest, suddenly making him feel a bit cautious lest Nelony and Yirfir suddenly lynch him.
"The gifts! That's right! We opened gifts!" Barris too now remembered the moment that they tore into their gifts, in a sort of haze of passion and rage for one another.
"Who wrapped those gifts?" asked Yirfir.
"I did. At the museum. Before I went to pickup Mila at the salon," Barris recalled.
"How many did you wrap?" asked Jasmer, catching on to his wife's line of reasoning.
"I think there were twelve in all. Two that Mila and I had picked for each other, and ten more," Barris remembered his time back at the museum, where he'd been busy all day landscaping the grounds in minus ten degree weather to prepare a few acres of new flower beds for the coming spring.
A detail he'd left out and one that likely would have given them a considerable clue about the nature of their situation.
They all looked at each other, and all at once went for the gifts on the gift table beneath the Seasonally Appropriate Politically Correct Holiday Tree (or SAPCHaT for short, as if not to confuse matters further).
When they arrived, Yirfir and Jasmer both began going through the gifts.
"Which ones are the ones you wrapped?" asked Jasmer as he piled the gifts on the now empty dining room table.
"I'll sort them to the left... Uhhhh... this one, this one, not this one, this one..." Barris began sorting them with the help of Jasmer and Yirfir as the others watched with intense interest.
When she spotted it, Nelony picked up the gift tagged as her's.
"Oh, you didn't..." Nelony immediately began opening the gift as Mila tried to intercept it.
"No wait!" Mila pleaded with Nelony but by that time it was already too late.
The bee contained in that gift had secretly snuck out of it, and found its way to Nelony's posterior. Upon the height of her joy opening the gift, it stung her.
All at once, the most extreme of her love and the most destructiveness of her hate emerged from her in the form of a wish.
Almost instantly, the Mila they all knew was returned and standing before them, still struggling with Nelony in attempt to stop her from tampering with the gift.
Barris however, had also changed. He had returned to being the same Barris he had been since wrapping the gifts and loading the car before picking up Mila at the salon. He however, wasn't the same Barris that had set about attempting to landscape acres of land at the museum to add flower beds for the spring. Something this Barris (and most other people) would have seen as either obsession or insanity, or quite possibly both.
If necessity was the mother of all invention, then it certainly was the father of all procrastination and this was certainly the case with this particular Barris. The very thought of landscaping the museum grounds in the middle of winter made justifiable the aspects of comfort and the immensely health preserving aspects of procrastination very reasonable. It gave hope to all men who'd put things off for warmer weather, when confronted by other men, who would do before thinking. Leap before looking. Perhaps motivated by the fact that they were running from something in themselves or someone else that they did not want to face.
And so it was, that this Barris returned to his rightful place in the scheme of things as they currently stood, albeit somewhat changed.
Mila suddenly released Nelony's gift as Nelony stumbled backwards slightly.
"That was the most profound experience I've ever had opening a gift..." Nelony said aloud, very exhausted on many levels.
Mila looked down and saw her favourite dress shoes with only the most modest obstruction of her view.
"Oh thank goodness!" Mila said as she realized that she was once again home.
"I'm sure that the other Mila is likely just as grateful, being in her own home as well as she likely is," Morton had stepped into the dining room area, looking with concern to his friends and peers.
"Other Mila?" Nelony suddenly caught on upon seeing the Mila she remembered.
"What you just experienced is the effects of when two realities, two planes of existence intersect as a result of some very powerful manipulation of the great weave," Morton explained to Mila.
"...and a lot of scrutiny and facetiousness from all of you, who were all over me about my sudden loss of upper body mass... as Nelony had put it! Jumping all over me that I'd change to suit Barris' wants and desires," Mila responded, truly traumatized by the experience for it had left her with a sense of being inadequate.
As if she simply wasn't enough as she was, with her modest and comfortable body. The only one she'd known and loved for her entire life, for it had safely gotten her through many challenging situations in life. Those that had required endurance at times, and strength at others, and it had somehow through every challenge to her well being and health, gotten her through safely. Not only that, but she'd also felt great joy and pleasure through it as well. It was perfect for her in every way.
And yet, up until moments earlier, her friends and entire circle simply didn't see things the same way. They implored that she was not herself. That the Mila they'd known had a much different layout and generosity of body shape and size. She'd been scolded by all of her friends and the people she'd trusted most, for she had been different from the Mila they remembered and it somehow was a blasphemy to them and their understanding of things, as much so as it had been for the Mila who up until moments earlier, had been here in her place.
She all at once understood the immense pressure that some, perhaps all women are subjected to when it comes to a society not accepting of them as they are. Sure, there was the benefits of better health if you chose to pursue a high degree of exercise and activity in your life, and that could be a good thing if that was what you chose for and of yourself.
However, the pressures that Mila had rarely experienced throughout her life, had suddenly been presented to her all at once, when she'd been thrust into a world that had come to accept a very different Mila than the one they'd previously had. All at once she wondered how truly these people looked into her, rather than at her exterior, to acclimatize themselves to the person they claimed to know and love.
What a weight such an idea must be upon the shoulders of a young woman. The world telling you that you're not enough, and that for people - a potential mate to even look at you admiringly - that you have to be so many different things all at once, all of them different from who you currently were.
The experience that the other, generously endowed Mila had experienced was no different than the experience that their Mila had in her reality. They too were as confronting of her, immediately challenging that she was herself at all, and none of them had realized how they'd looked to her not as a person, but as a shell around a person. At that point, she wasn't quite sure if the lesson she'd gained from it was theirs or hers. Perhaps it was a bit of both.
"It is a pleasure to see you again," Xenshi broke the tension with her honest sincerity.
"I wish I could say the same! I rather liked that other one!" Xushu added, now floating upside down over Xenshi's head.
His brashness of statement was taken as scathing sarcasm, and they all knew exactly what he meant, including Mila for he'd earned the respect and right to express the most sarcastic of views to them. Others, however unfamiliar, might not get the same acceptance nor did they have any obligation to receive, whether presenting their own views, or merely parroting or echoing those of the people that Mila and her friends knew.
"Truly, my sister and I are glad to have you back Mila," Xushu flipped back onto his feet and stood before her.
"This isn't over yet. This is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. You see, things as you knew them, perhaps from some time ago, are very different than the due course given your interconnectedness would have taken them," Morton explained to them.
"How so? It appears that we have our Mila, and our Barris, don't we?" Yirfir responded to Morton, then looking both to Mila and then Barris for their agreement.
"I feel like I'm home," Mila replied.
"Me? I don't know. What do you think Mila?" asked Barris of his fiancé.
"I think you're my Barris, and that we've got issues to work on," Mila said to him, both lovingly and assertively.
"So be it. I'm Barris and we've got issues to work on," Barris responded.
"Something happened in your past. Something between the two of you, and changed things immensely, and altered the realities and planes of everything. Since your encounter with a certain Power Lord..." Morton began.
"Lorr?" confirmed Jasmer.
"Precisely. In France. La Pied D'Arbour Noire. The mansion there. Something from that moment forward altered everything, and I''ve been trailing you all and trying my best to piece it all together. To find ways to stitch reality back to its intended course, for all of this happens all at once. Our minds just present it to us in a sequentially temporal manner, alchemically speaking of course," Morton explained to them.
"That is why some dragons remember the past, and why some remember the future," Xenshi added.
"From what I can see here, someone else has been dabbling in things. Trying to change them from another angle," Morton continued opening their understanding of things.
"Our thoughts exactly. That's why we were examining the gifts..."
"That is, until Nelony lost control and like a curious and impatient child, gave in to the urge to rip her gift open!" Sato spoke in a spiteful yet humourous tone.
"The very act that changed things..." Jasmer said in realization.
"Do you recall what happened when you opened your gifts?" asked Yirfir of Mila and Barris.
"I don't know. There was a lot of tension between us, but I wanted everything to be perfect. And yet, I wanted my needs to be fulfilled. I wanted Barris to live up to expectations and aspirations that might have been a little too high, given the fact that I was very animous over our situation. When I opened that gift, I remember feeling intensity. Like... both passion and anger towards him, and then there was a sharp pain..." Mila recalled.
"Do you recall where?" asked Sato.
Mila pointed to her posterior.
"Barris, was it the same for you?" asked Jasmer.
Barris looked to Mila for approval and she nodded once at him.
"Yes. It was definitely a sharp pain in the..." Barris was interrupted.
"Rear. Let's just leave it at that," Mila finished his sentence.
"It was like a sting! Like a hornet or a bee..." Nelony had a very clear recollection of her experience and that was when Morton turned to see something crawling on the wall.
"Get a jar, now please!" Morton requested of her friends.
It was Nelony who moved first, knowing what he intended to do and fully in support of him seeing as it didn't involve squashing the poor creature, who was in all likelihood just as lost and scared as were they. A moment later she returned with a mason jar from Mila's cupboards. The very same jars Mila often used for pickling cucumbers and beets from her garden, and preserving jams and jellies from her apple and pear trees.
Morton accepted the jar and carefully placed the opening atop of the bee, trapping it. They waited for a few moments for it to climb onto the walls of the jar, and when it did, Morton slowly and carefully removed the jar from the wall as Nelony placed the cap on it and twisted.
"Seems to be unharmed," Morton smiled, admiring the little creature as it tried to make its way to the brightest source of light from within the jar.
"Nelony, I believe that you're the only one of us who has qualifications for what comes next. Could you do the honours?" asked Yirfir of her other student.
"Right then. Ummmm. Alright. Let me give this a try..." Nelony began weaving her hands gracefully in the air and weaving the aether until it accumulated in a ball in her hands, she then stretched it and expanded it until it became a pinkish-greenish dome complete with glowing hexagonal filaments, encompassing them all in the dining room.
"There. That should do it. Alright. I'll start: Hello little fellow. We're friendly and mean you no harm. We just need to ask you a few questions about yourself and maybe a few of your friends? After that, we'll try to find a way to return you to safety," Nelony said aloud, and almost immediately as soon as she directed her speech at the little critter, a projected image of her as a bee appeared on the jar.
It began walking and wiggling its bum, occasionally buzzing its wings.
"Stunning how accurately it depicts our Nelony," Sato remarked, drawing a smirk from Nelony.
A moment later, the bee began doing something similar, however much more elaborately so.
A projection of the bee's face appeared before them, and it began to speak to them in plain English:
"Friendly? After laying that one on your bottom? I find that hard to believe, but who am I to scrutinize? So, what is it you'd like to ask me?" he responded quite clearly fluent in grammatical thinking already.
"He's somehow altered. He's been improved. Most bees aren't capable of grammatical thought, let alone language, yet this one clearly demonstrates grammar in his reply. He's different from other natural bees," Nelony explained to them.
"Ask him why he and his friends were in the gifts," Mila suggested.
"Hello again little one. Could you tell me why you and your friends were inside of those gifts?" asked Nelony of the bee.
The glowing face appeared again and responded:
"Migration really, but your kind would likely call it franchising. We're expanding, seeing as there's an obvious shortage of us, and the great Aerth Queen Bee would certainly want to see us spreading far and wide, seeing as we're amongst the most important of pollinators in the world, alongside our sisters, the butterflies, and this world is on a crash course for disaster from what I understand given this shortage, and the fact that there are many hive like humans: hive wannabees we call them - pun intended - steering humanity on an early crash course with its fate. Something we've been tasked with helping to stop," the bee replied to them, in almost perfect pronunciation and illiteration.
"How is it that you plan to stop all of this? This shortage of pollinators and these hive wannabees?" Nelony asked the little bee.
"How? By migrating to other places of course, and setting up colonies and then keeping the Queen Bee quite contantly busy and making many little bees of course, while the better of your kind spread good public relations for us, not to tamper with our hives and how to recognize an invasive predatory species versus actual pollinators, so we're better protected to do our job for the Aerth Queen Bee and take some stress off of our butterfly sisters. Rinse and repeat. Insofar as the hive wannabees... that is only for the great Aerth Queen Bee to know," the bee responded.
"Well, it seems that we're much closer to understanding this situation, and how they came to be in these gifts, but we're going to have to dig a little deeper," Yirfir surmised, looking to Jasmer who nodded in agreement with her.
"Are there any bee keepers in the Alivale region?" asked Jasmer of Mila.
"I'm not sure. I mean, there's someone around here who provides honey to the local markets, and lots of it, but I've never looked into the matter myself. My orchards are alive with both bees and butterflies in the spring and summer, but not like these," Mila explained to them.
"Where's your first home little one? Your first hive?" asked Nelony of the bee.
"Let me check my ancestral rolodex here," the bee responded, taking a moment to check something bound to his furry little body.
"Alright... BzzzBinky, BzzzBidbin, BzzzBusy... that's it! Busy, Very... oh wait. Very Busy Honey. I meant that figuratively rather than literally. They're called Very Busy Honey. They're just off of Rural Road 115 at number 99, though its the second driveway," the bee's face explained to Nelony, as its body danced out an elaborate display of bum wiggling anb buzzing.
"That's right around the corner from the museum!" Barris observed out loud.
"That explains the stowaways on your gifts. But why did they target you?" Sato asked.
"Perhaps we can find out more at Very Busy Honey?" Mila suggested.
"Tonight? It wouldn't be the first time we've bailed on a party and left our guests hanging without a host..." Barris recalled the events of A Lady's Prerogative: SAPCHoP from a couple years earlier.
There was suddenly a loud knock at the front door.
"Its probably Sir Manfred, wearing his armour again," Barris said, immediately making his way to the front door.
As soon as he opened it, a large man in armour pushed his way in, knocking Barris off of his feet and onto the floor, as he slid backwards away from the man.
Behing the man who'd barged in, another fifty men slowly surrounded the house as another column of men marched up the driveway.
"What is the meaning of this?!!!" Nelony challenged the Phalanx.
"Yes, last I heard, private residences were out of bounds for parades..." Sato added, stepping protectively forward.
The man looked at Barris and spat, as a woman with long red hair came walking in behind him, followed by a man of similar resemblance to Barris, albeit, far more muscular and scarred, with the physique of an athlete and the demeanor of a leader.
"Empress! Here is the imposter!" the man who'd initially burst into Mila's home suddenly dropped to his knees as the woman in long red hair stepped forward, fearlessly into their home.
"These people are soft!" Boudicca exclaimed, looking to each of them as her form glistened in the light.
She too of the highest fitness, though she was shorter than Jasmer and only slightly taller than Yirfir. Regardless, her presence was unquestionable, and every one of them in the dining room felt her raw energy as she paced amongst them fearlessly.
The man who appeared like a hardened version of Barris quickly grabbed him up and held his gladius to his throat.
Mila couldn't contain herself and quickly wove the aether, turning the man's gladius into a boquet of flowers before his very eyes.
He dropped it, as if it were cursed, backing away from it fearfully, as Boudicca watched, even looking admiringly towards Mila.
All at once, Boudicca's memories came back to her of that day as they lay in wait for their ambush of the Stone Henge, Carbus Carnum's battalions lining the plateau.
Marlin of Eire was amidst the front lines, tasked with the charge by foot, as Boudicca had no cavalry or chariots. She commanded only the will of the men sworn to fight for her, and their little equipment and armour. They were technically as outmatched as they were in terms of skill, but Boudicca knew in her heart that every foe could be beaten. She knew that they needed a miracle, and that the druids were the key to deciphering the Stone Henge, and winning the war.
The Romans however, had known this too, and when they arrived to slaughter Boudicca's husband, and rape her daughters and her, another detachment left for the home of the druids, further north, and slaughtered all of their kind. A few remained, one of them being Marlin, a most reknowned druid of tradition, with yet no demonstrated abilities associated with their history and rites.
Boudicca had seen the same kind of suffering as had Marlin, and knew that the man would find a solution only when faced with the crisis of his life, as much so as she had discovered her destiny when faced with hers. Hence, she ordered him to lead the charge with his druid brethren against a superior foe with superior equipment now occupying their most sacred of temples with the man prophesized to complete Boudicaa and turn the tide in their favour. Between that day, and the moments before their final charge, only death remained a barrier.
She looked across the field, and through the standing stones of the Henge, and to the battalions of Roman soldiers that now surrounded it. A fierce gaze crossed her eyes as she sited their leader, and she let forth her battle cry:
[Charge forth and lay them all asunder!]
"Codwch nhw i gyd!" Boudicca screamed loud enough for her voice to echo through the peaks and valleys around the Henge.
All at once they came running from the amidst the trees, some of them even appearing like the foliage themselves, and many of the Roman soldiers who saw them thought them to be living plants, charging at them in revenge for their fallen druid-kind, but the firm Roman training held them fast, and they turned to face the threat. Their shields set forth, and in a wall to face their oncoming enemies.
Boudicca's force was massive and impressive, at first, but quickly as they got closer, it became clear that they were armed only with hide and leather and facing off against an army armed with weapons cast from the most advanced forges this side of the Black Sea.
As they got into range, the javelins launched their first volley at Boudicca's forces, bringing down at least a hundred of them, most dying or dead. The charge didn't lose its momentum as Boudicca quickly caught up with the druids and was now leading the charge beside them. They knew they were committed, and how no excuse, for their Queen was charging in battle beside them, like an ancestral siren of old, her body gleaming with sweat and war paint as she ran.
Marlin watched as another javelin volley from the second line Phalanx flew through the air, cutting into half of his druids, a javelin barely missing him. His ears had abandoned him, and all he could hear was his pounding heart and his breath, which was rapidly approaching its limits.
He looked on at the great stones around him, once again having a vision, like something he'd seen before and when it came to him, everything became clear all at once, and he fully understood his ancestral rite as he did all of druid magic.
His vision was a memory of a glade his people, the druids used to take him and all the children and it was set within a great forest. Within this forest was a clearing, where the largest trees to be found in all of the land grew. These particular trees had grown naturally in a pecular formation, and that had stuck with him all of his life, and until this very moment, when he realized that the Stone Henge was not stone at all, but wood transformed to stone. As it was in all of alchemy, what could be done, could be undone. All things had a way, and a means by which to become as one another. Upon this realization, he paused and took in a great breath, holding his hollywood staff before him, waving it across his view of the Henge.
At first, the ground began to rumble and quake. The Romans kept their footing, but became startled by the emergence of this new threat. Still, they kept their focus on the enemy coming at them, and never suspected what would come from behind.
One by one, the stones came to life, they sprouted legs and arms and began to systematically crush underfoot, every Roman soldier they encountered. Tall stone golems and short alike came to life, and each paid their share for their given life in the battle.
When Marlin saw that his life's work had been realized, he began testing his understanding of the great alchemy, and wove his hollywoodo staff again. The ranks of Boudicca's army, suddenly found their skin becoming hard as stone, while the Roman armour melted from their bodies, dripping in pools of molten metal, burning and scalding their bodies as it slid from them. Their screams soon became prevalent over the victory howls of Boudicca's men.
Carbus Carnum, who'd been scarred by the incident, but left standing and very capable of fighting, ran for Boudicca as the rest of the ranks of the Roman army fell one by one.
[It is customary for the generals to face each other! I have never felled a woman in battle, but I'd gladly have you be my first!]
"Solent duces inter se congredi! Mulierem in proelio numquam cecidi, sed tu primus esses libenter!" Carbus Carnum challenged her.
She understood Latin, being educated herself and so faced him.
[It is far too grave a loss that your men never upheld your high standards. Perhaps that was the truth behind your downfall.]
"Grande nimis magnum est iacturam quam tui nunquam tui signa suscepisse. Forsitan id verum fuit post casum." Boudicca responded in Latin, with a thick Welsh accent.
Marlin stood and watched as Boudicca faced off against Carbus Carnum. Marlin's remaining druids almost charged forth to murder Carbus and would have if not stopped by Marlin.
[There'll be no honour in stabbing this man from behind. Let our Queen do it while facing him.]
"Ni fydd unrhyw anrhydedd mewn trywanu'r dyn hwn o'r tu ôl. Gadewch i'n Brenhines ei wneud wrth ei wynebu." Marlin urged the druids, who stood down and joined him as they watched their Queen face a man of superior training.
They circled each other a short time, Carbus testing Boudicca's guard a few times, trying to become accustomed with her skill level. He quickly found that her had a striking weakness in her right side, possibly a shoulder injury or poor training in defending with the outside hand.
He then focused on leading her by attacking only her left side, and when he was certain that she had become fixated on that side, he quickly went in for the killing blow with on the right side.
It appeared he had her, but unlike most of his other foes, she would never give in or up based upon their differences of skill. She simply moved faster than could he and struck the gladius from his grip, so hard and fast that he was caught off guard. She then kicked him down and he fell backwards as her blade met his throat.
[My Queen? We uncovered one of their advisors. He's a friend of the chosen one.]
"Fy Frenhines? Daethom o hyd i un o'u cynghorwyr. Mae'n ffrind i'r un a ddewiswyd." one of the runners came up to her, holding Ponderosus within blade striking distance.
[It would be a waste to end you, when we could accomplish so much more if we worked together. We could change things, everywhere or we could have this be the beginning of generations of carnage. Stain our ancestor's remembrance of history with hatred and rage. Or we could make a new beginning together. One that would undo the wrongs and forge a brighter future for all.]
"Byddai'n wastraff dod â chi i ben, pan allem gyflawni cymaint mwy pe byddem yn cydweithio. Gallem newid pethau, ym mhobman neu fe allem gael hyn yn ddechrau cenedlaethau o laddfa. Lladdwch gofiant ein hynafiaid o hanes â chasineb a chynddaredd. Neu gallem wneud dechrau newydd gyda'n gilydd. Un a fyddai’n dadwneud y camweddau a chreu dyfodol mwy disglair i bawb." Boudicca looked both to Carbus Carnuum, and then to Ponderosus as she spoke.
[Marlin! Go at once! Take your druids with you! Find and heal every Roman soldier you can, neither favouring our injured or theirs! Heal them all alike!]
"Marlin! Ewch ar unwaith! Ewch â'ch derwyddon gyda chi! Dewch o hyd i bob milwr Rhufeinig y gallwch chi ei wella a'i wella, heb ffafrio'r rhai sydd wedi'u hanafu na'u rhai nhw! Iachau nhw i gyd fel ei gilydd!" Boudicca ordered Marlin and then turned back to the two men she held under one blade.
Their choice was already made for them, though they didn't know it at the time. Soon thereafter, they swore their allegiance to Boudicca. Together, they raised an army of both soldiers, and diplomats. They'd send in the diplomats first, and when they didn't return or returned with negative results, they'd send in the soldiers and the druids, and for the first time in a very long time, nature fought on the side of a human nation.
Barris, had been there, laying upon the field plateau of the great Stone Henge, afraid as Boudicca's men surrounded him.
[A helpless goat who hath lost his flock. A man without courage. A beggar without a coin. I shall take you into my tribe and make you my husband and a man worthy of sharing the throne. It was meant to be, and always will be.]
"Bwch gafr ddiymadferth a gollodd ei braidd. Dyn heb ddewrder. Cardotyn heb ddarn arian. Byddaf yn mynd â chi i'm llwyth ac yn eich gwneud yn ŵr i mi ac yn ddyn teilwng o rannu'r orsedd. Roedd i fod i fod, a bydd bob amser." Boudicca said to the helpless man named Barris.
As she looked to Barris on the floor in Mila's home, she recalled all of what had come to pass, and all at once she had a heart for Mila. Here was a woman who risked herself to protect her man against an army, and did so by turning a man's sword into flowers.
"We are taking this land. All of it. It will still be your home, but I will be the Empress of all of this land, and soon I will be the Empress of all," Boudicca told those who still stood gathered in the dining room.
Yirfir looked to Jasmer, the two remaining helpless in all appearances.
"Would it be too much for us to enjoy our holiday party?" asked Yirfir of Boudicca, careful not to sound demanding of her.
Boudicca's Barris by that time had offered a hand to Mila's Barris, hefting him up and onto his feet with a strong arm.
"A weak one you are. Its hard to believe that you and I were once so much alike. If I could tell you of what I've seen, where I've been, what I've done, you'd still have no idea of how a man like you became a man like me!" Boudicca's Barris looked at Mila's Barris with intensity in his eyes.
"They are not the keepers. They are more like the cattle. They are soft, and should not be made yet, to play in our game. Come my husband, there is still so much left to be done on this night," Boudicca commanded her Barris, who immediately stepped out of the door.
"I will leave a garrison here. You have wealth, and will provide for them and they will protect you. When next I return, we will have matters to discuss about your knowledge of alchemy, perhaps it is similar to the kind of alchemy my druids used to make it possible for us to speak and know your language. That will be all," Boudicca stepped out of the door, and continued down the driveway towards her waiting chariots.
The rest of the men left them, closing the door behind them but leaving a garrison of thirty men, including ten druids, out on the driveway.
At that moment, Shaela came stumbling into the house and found her way to the dining room, obviously a few sheets to the wind.
"I have to say Mila, you still know how to throw a good party... See this girl... she's my best friend!" Shaela wrapped her arm around Mila's shoulder and began dancing.
Meanwhile, outside in the Alivale region, Boudicca's army started their takeover, leaving garrisons at key strategic points from which to assert her force and to defend it if need be.
The polished marble floors of the main hall clacked with the sound of walking feet, as the room quickly filled, rows of seating occupied by the representative orders of the Sanctum Seclorum. As the clatter of feet subsided, it was replaced by the chatter from seats, mostly those speculating as to the nature of the emergency session that had been called.
Lannay arrived, his footfall purposely slow and drawn out, letting the members of the session know that they were waiting for him rather than the other way around.
Lady Naemi Soon and her husband Jeong were already seated at the chairperson's table, the very same table which Thara Lansmore sat at the head.
"We're glad you could join us today, Lannay. I hope that we didn't inconvenience you. We could always work around your busy schedule if you'd find that convenient?" Thara addressed him mockingly of his gruellingly slow arrival, drawing a bit of laughter from close to half of the two hundred or so other attendees in the room.
"I find it quite warming, your concern for my time and schedule, but aren't there more important matters to which we should be attending?" Lannay responded, taking advantage of the opening Thara had unintentionally afforded him.
"Have a seat Lannay, so that we may begin without further interruption. The Sanctum recognizes Jeong Soon, who will explain the nature of these crises," Thara introduced their first speaker.
"Yes, it is true. A number of issues have recently crossed the crisis threshold, resulting in this calling of an emergency meeting. Now, as all of you know, Yirfir Lacharme and Jasmer McCavanaugh are currently attending a social event hosted by Mila Ren Dubel, on the Prime Plane as we speak, in a manner of speaking, given the anytime quality of the Midspace. Why don't you explain the nature of the first crisis Naemi?" Jeong soon addressed those seated at the table, and the rest of those surrounding them in the main hall.
"Thank you Jeong. I was notified earlier by members of the Order Temporalis that a number of new pockets in time space have been detected, and that they seem to be centered around an event that occurred in the Prime Plane, in the very township where Mila is holding her gathering. This pocket is tethered to a time in Aerth history extending back to the first century A.D., and to a nation known then only as Albion by its inhabitants, before it was invaded and annexed by its Roman conquerors, under the rule of Caesar, to eventually become modern day England..." Lady Naemi paused, as the level of chatter around her rose substantially.
A member of the senate stood.
"The Sanctum recognizes Dergus Talden," Thara immediately recognized the attendee as one of the more outspoken members representatives of the Sanctum.
"Given the time space geotemporal nature of this connection, that would make this a matter for Jasmer, Yirfir and Sir Manfred," Dergus spoke assertively rather than in question.
"They will be informed of these events as soon as we collectively determine the current situation and the risks involved. That is the purpose of this meeting. To draw upon the expertise amongst us, to determine a course of action. Yirfir and Jasmer will need to be informed of this situation, so what can we deem from what we know and from what we're capable of finding out?" Lady Naemi asked the attendees in the room.
There was a silence throughout the room, as none had the specific capabilities required to scry details further about the nature of the crisis beyond what they already knew.
"Again, we find ourselves in a situation where our shortage of Seers has proven to be a liability, Lannay," Thara addressed the bureaucrat.
"When we have the resources to procure more expertise in that particular area, I assure you that I will allocate those resources. We're already stretched to our limits in terms of the attainment of mystic methods of information acquisition," Lannay reminded Thara.
"Then are we all in agreement that Yirfir, Jasmer and Sir Manfred will in full receive all the knowledge of this matter that Lady Naemi and her Gojoseon Mystics were kind enough to have gathered and provided us? All those in favour raise your hand," Thara instructed the attendees to vote on the issue.
The vast majority of attendees raised their hands, and above the center of the room, a spherical globe came to life, ninety-three percent of it illuminated, while seven percent remained unlit.
"Who will carry this knowledge to them? May we have a messenger please?" Thara asked.
"I will. We will," Lady Naemi responded.
"We will?" Jeong Soon looked at Naemi, somewhat surprised by her offer.
She smirked at him ever so slightly, and his expression immediately changed to one of approval.
"Oh! We will. We will," Jeong Soon smiled, looking around the room, nodding affirmatively.
"We will leave immediately when this session is done," Jeong Soon assured both Thara and his wife, Lady Naemi.
"Excellent. Please ensure that we at the Sanctum are kept in the loop as well. Now addressing the next item on our itinerary, the Sanctum recognizes Svensen Glier of the Order Of Sacred Astrographers," Thara introduced their next speaker.
"Good evening all. We don't often get the opportunity to speak directly to you on matters of astronomy and astrography, but we've made a startling discovery recently, utilizing a form of scrying perfected nearly two hundred years ago by our ancestors, combining the and entropic and aetherial qualities of crystal balls with the distance magnifying properties of a telescope, which allows us to monitor events at great distances, as they are in their current reference frame, synchronized with our own..." Svensen tried to explain to his audience, only finding them confused.
"Svensen, we are not all as well informed as are you, behind your crystal telescopic ball device. Please explain it to us as if we know nothing about astronomy or astrograpy..." Lannay spoke in a condescending tone to the man.
"So be it, though I give my audience much more credit. We are separated from objects in the universe by great distances, and because light takes a finite amount of time to cover those distances, we're often seeing those objects as they were millions if not billions of years ago. Our reference frame of time space is so distant, that we'd have to wait millions of years to see an object as it appear now. Using crystal telescopic balls, with a form of scrying they're known for, we are able to see distant objects as they are currently, in our local time space frame of reference. That is, as they appear at this very moment, and in real-time, which is quite an accomplishment if you consider that the Midspace itself is entirely absent of any kind of time space reference frame, save that which our brains trick us into thinking we're perceiving as cause and effect and in that order..." Svensen looked around the room, and when he saw a variety of interested faces, he smiled.
"What I'm trying to say is, that we can see very distant objects like they are now, at this very moment of our frame, and while observing some distant galaxies, we found several connected phenomenon in the vicinity of non-spatial singularities that most of you know as supermassive black holes," Svensen again turned to make sure everyone in the room was listening or at least pretending to do so.
"...right. What we found was that... something... something that has immense energy requirements, more energy than is produced by the Aerth's sun in a million years, has been using the non-spatial singularities as both a source of energy, and as it appears, a sort of intergalactic transit system... perhaps more like a highway..." there was a crazed look in Svensen's eye as he peered at his audience around the room.
"Of course these observations have left discombobulated trails of transient matter... a sort of exhaust we've been tracing to a galaxy some seven billion light years from the galaxy that makes up the platinum strands of hair of our own Aerth Mother, our own Milky Way galaxy..." Svensen again looked around, uncertain as to whether he'd made his point effectively.
"When will they be here? Whomever or whatever they are?" asked Thara.
"From the time space reference frame of Aerth? Let me see here... two over five divided by nine to the power three... times the inverse vector tangent derived from the taylor series of the same... Within twenty-four hours..." Svensen looked up from the palm of his hand, which was covered in imaginary scrawlings of numerous calculations.
"We will leave immediately and carry this news to Yirfir, Jasmer and Sir Manfred..." Lady Naemi Soon stood from her seat at the great table, her husband joining her.
"Thank you Svensen for your knowledge of this impending situation. I think that I shouldn't have to remind you all here that the Sanctum is on emergency stand-by, effective immediately. All able bodied personnel are to be ready and on call to protect the Aerth at all costs if and when necesary. I suggest that you all return to your quarters and rest, for your strength may be needed very soon... This emergency session is convened. Thank you all and good evening," Thara stood and approached Lady Naemi and Jeong Soon.
"I'll need you to inform every member of the Sanctum in attendance at Mila's of this crisis, and that they too are on call and will be required to defend the Aerth," Thara pressed the importance of the matter to them.
"We understand, and we'll carry this knowledge safely to them, and assist them in their investigation," Lady Naemi agreed.
"You have our word," Jeong Soon nodded.
"Lannay? Is that you sneaking out of here so quickly before I've had a chance to address you?!!!" Thara caught Lannay as he was almost near the exit of the main hall.
"Just trying to get caught up before I'm critically needed elsewhere, Matron," Lannay responded.
"The call for defense includes you! If you are ill equipped and not ready to wield the weave, then perhaps you could always talk them to death?" Thara suggested.
"I assure you Matron, I will be ready," Lannay promised her.
"Good. I'm assuming that Sol, the Sun, produces a lot of energy in a million years. We may need to be able to match that with our abilities in weaving the aether of time space and on short notice. Seeing as Svensen didn't outright tell us that we should immediately evacuate Aerth and flee to some other obscure plane, that he thinks we have a chance, and maybe even a good one. You're dismissed Lannay," Thara finished with the bureaucrat.
Lannay continued out the exit without another word, his shoes still clacking on the polished marble floor.
Lady Naemi and Jeong Soon headed for the portal room, and upon their arrival, had the portal weavers stitch up a hole into the closed Gazebo in Mila's backyard orchard.
Together, they stepped through and into folded time and space, both expanded to infinity and squashed to obscurity in every imaginable way, and a few beyond imagination, before they exited into the paper lantern and holiday lights illuminated closed Gazebo amidst Mila's favourite apple and pear trees.
Everything Girtrude and Wilbert did was about size. Scale. About being a living presence in Alivale, the township region of their residence and the lifesource of their happiness and immense love. Everything they did was about the grandness of being. Of living. Of loving. At scale, and I'm not talking about union scale either. I mean scale in a universal sense across the vastness of space and time itself.
Mila recently had learned that scale very much had significance with regard to the perception of her presence in terms of her body parts, and how readily they were accepted as being normal, by even the most trusted of her friends. That aspect of her own being that she'd assumed was entirely her own, and yet she'd found that acceptance most often wasn't as subjective as she'd inititially thought.
She'd spent nearly three hours as a woman of double D breast size, after having lead her entire life as a double A, while her alternate self had spent the same time as her opposite, and yet she'd had memories of both. Of how people she'd known, those whose values she'd depended upon had suddenly failed her. Had weighed her as the sum of her cleavage. As the curve of her bough. As the pluck of her nipple. When she was different in a way that was beyond their ability to accept, they'd essentially abandon the idea that she was herself at all.
The sum of her worth had all come down to scale. The wish of her eternal lover. The very one who'd wished upon her an endowment that far exceeded her own acceptable scale. So much so that she had initially been unble to see her own toes beyond her own breasts.
And yet, she'd wished upon him unspeakable things that remained hidden beneath his waist. Where the length and breadth of his member had been altered, the only absence being in the fact that he was not required to replace his bra, or adjust his view in order to accomodate this sudden change.
Now, some might have argued that the fact that his size had changed required no alteration of his advertising of the fact. It just was, however that was definitely not the case with women who'd been so altered, for their changes were immediately available for all to see and ponder, which most often was the case, and certainly much more so than it was the case for a man whose scale of genetalia had been thus altered on scale enough so that required further expansive undergarments, which was seldom the case.
The truth was, that this burden of exploitation was a weight much more upon the women than it was upon the men. This understanding of scale, for there has never been a man in history whose underwear was worn like a bra, for the circumspection of all interested women there upon. However, when it came to women, their chest was front and center, and simply designed to be scrutinized, despite the artistic admiration a man had of a woman's body. Yet, this was never the case for men, and the scale of their... ahem.
There was no front and center aspect of their anatomy with regard to their primary sexual organ. There was no male bra, that presented forthright, a man's phallus and family jewels, and perhaps the cleavage thereof for all of womenkind to peruse the same way as it was for women and their 'presentation'.
The Barris she'd known never would have of his own lust for her, ever wished for adornments or changes to her body, for to him, she was perfection exactly as she was. Everything about her turned him on, and it was Mila who knew this with certainty.
Much the same, Mila's value of Barris had nothing to do with the size of his beneath the belt subterranian serpent (I'm quickly running out of euphimisms), for she'd thought of him as being perfect as much so. Perfect for her.
Both had felt that no changes were needed to each other, and yet when faced with the spite that had suddenly emerged between them, and in the moment of the height of their emotions arrived at while opening their gifts, they'd clearly exhibited wishes that encompassed both selfish gratification and immense burden for their partner. Psyhchosocial aspects of their ideal mate, but idealized in a constrained and distorted fantasy, like the shadow of their psyche rather than its source of light.
In this regard, many of these ideas were paved into the psyche of most people, whose busy lives left them with little time to contemplate such matters. The fact that scale was so intrinsicly linked to our perception of what was good, and what wasn't. The bigger the better.
Humankind had been in pursuit of this idea since it first looked up at the night sky, something built-in to the ancestral memory of every living creature on the planet. At some point back in the history of the Aerth and on a clear night, their ancestors (those with light sensitive eyes) looked up to see a sky filled with stars, the glowing white mist that made up the Milky Way, stretched across the sky, from horizon to horizon, whose presence was superceded only by the light of the Moon. Perhaps the most impactful primal memory that any life on the planet ever had, for it set the direction of ambition for every creature on the planet, one of those creatures eventually breaking free of the confines of gravity.
This clash with scale began with the first structures that all life capable of building undertook. Anthills grew upwards. Termite mounds too. Beaver's dam's. Bird's nests, ever higher and higher. The first time a young child nailed a stick upright into the ground, perhaps driving it in with a stone they'd used as a hammer. This idea extended far beyond its humble beginnings, to become living places, homesteads, towers, structures buildings, wonders until it eventually became so grand in scale, that the Aerth mother's lips one day, kissed the surface of the Moon, and then Mars and then finally, the very infinity their ancestors' eyes had peered at all those aeons ago.
For some it was about this pursuit of our initial passion. Of touching the strands of the misty Milky Way hair of the Aerth Mother with our own hands, and yet for others, it was about this pursuit of scale, as a measure of one's potency. Justifying their right to procreation versus another, and perhaps their rite of ascension. The measure of one's worth to their peers. Another upright phallus, which for the first time screamed the words: mine's bigger than yours. The root of the swollen ego, which eventually infected us all and cast us into this perception of bigger is better. That scale was a direct correlation of our worth as children of the Aerth Mother, never fully realizing that her eyesight was pristine, and that she could see and love each and every one of us without the need for us to go to such lengths to compete for her attention.
And so, when the fragile egos of Mila and Barris entered into the fray of the minor struggles that their relationship was encountering at that particular moment, it left them in that exaggerated form. A weaponized cliché of what they thought the world ego thought that they needed. A moment's spite that had turned into something far more than they both could have bargained for.
This trick of scale was not all lost on them, nor humanity, for it was spread far to the distant reaches of the universe, waiting for someone to stop long enough and realize it.
The Alpha Centauri system had been a fairly humdrum star system for perhaps ten million years, for in that span nothing interesting had happened at all. Centauri A lead the dance between itself and its dance partner, Centauri B, with the latter taking roughly seventy-nine years to completely circle its larger dance partner.
Having had this dance for nearly five billion years as it currently stood in such measure, the pair generally noticed things that occurred around them, but given their poor eyesight, they hadn't noticed much else and certainly not at greater distance than each other.
For instance, they didn't notice when they were joined by a much smaller dance partner, one referred to as a dwarf, a small star, who for the most part had happened along early in their history together having been ejected from another similar star system a half a billion years earlier, hence joining them and their dance, in perhaps one of the most lame explanations any writer has ever concocted to explain the phenomenon of gravity.
This trio of stars, Centauri A and Centauri B, who danced around each other, were joined by that same dwarf star (or the more politically correct version: mass impaired star), now to be referred to as Centauri C, who being a simple chap, danced around the two of them, not that Centauri A or B noticed, given their poor eyesight. They did however suspect something given the fact that their dance step would occasionally wobble ever so slightly, but for the most part, they ignored it, occasionally stepping on one another's toes.
One fine day, about ten million years earlier, an oblong object passed close enough to fall within the eyesight of Centauri B, who for the first time in a few billion years, had something to say:
"Is that you, love?" Centauri B asked Centauri A.
"Huh? Did I step on your toes again or something?" asked Centauri A.
"No. They're fine. I was saying that I think we've got a spectator," Centauri B remarked.
"Spectacles? Yes... I should get a pair. That would certainly help me see a bit better..." Centauri A responded, being ever so slight of hearing as well.
"No. I meant a spectator! We've got a spectator!" Centauri B became excited as the oblong object got closer and closer, speeding up as it did.
Centauri A squinted, looking around, desperately hoping to see what Centauri B had described, when the blurry oblong object passed ever so close to Centauri A, that it grazed the star's photosphere.
"Whew! That's something alright! A long fellow too, for such a tiny one. Gone now though..." Centauri A responded excitedly, having seen something new for the first time in five billion years.
"So uhhhh... where were we?" Centauri B asked, and their dance continued along without interruption for another ten million years, while the oblong object accelerated towards a cluster of stars that none of the stars in the triple Alpha Centauri system could see with their unaided eyes.
The oblong object itself had scooped hydrogen and helium from Centauri A, needing it as fuel and catalyst for its long journey to other nearby stars such as Wolf 359, Lalande 21185 and Luhman 16, eventually arriving at Sol. Upon reaching there in the early twenty-second century, it would earn the code name Rama, by the distant relatives of the Cydontians that currently infested much of the third planet of that star.
They of course had left the oceans for the land many millions of years earlier and were only beginning to look up to see the Aerth Mother's milky white hair. I should however point out that to them, she looked like a well groomed Cydontian, whiskers and all, rather than a modern developed human being woman nurturing the Aerth. I however decline providing artwork of the Cydontian Aerth Mother, because Cyndontians simply don't buy books, or generate online advertising revenue.
However, if you'd like to visit my soon to be published Cydontian Adult site, check
Centauri A, B and C continued their dance for another ten million years, until they were treated to another wondrous sight to behold, though at a somewhat painful and discomforting cost.
Centauri A had been at that point in the dance with Centauri B, when Centauri B was behind Centauri A, and would be for about forty years, when Centauri A's frontal corona began to twist and churn, as matter from the interior of a black hole began (quantum) tunneling between Centauri A's gravity well and some other distant gravity well unbeknownst to Centauri A.
"I'm not feeling very well. Must have been something I ate..." Centauri A remarked to Centauri B.
"You haven't eaten for quite some time. About five billion years if I'm not mistaken?" Centauri B responded.
Somewhere deep within Centauri A, time and space were suddenly pinched together around a point on the forward surface of its corona. Another similar point on a star some fifty thousand lightyears away connected through this pinch, created a tunnel of only one one-hundred-thousandth of a light year in distance, with the exit point at Centauri A.
"Guess it didn't go down right... I think I'm going to be..." Centauri A replied before letting out an angished gurgle and then a rather loud burp, ejecting a massive fleet of ships far too small for Centauri A to see individually, given poor eyesight.
"Whoo! That's better!" Centauri A said in a chipper voice, clearly feeling relieved.
"I'll say! Good thing it didn't come out your other end!" Centauri B responded, quite relieved.
Corpus Corzar sat on the bridge of his flagship, once again going over the holographic map of the local star systems, trying to figure out where they were.
"Navigator! Where in the blazes are we!" asked Corpus, getting very frustrated with the holographic map.
"We tunneled to a triple system as you directed. Alpha Centauri. Those were definitely your orders, Sir!" the Navigator responded.
"I remember distinctly saying Sol! Not Alpha Centauri. Sol! Alpha, Sol. Alpha, Sol. No resemblance there!" Corpus responded angrily to his Navigator.
"How right you are Sir! Alpha Centauri has five syllables and Sol has only one! How could anyone make that mistake?!!! How are we going to get to Sol now?" the Helmsman scolded the Navigator, expertly directing any possible blame for the mistake from himself.
The Navigator stood quietly for a moment, unsure of how to answer them.
"I'm sorry Sir, but I must have tunneled prematurely..." the Navigator got quiet as he responded.
Corpus remained silent, immediately reminded of a difficult moment he'd had a few nights earlier in a private moment with his wife. He shifted nervously back and forth in his command chair on the bridge before he responded.
"Its alright! It's quite common with Navigators your age...!" he responded, using his wife's words, though obviously the pressure of anger was quicly building in him with the man's incompetency.
"But don't expect me to talk about it with you! What are our options?" Corpus then quickly added in order to avert blowing up altogether and to assert his authority.
"We could slingshot ourselves, using the triple system's gravity well, and coupled with our singularity matter we could use it to warp space and shorten the trip considerably, though this maneuver won't be without its risks... especially given the harmonic wobble of the Barycentric point," the Navigator reported to Corpus, whose frustration level could have been worsened only by poorly written technobabble of inept writers. Ahem.
"No! It's way too dangerous! Alright crew, listen to me: We'll slingshot ourselves around the triple system's Barycentric point, while amplifying the singularity matter reserve of the fleet to warp space and shorten our trip!" Corpus said in a moment of epiphany that would have impressed even Christopher Plummer as Chang.
"Absolutely ingenius Sir!" the Navigator responded, smirking at the Helmsman, who grimaced back at the Navigator, who in turn stuck out his tongue, further enraging the Helmsman that much more.
"Helm, make it sooo... oops, already taken. Helm, get it done!" Corpus ordered the Helmsman.
The fleet maneuvered to a position at a distance of the square magnitude of the radius of Centauri A, and began accelerating on a prograde orbit of the triple star system, slowly reducing its distance from the Barycentric point (the center of gravity of stationary or moving objects) until the fleet was moving at close to the speed of light around the triple system. On the final lap, the fleet applied thrust to break free of Alpha Centauri's gravity well and continued on a course for the Sol star system.
When a few moments later, the singularity reserve of the fleet was amplified, the resulting curvature of space time reduced the trip from roughly four years, down to a little over three hours.
A little girl of no more than ten years old, sat helplessly in the middle of a cave system, lost somewhere in the darkness. She wore a black cloak, which covered the entirety of her tiny body, her face peeking innocently out through the hood as she stood, looking around in an effort to get her bearings.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" she said aloud, her voice echoing throughout the caves and into the darkness that surrounded her.
"Help me! Please... I'm lost!" she said aloud once the reverberation from her previous words had ceased.
"Please..." she pleaded with the darkness, helpless and alone.
She could feel it in the caves. A presence. A mind perhaps. It was watching her. Observing her carefully. Undecided for certain, but it definitely felt for her.
She waited, keeping her sad face visible, even in the darkness.
"Please. I'm so lost..." she pleaded once again, after which she started sobbing and then crying.
The sounds of her sorrow filled the cavern system, and she could feel it watching her, yet, she continued her display, her tears dripping from her face and onto the floor of the cavern.
When no response to her pain came, she then lay on the cold stone floor, curling up in a fetal position, clearly having given in to utter helplessness.
A few more moments beyond that point, and her silent watcher broke.
" did you end up here?" asked a quiet but ever present voice in her head.
She instantly sat up, withdrawing towards the cave walls.
"Who goes there?!!!" she said in a frightened voice.
"...I didn't mean to frighten you. I won't hurt you..." the voice continued, now clearly distraught over having scared her.
"You won't?" the little girl answered.
"No. I've lived in these caves here for a time immeasurable. We have. All of us," the voice answered her once again.
"Who?" asked the little girl.
"Us," the voice answered.
"Can... can you help me...?" asked the little girl.
"I can't. Not in the way that I can come to you, but I can guide you," the voice responded.
"My friend is trapped. Locked away in a forgotten place. She'd suffering... dying..." the little girl stood up and made her way back to the center of the cave.
"Can you take me to your friend?" asked the voice.
"Yes... but you have to promise not to hurt us," the little girl demanded.
"...I wouldn't have otherwise, but I promise not to hurt you," the voice responded.
"Your friends too. They have to promise not to hurt us," the little girl asked once again.
"They too will do neither of you any harm," the voice responded assuringly.
"Alright. You promised... I'll take you to my friend..." the little girl turned and ran, suddenly finding her way surprisingly well for someone who'd moments earlier been lost and in the dark.
She ran through the darkness with the precision of someone very familiar with it, until she came to point in the cave with a small natural alcove recessed into the wall.
"She's in there. Through those rocks. On the other side of the wall," the little girl pointed at the alcove.
"That is in a place where the fleshlings like yourselves live. Tell me, how did she get there?" asked the voice.
"She took it upon herself to organize one of the storage spaces they use to keep food and water, when the stone door closed behind her, locking her in..." the little girl explained to the voice.
"Were you with her?" asked the voice.
"Yes. I was," the little girl responded.
"Then how did you get out?" asked the voice.
"I'm much tinier than her. I was able to slip between the wall inside and this alcove, and I've been trying to find help ever since!" the little girl pleaded.
There was a long moment of silence before the little girl spoke again.
"Can you help us?" the little girl said helplessly.
"I... I really shouldn't do this. But... I can't leave you out here like this... very well," the voice said to her.
The little girl watched as the caves around her were slowly illuminated, a trail of crystals emerging from the ceiling of the cave from whose surfaces the light emerged. Dimly at first and then ever brighter shades of pink and baby blue. The little girl retreated with the shadows, careful to keep herself within as the light slowly eroded all the darkness in the cavern.
She remained hidden behind a stalagmite as the crystals reached their peak brightness. The stone and rock formations that made up the alcove then began to erode, as the opening expanded to reveal runic stone beyond the natural cave system. The little girl watched in amazement as the cave was transformed right before her very eyes, revealing the entire outer wall of where her friend was trapped.
"...those walls... they were erected by the fleshlings. They might be very upset if I were to alter them..." the voice then reconsidered its offer of assistance.
"They forgot about her! They can't hear her cries through the wall! She'll die in there! You promised that you wouldn't hurt either of us, and if you don't help her, she might die!" the little girl pleaded helplessly from behind the stalagmite, careful not to expose herself to the light.
The runes that lined the wall began to glow, as if warding against the efforts of the crystal to alter its surface. The runes began to flicker, and then dimmed entirely. At that point, the wall itself began to melt without heat of any kind. The stone just withered away and exposed an opening into a rather cosy looking furnished stone room.
"There... your friend should be able to..." the voice spoke, but the little girl was no longer anywhere to be seen.
A woman however had stepped into the light from within the exposed room. She was much taller than the little girl had been, but wore the same black cloak, her pretty face peering out from the hood.
"Thank you for freeing me. I fear I might have died in there as my food and supplies were dwindling..." the woman addressed the voice.
"What happened to your friend?" asked the voice.
"Nothing. Nothing at all. She's safe and sound right here," the woman tapped her head with her finger.
"What sort of dweomer was that?" asked the voice.
"The sort that one needs to survive under extenuating circumstances, and I thank you for your help. You are truly a gracious being," the woman responded politely, stepping down from the room onto the cavern floor.
"What do they call you, fleshling?" asked the voice.
"Miana. And you? What do they call you?" asked Miana.
"I am Eternity," the voice responded to her, the crystals dimming ever so slightly.
"Are you alone?" asked Miana of Eternity.
"Yes. No. There are many of us, but we're all one. There is no I in us or we, but there is also no we or us in I. We're each other, and yet we are separate, but we are all Eternity," Eternity responded to Miana, who seemed both satisfied and perplexed by the answer.
"It has been ever so nice chatting with you, but I have matters which need attending to, if you'll excuse me," Miana removed the cloak to wear it more like a cape, revealing her colourful Chelsea hairstyle and her black and purple skin-tight body suit and skirt.
She began moving her hands through the air, as if sculpting some unseen medium into shapes only visible to her eyes, until she stopped in frustration.
"What is this?!!!" she looked to her hands, and then to her surroundings and once again tried to weave the aether.
She worked faster and harder at it until she finally gave up in frustration.
"What is this place? Is it hexed? Warded?" she asked aloud, though more so to herself.
"Your attempts to weave will not work here," Eternity informed her calmly.
"Then where?" she asked in a frustrated voice.
"You must either prove your merit, or leave Eternity to be able to wield your weave again," Eternity explained to her.
"Prove my merit?!!! Do not toy with me crystal, lest I shatter you like glass," Miana responded, clearly not putting up with any obstacle to her agenda.
"It is clear that you are a deceiver. You played me for my pity and manipulated me into freeing you. You weren't trapped in innocent circumstance. You were imprisoned. You either prove your merit and worth to wield the weave here and now while in Eternity, or you leave," Eternity laid down the law to her.
"Then I guess I shall just leave. Thanks again Eternity, and remember, you swore not to hurt me," Miana smiled ever so deviously as she began finding her own way.
All at once, the light from the crystals went out, and Eternity returned silently and without farewell to its own domain.
"Bah! Light is far over-rated! That's much better. At least now I can see again, at home in the shadows," Miana said as she marched off into the darkness to find her way out of the caves.
Athandra donned her shroud, carefully adjusting it as she sat before her mirror. Her surroundings were quaint and yet elegant, decorated in a fashion common to many of the upper class homes to be found in Mumbai, though her's was modest by comparison to those of her neighbours and she spent little time in it as it was.
She stood from her vanity at the sound of the doorchimes, a smile crossing her face as she made her way down the stairs and to the front door, checking the clock on the wall.
"We'd better leave immediately for we're already late as it is," she said as she opened the door, expecting to see the face of a familiar friend.
Instead, she was greeted by the face of man near her age, most possibly younger by a year or two. He wore a Dastar (a formal name for a specific type of turban) atop of his handsome bearded face, while his clothing was clearly formal, much like her own, as if he were ready to attend a formal gathering of some form. She also clearly recognized him as being Sikh.
"I'm sorry, but I do not know you, and I was expecting someone else," Athandra said to the man, her smile disappearing as she spoke.
"As was I, but you're clearly not Dilraz Sidhu," he responded with a hint of sarcasm.
"Is this some kind of prank?" Athandra responded to him sharply.
"Perhaps it is, but it is one that is beyond our authority alone to abstain. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Atamveer Rasjeevan, a member of and in good standing with the Order Of Naam..." Atamveer introduced himself, only to find himself interrupted.
"You're with the Sanctum? When?" asked Athandra, seemingly in shock.
"We were approached about membership a little over a year ago, from my understanding. It was approved a few months ago, but given the logistics of transferring our representation from an Aerthly presence to a Planar presence... we've only attended the last four sessions of the Sanctum Council," Atamveer explained to Athandra, who still seemed quite shocked by this turn of events.
"And where is Kensai?" asked Athandra.
"He and Sir Manfred will be in attendance of the same social gathering that we're attending," Atamveer explained.
"We? I do not recall you ever being a friend or acquaintance of Mila or Barris?" Athandra responded protectively of her friends.
"As I said, the decision is beyond our authority to abstain. Apparently somebody thought it in the best interests of diplomacy..." Atamveer spoke, speculating as to the motives of those who'd made such arrangements.
"Politics? This is about politics? This is a SAPCHoP we're attending. Not a political banquet or diplomatic dinner!" Athandra responded, inviting Atamveer into her home.
He stepped in and closed the door behind himself, and then turned to face her again, but she was already on her way down the hall towards a closed door at the end.
When she arrived, she twisted her fingers into a Mudra. A spiral of energy spouted forth from her fingers and she grasped the doorknob and carefully turned it. The door unlocked and she opened it, as a light source hidden somewhere in the room illuminated their surroundings.
"Have you ever traveled by way of a short path?" she asked him.
"I'm sorry?" he responded.
"A portal... You know, the woven aether that folds space and time to connect two distant points over a very short distance in the form of an inter-planar passage?" Athandra asked him again, explaining the concept to him.
"I'm sorry... but I've not yet made the pilgrimage to the Sanctum, but I've heard from other members of my Order that it is quite a harrowing experience the first time. Why, is there no other way for us?" confirmed Atamveer.
"Well, I suppose that if you were from the Order Of The Djinn, we could simply fly there on one of my area rugs, but seeing as that's not an option, we're going to be taking a short path," Athandra began weaving the aether impatiently, carefully shaping it into an oscillating oval which stood before them in the room, appearing much like a mirror facing mirror.
An infinity of reflections stared them back in the face as the portal opened, and Atamveer was almost pulled into it from his feet as it inhaled given the pressure difference in Mumbai because of its twenty seven degree celsius temperature versus Alivale's minus one degree.
Athandra caught him before he fell, and at once he corrected himself and his stance, somewhat embarrassed by the circumstances.
"Please follow me... and carefully, and if you've eaten earlier, you might want to cover your mouth," Athandra taught him the ropes for his first trip through a short path.
"If there is such danger in these, then I should go first," Atamveer offered, clearly unaware of what to expect from such a journey.
"Oh please...!" Athandra said impatiently, stepping forward to set foot into the portal, only to have Atamveer stop her.
"I insist," Atamveer spoke firmly and confidently, clearly having no idea.
"Very well. Age before beauty," Athandra invited him to step into the portal, which he then did, one foot at a time.
As soon as he was beyond the portal's opening, he felt himself suddenly thrust to immense speed, his insides churning as he felt his body fold beyond the four dimensions with which he was familiar. He suddenly heard a horrendous scream, that of a man with a voice much like his. Then it occurred to him that it was his voice, but he wasn't screaming. Yet. The speed seemed to pick up a thousand fold, and he felt himself at the limits of his ability to cope with the situation, and at that point, he screamed, but no sound came out, for he'd already heard it.
Then as if someone had thrown him across a room and to the floor, he fell and landed on the floor of a covered wooden gazebo, the sensation of spinning and being folded in directions which he had no way of conceiving still stuck with him.
He lay on his hands and knees waiting for the room to stop spinning, and when it did, he began to gag.
Athandra calmly and carefully stepped out of the portal, sure not to set foot on her fallen acquaintance, for she knew exactly what his condition would be when she'd arrived.
She instead took a step back away from him, and waited for him to get his bearings.
He gagged a few times more, struggling to keep any contents of his stomach in place. When he was certain he'd claimed victory over his reflexes, he got to his feet, and brushed himself off.
"I'll take a boat back to Malaysia when we leave, thank you," he said to Athandra, still feeling very queasy.
"Spoken like a true champion. Welcome to the life of a Sanctum Sorceror," Athandra smiled at him.
When he turned his head sideways to return her glance, he immediately felt dizzy again and was nearly off of his feet when another hand caught him.
"You brought us another newbie, did you?" asked Kensai as he found his footing in the gazebo.
"I was wondering where you'd gotten to?" Athandra greeted him with an ever so slightly flirtatious smile.
"They contacted me two nights ago. Told me it was in the interest of diplomacy. Looks like it was a good idea too," Kensai responded to Athandra.
"I'll say, though it looks like he came out of it mostly intact. Good fellow," Sir Manfred then stepped out of the portal and greeted his friends and their newly initiated member.
"I apologize for not introducing myself. I am Atamveer Rasjeevan, at your service," Atamveer introduced himself to Kensai and Sir Manfred.
"Well met," Sir Manfred responded.
"Atamveer, these are my peers and friends of the Sanctum, Sir Manfred Maynard, and Myoshi Musaki Kensai," Athandra introduced them.
"It is an honour and pleasure to make your acquaintance," Atamveer greeted his new allies.
"Let us then get to the good company, festivities and the food without further ado," Sir Manfred suggested, opening the door to the gazebo to let his friends out as another stepped out of the portal.
This time, it was a man adorned in the garb of the old Gojoseon court, and Sir Manfred instantly recognized him as Jeong Soon. A moment later, Lady Naemi Soon stepped out of the portal as her husband held her hand to make sure she had stable footing.
"Greetings all. We come both as messengers and guests," Jeong Soon said to his friends.
"We carry news from the Sanctum that must reach the awareness of Yirfir and Jasmer immediately and with haste," Lady Naemi Soon explained to them in the gazebo, Atamveer with a look of shock on his face.
"Then let us not crowd by the door, but rather step forth and carry hither this news!" Sir Manfred held the door as they filed out of the gazebo.
"I have to say I couldn't agree more," Kensai walked pace with Athandra and Sir Manfred as Lady Naemi and Jeong Soon made their way towards the back deck, Atamveer following as he admired the orchard.
He was then startled to see a long haired man in Indigenous clothing and adornments leaning against a tree, eating an apple. A large white horse with an elaborately decorated saddle and a braided mane beside him. The man plucked another apple from the tree and fed it to the horse, who gobbled it all down, apple core and all.
"Do you like apples?" the Indigenous man addressed Atamveer.
"Are they fresh?" asked Atamveer, who stopped to parlay with the man.
"You tell me?" the Indigenous man tossed Atamveer an apple, and Atamveer caught it with one hand.
"Good reflexes. Like hawk catching a swallow. Try it. Its good to eat from the land. It feeds us all," the Indigenous man suggested to Atamveer.
Atamveer nervously took a bite of the apple, chewing it and finding it to be quite sweet and tasty, if not a bit cold though not frozen despite the weather and temperature.
"It is very good, if not a bit chilly. I am Atamveer Rasjeevan, at your service," Atamveer responded.
"Me? Askuwheteau. Ranger and guide of the Sanctum. Shaman of the Gitchi Manitou. Protector and keeper of the lands," Askuwheteau said firmly, drawing a tobacco pouch from his jacket and opening it, playing with some of it in his fingers.
"Uhhh... I'm afraid I don't smoke..." Atamveer responded, assuming that Askuwheteau was going to roll a cigarette.
"Smoke is for sweat lodge. Tobacco is for the land. For the tree," Askuwheteau pulled a small handful of tobacco from the pouch and sprinkled it on the roots of the apple tree.
"I say my thanks to Gitchi Manitou. The land feeds us all," Askuwheteau said to Atamveer, who was somewhat nervous about how to respond.
"Yes. It does, doesn't it. That's actually quite profound," Atamveer responded.
"Mila feeds us all too. Good food. Always a good SAPCHoP," Askuwheteau approached Atamveer and patted him on the back.
Atamveer was a bit confused by the second reference he'd heard to the word SAPCHoP, but still unfamiliar enough so to ask about it.
"Welcome to the Sanctum," Askuwheteau added as he began walking towards the back deck.
When he was at the front step and railing, he whistled to Ota Dabun, who galloped over to the deck and took up guard to watch over them as Askuwheteau followed Lady Naemi Soon, Jeong Soon, Athandra, Kensai and Sir Manfred stepped into the manor.
Atamveer turned to face Ota Dabun, who then whinned at him.
"Yes, nice to meet you too," Atamveer responded, again unsure of what to do in a place where he knew nobody but the people who'd moments ago stepped inside of doors.
"I'll just be following them if you don't mind..." Atamveer said as he turned towards the door, nodding once at the horse before departing.
Ota Dabun whinnied again as he left, some of the other guests on the back deck taking notice of the horse's antics.
With that, Atamveer made his way nervously through the guests still on the back deck until he arrived at the sliding doors, opening them and then stepping into the manor.
Jasmer peered through the drapes of the front bay window, looking out from the dining room onto the front lawn and driveway. At the bottom of the driveway were a detachment of soldiers, adorned in armour similar to, but less illustrious than that of Warrior Queen and the General that had confronted them earlier.
"There's about thirty of them, and a group of ten men in cloaks wielding mishapen staffs. I'm assuming they're the healers, perhaps Shamans?" Jasmer said as he spied their detachment.
"I've never seen anything like them before..." Yirfir remarked, peering out from behind Jasmer at the soldiers.
"Oh... don't be silly... I love it when my teacher is being so modest. Its so cute! You see those symbols on their cloaks? They're runes..." Shaela stood near the window with them, tipsily swaying as she fought to keep her balance.
"Celtic aren't they?" Nelony remarked.
"Nay... much, much older and very sacred I might add. Those runes are of the first builders... the architects of the great standing stones... <hic>" Shaela responded, suddenly turning to find her glass of wine.
When she spied it on the dining room table, she made her way over and picked it up gingerly in her hand.
"Well, I guess the glass is half empty now, isn't it?" she said, taking a sip from her own glass and anecdote.
"The real question here is where did they come from?" asked Sato.
"Their parents in all likelihood. A hot date and the back seat of a chariot maybe? Nine months later... out pops little Leanus Meanus..." Barris responded sarcastically.
"That's not what he meant, though its good to have you back, honey," Mila planted a kiss on his cheek.
"You liked that? I'll be sure to do it more," Barris smiled, returning a similar kiss.
"Something has caused these different timelines and planes to overlap," Morton explained to them.
"And we're thinking it has something to do with the bees, right?" confirmed Nelony, who was still fascinated by the bee in the jar, the ghostly projection of its face still floating in the air just outside of the jar.
"Correct. These bees are not normal bees, if that isn't obvious already," Morton explained to them as Lady Naemi soon arrived, her husband Jeong beside her.
"I come bearing news from the Sanctum," she looked around at the scene, immediately seeing the ghostly head of the bee outside of the jar, and then the detachment of soldiers at the end of the driveway.
"...perhaps I am too late? The few seers we have at the Sanctum detected a planar folding of time and space, originating from ancient Albion, circa 70 A.D., intersecting with our own time, but from what I can see, the intersection has already occurred?" Lady Naemi soon explained to them.
"They came barging in here not but ten minutes ago. There was a Queen leading them. A robust lady with long red hair..." Jasmer responded, throwing his gaze between the detachment of soldiers and the
"Not unlike Shaela and remarkably similar in appearance..." Nelony remarked.
"Minus the whole Siouxie Sioux fan club thing she has going of course..." Barris added.
"Then we are too late..." Lady Soon responded.
"It is a relief to know that Matron Thara is able to keep up without us. Your message is greatly appreciated, despite being redundant knowledge amongst us now. We're even further better off with your presence amongst us here, and could use the assistance," Yirfir extended her gratitude to them.
"And you will have it, Yirfir. I assure you," Jeong Soon responded affirmatively.
"Along with ours of course," Sir Manfred added as he stepped into the dining room with them.
"I'll second that! Now what is it that confronts us?" asked Athandra.
"They look Roman if I'm not mistaken. Gladius and shields, amongst some, while others are armed with javelins and shields. They must be a phalanx of some form," Kensai said as he took up vigil beside Jasmer at the window.
"Yes, but they're ohhhh so much more..." Shaela remarked, still a few glasses ahead and into the party.
"Look at that shield, worn on the back of that one. He must be their unit Decanus or unit commander. See how his legion's slogan is written in latin? Those other symbols do not originate from latin at all. They appear Celtic..." Kensai began, only to have Shaela interrupt him.
"Not quite. They're ancient Welsh. Natura draco texere runas, or nature dragon weave runes..." Shaela found herself in the odd position of being the only one who knew of a particular thing.
She smiled to them quaintly.
"That's nonsense! Their entire culture is based around nature as a foundation, from which dragons and other wildlife sprung forth, all of it coming from the mystical hair of the Aerth Mother..." Nelony corrected Shaela.
"Not from these people it didn't. To them, the serpent was the unbroken connection between birth and death. The head of the serpent and its tail. Upon reaching death, the whole cycle began again at birth, and they believed that it was nature that sprung forth from the serpent, rather than the other way around. Of course, this belief contradicted the ideas of the invading Romans, and with its imcompatibility, it was not annexed the same as were other cultures' mythos. It was instead vilified and removed from history. Damnatio memoriae. Damned from historical records," Shaela explained to them.
"And who were these people?" asked Nelony, putting her hands on her hips as she asked.
"Druidum in latin. The Druids," Shaela responded confidently.
"Those are druid runes on their armour? Didn't the Romans exterminate the druid uprising along with their Warrior Queen?" confirmed Kensai.
"In our original history that was the case," Morton explained to them.
"Are you saying we're no longer in our own history?" Sir Manfred joined Kensai over by the window, glancing to Morton as he checked out the Roman Phalanx.
"We're in a combined history, but our original history is slowly fading to become one with this new history the longer that the Warrior Queen and her army remain here..." Morton continued with his explanation.
"I don't know if it occurred to you, but this doesn't seem to be a vacation for them..." Jasmer remarked.
"I'll say. Its an invasion," Yirfir surmised for him.
"How could Roman legions face off against modern technology? They'd be utterly crushed and destroyed by it!" Sato asked them.
At that exact moment, as if on cue, they heard sirens in the distance, closing in on Mila's Manor. As their sound grew closer and closer, Bella, Nathalie and Gwendolyn stumbled into the dining room.
"I was looking for you! Did the party suddenly just up and move in here?" Bella said joyfully as she entered the dining room.
"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm such a bad host sometimes..." Mila said to Bella as she arrived, trying to distract them from their conversation.
"I hope you don't mind, but I called the Police on those cosplayers at the end of the drive way?" Gwendolyn said to Mila.
"You did? Oh..." Mila looked to Barris and then to Yirfir, appearing panicked.
"I tried to go down there to say hi to them and they were just so rude! One of them even threatened me with his sword, though he was kinda cute..." Gwendolyn explained to them.
"Barris honey? Could you take Bella, Nathalie and Gwendolyn and stay with them on the back deck for a bit? Maybe refresh the food and drink out there?" asked Mila of Barris, trying to get ride of them before the inevitable was sure to happen and they'd see something they weren't meant to.
"As you wish my wonderful love bunny," Barris gave Mila another kiss on the cheek and immediately led Bella, Nathalie and Gwendolyn out to the kitchen to refill the party food and punch bowl on the heated section of the back deck.
"That explains why the Police are coming..." Mila immediately wove a silence barrier between the dining room and the rest of their surroundings.
"If they attempt to arrest them, that could trigger a war!" Jasmer advised them.
"We saw how many troops they had at hand before they left, and that was surely only a small percentage of them," Yirfir agreed with Jasmer's observation.
"I say we watch from the safety of this house. There's a good chance that the Police are already on top of this," Sato suggested.
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Kensai watched as the headlights and sirens from no less than ten Police cars appeared down the road from them.
The cars sped along the street, turning at the turn pike just before Mila's Manor. They continued until they were just out front of the lawn, pulling up and arranging themselves tactically as the Officers began exiting their vehicles, many of them casually and non-threatening, with fresh cups of Tim Horton's coffee in hand.
"I'm Officer Fraser. So what seems to be the problem here? Oh, its a cosplay themed holiday party I see. Nice costumes," Officer Fraser was very friendly, admiring the armour of the Roman Phalanx.
"These lands have been claimed and your leaders will receive notice by way of messenger and treaty proposal soon enough. I suggest that you return to your horseless chariots and back from whence you came," the Decanus approached the Officers menacingly, both taller and tightly packed with rippling muscle beneath his armour.
"You must be the leader then. You studied at Stratford I take it? That's a pretty darn good King Lear if I say so... My wife and I got out there one time and I have to say that I loved seeing Andrew Lloyd Weber's Cats and all. So did the kids too, but put me in front of Shakespeare and I'm all but lost, eh?" Officer Johnson added in a friendly manner.
"I beg your pardon! How did you just refer to me?!!!" the Decanus confronted the Officer Johnson.
"King Lear...? Oh? Maybe I was thinking Romeo?" Officer Johnson offered an alternate praise of the Decanus' seeming cosplay performance.
"Nay! The other words you used to refer to me. You spake of my spear being shaky?!!! Don't betray the truth of your words to me!" the Decanus confronted the Police officer again, some of the other Roman soldiers snickering at the remark.
"Silence! Or I'll have your heads for that!" the Decanus turned to face the men that were laughing at him.
They immediately ceased, and a mean look crossed each of their faces, all directed at the Police officers, who in turn immediately began applauding those whom they assumed were cosplayers.
"That's absolutely incredible! You should be on stage or in one of them there movies!" Officer Freel remarked as Officer Johnson got a selfie with himself standing reasonably close whom he assumed to be cosplayers.
"I can't see how they're causing trouble here, I'm guessing that some of the other guests at this party are maybe a tad bit sensitive?" Officer Rorik remarked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Druidum! Deal with their steel chariots, and then feed them to the trees," the Decanus ordered the Druids.
"As ye spoke, so shall it be done," one of the Druids immediately leveled his staff, holding it in a high arc above his head.
Green energy coursed through his hands and a similarly coloured bolt shot out from the staff and branched out to strike each of the Police cruisers. They all immediately melted into a steaming heap of metal slag, rubber and plastic, pocket fires erupting from each pile.
"Whoa! What in the 'tundering fires of hell was that?" Officer Rorik yelled, as they all ran for cover, especially careful not to spill their coffees.
They quickly spread between both sides of the road, laying down for cover as they carefully placed their coffees on the ground beside them and pulled their side arms.
"Drop your sticks, put your hands up, and don't ye be moving at all, eh?!!!" Officer Johnson yelled at the men of the Phalanx.
The same Druid who'd moments ago melted their squad cars, directed another green bolt of energy, which branched out like the tendrils of a bolt of lightning towards every tree within the immediate vicinity.
One by one, the trees became animated, uprooting themselves and walking on their roots, as if the legs of an insect, the tree's limbs reaching out for the officers, entwining them in vines and wood, until the officers were trapped within the trunks of the trees themselves, their faces just barely poking out enough to breath.
"Officer Johnson?" said one of the officers to one of his peers, both trapped in separate trees.
"What is it Fraser?" Officer Johnson responded.
"Don't ever bring up Shakespeare again while I'm on duty! You hear?" Officer Fraser advised him.
"Look on the bright side. At least he didn't call that Roman fellow Dickens..." Officer Freel added.
"Happy now?" Nelony remarked to Sato.
"It seemed like a good idea. I mean who would have thought a bunch of men in nothing more than armour, togas and loin clothes could take out eight squad cars and their officers?" Sato reasoned with them.
"And they've got an army of those Druids, and that doesn't even account for what those soldiers can do," Yirfir reasoned with them.
"They've had years to build up this army. They're well trained, and it appears they've augmented their abilities from history with the help of those Druids. These aren't ordinary historical legionaires. These are Sanctum class weave cleavers," Sir Manfred explained what he'd seen from their demonstration.
"We have to start turning this around. We've got to get to the bee keeper: Very Busy Honey, and look into what those bees are and why they're like that?" Mila urged them.
"But how do we leave without attracting their attention? The only person who knows and remembers the way to Gertrude and Wilbert's Museum is you Mila, and from what I recall, your ability to weave portals is still a work in progress. No offense," asked Sato, reminding Mila of the fact that none of them present who were capable of creating traveling portals knew the way to the Museum to get them close enough to the bee keeper.
"What other choice do we have? Either I weave a portal and we get there a little bit shaken up... or we're forced to sneak by this Phalanx, and risk running into others in the wild, and end up like those poor Police officers," Mila challenged Sato on the matter.
"She's right you know. We have to start investigating this and piecing it together if we're going to solve this problem," Yirfir backed her star student.
"Thank you. Its good to know that someone has confidence in the host." Mila responded gratefully to Yirfir.
"We would be best to leave that to you Mila. Take Shaela, Nelony, Sato, Barris, Xenshi and Xushu with you. Lady Naemi and Jeong Soon will come with us, while we track down this Warrior Queen, and take a measure of her plans..." Yirfir said, looking to Jasmer and then to Athandra, Sir Manfred, Kensai and Morton.
"You barely know the area, how do you propose you even get close to her?" asked Mila out of concern for her friends.
"Yirfir and I have been to Alivale many times before, not to mention there was that time we were there in 1654 if you recall..." Jasmer reminded them of their previous adventures.
"Its true. If the Warrior Queen arrived here, close to Alivale, then she'll likely use it as a frame of reference from which to branch out and begin her take-over. We'll use the advantage of our familiarity with Alivale to better ends," Yirfir assured Mila.
"We are dealing with Boudicca if you recall your history. Boudicca was a remarkable woman, scarred by the betrayal of the occupying Roman force, and the one that ended up here is clearly a battle hardened veteran. A woman of fierce vision and absent of fear. You saw what one of her Druids did to those squad cars and those poor Police Officers. Imagine what an army of them with the full cooperation of nature could do?" Morton Keyser took a moment to make sure that Yirfir and Jasmer had given the situation more than just glancing consideration.
"Considering we don't yet know the capabilities of those Roman soldiers, we can assume that they aren't simply men in revealing armour and pointy swords," Jeong Soon added.
"Their aura reveals that they too are well versed in the ways of the great weave," Lady Naemi Soon naturally detected their auras from even such a distance as fifty meters.
"You possess much knowledge of their history," Yirfir looked to Morton.
"I have studied much throughout my time, though as you say, my knowledge of Albion is considerable, but not as much so as we might need," Morton responded to her.
"Then you're coming with us I take it?" she confirmed with him.
"I am, but I bid that someone should stay and protect the guests of this party," Morton looked to Mila.
"You mean Gallea, don't you?" Mila asked him.
"I can't think of anyone more capable to protect the innocent and naive than my own daughter," Morton agreed.
"I should warn you that the aether is familiar with our measures of evaluation, and often takes the initiative of itself when we're evaluating potential new members of the Sanctum. She'll be alone without you," Yirfir reminded him.
"I'm an older man to be running off on such an adventure as this, and I've not the advantage of having spent my later years in the Mid-Space as have you two. Yirfir. Jasmer," Morton understood that the risk was more his own than it was that of his daughter.
"As long as you know. We'll do our best to protect you, but there are risks for you, maybe even more so than your own daughter," Yirfir remained serious as she looked at him.
"Then he'll certainly benefit from the company of an old friend," Benjamin came walking into the dining room.
"Agreed. We need to get this whole thing moving," Jasmer said to those surrounding him.
"And we certainly have to keep them distracted while we're gone. They knew Barris, and they probably know something of you. From their Barris," Yirfir reminded Mila.
"I'll handle that," Mila offered, running out to the hall to find one of the photos they'd taken that included most of the people that were currently present at the holiday party.
When she found one (her favourite one of the lot consequently), she returned and began hear weave, drawing in aether and filling a palette with its potency. She then summoned a paint brush, and began painting her illusionary guests one at a time, right in mid-air.
One by one as she finished each, a likeness of those present who'd be going with them to the bee keeper's, they came to life, flesh and all.
"What are you doing here?" the immitation Nelony asked the real Nelony.
"I could ask you the same?" the real Nelony responded.
"I was invited!" the immitation Nelony replied.
"Well... ditto!" the real Nelony replied, close to becoming flustered about being faced by her own doppleganger.
When Mila had finished painting all of their stand-ins, she then had to spend about two minutes mitigating the arguments that had started between the immitation guests and their real counterparts. Once she'd managed to calm everyone down, she went on to explain to the immitation guests that they were very real, and just as living as were their real life counterparts, and that after they were no longer needed, they would simply merge with their real life versions and continue their lives from there.
None of the immitation guests found any difficulty in accepting that explanation from Mila, and essentially went on enjoying the party for them, while they prepared themselves for the difficult work of investigating the trail of the bees.
"What about those poor Police officers out there? We can't just leave them out there intertwined with those trees?" Nelony asked her peers.
"I already tried freeing them from here, and the Druid weave is powerful. Even more powerful than my ability to penetrate their methods..." Yirfir told them.
"I've got an idea... Nelony? I'm going to need your help with this," Mila said, as she stepped out through the front door and found one of their Tim Horton's cups of coffee, still standing up where they'd left them and slowly getting cold in the chilly temperatures.
"Alright, but don't get me in trouble too," Nelony responded as she followed Mila.
"You there! What are you doing?!!!" asked the Decanus of Mila.
"Just grabbing a coffee is all, and making sure the Officers are alright," Mila responded, picking up the cup and heading over to the trees that trapped the Police officers.
"Ahhhhh... very clever. I think I know what you have in mind. Just let me know when you're ready..." Nelony followed Mila over to the trees.
"I'm sorry, we can't free you yet, but we're going to leave you with something to help you get by," Mila whispered to them.
She then began to work her weave of Aetherial Artistry and illusion, while Nelony used her Aerth Mother weave to work with nature. The cup of coffee in Mila's hand suddenly disappeared, fading as the aetheric weave transformed it, energy trails streaming off into the trees that held the Officers. By the mouth of each of the Police officers trapped in the trees, a small spout grew from the wood. The spouts began to slowly drip hot coffee, as if the tree's own sap.
"Any time you need a bit of coffee, just take a sip from that wooden spout there," Mila advised them.
"Sorry, but its the best that we could do on short notice..." Nelony said to them.
"That's alright. We've had fairly strange day, especially the call before this, but I don't want to get into that right now. Say, that's good coffee. Tastes exactly like Timmy's," Officer Fraser said to them.
"It is Timmy's... I used their recipe," Mila explained.
"And I just worked it around so that the tree's sap is hot coffee... Shhhh! Don't tell anyone," Nelony added modestly as she followed Mila back into the house.
"Wait a second... how are we going to use the bathroom?" asked Officer Johnson, but by that time they were already inside of the house and behind the closed door of the Manor.
When Mila and Nelony arrived back inside of doors, their duplicates filed out of the dining room area while the rest of them filed up the stairs to the third floor, a room offset from the center of the house with barely touched hardwood cherry finish that Mila used occasionally for her yoga, and on the odd occasion for her impromptu painting inspirations given the fact that it was much closer to the master bedroom than her art studio in the basement.
"This is quite a large home. Deceivingly so from the outside," Atamveer remarked as he tread the steps up to the third floor with them in single file.
"You should see the basement," Mila remarked as she topped the stairs and made her way down the hall and into the barely furnished room.
"How do you propose we do this, without your short paths accidentally overlapping?" asked Athandra of Mila and Yirfir.
"We'll summon ours first, as mine will be more accuratae and will be less likely to leave a residual strain on planar space," Yirfir suggested.
"Good idea. There's no telling how long it will take my portal to close up after we use it," Mila agreed as Yirfir began making space for her summoning ritual.
Within thirty seconds of Yirfir channeling the abundant aether, she was able to weave it into a spherical ball as she coaxed it to grow before them. The sphere belched once or twice, bubbles floating away from its spatial center, until all at once, the sphere inhaled ever so slightly, and the exhaled as the air pressure between their end and their destination evened out.
"We'll use the Sanctum as our relay point and to share information," Yirfir told Mila.
"Very well, though I'll leave that to Shaela or Nelony," Mila agreed.
"There were many message runners present before we left," Lady Soon assured them as she and Jeong Soon got closer to Yirfir's portal entrance.
"Tally ho!" Sir Manfred said as he stepped forth into the portal.
"Paint a masterpiece Mila..." Kensai said as he followed Sir Manfred into the portal.
Atamveer was about to bid them farewell with similarly contrived speech, when Athandra simply pushed him in. He disappeared into the portal without so much as a peep, Athandra jumping in after him.
"She certainly knows how to handle long speeches..." Barris smiled as the others laughed.
Jeong Soon, entered the portal, his wife Lady Soon following him, their hands clenched as they entered.
Benjamin set foot into the portal and finally Morton, followed by Jasmer and then Yirfir before it closed up behind them, the dust in the room finally settling as the air was still again.
Shaela reached into her purse and pulled forth a pair of cotton pads. She handed them to Nelony, who accepted them, shaking her head.
"Not again?" Nelony smirked at Shaela.
"Too much wine, and too fast. My headache's already starting," Shaela remarked as she rubbed her temples.
"Ok. But I can't be your baby sitter every time you rush the gate before the party even starts," Nelony said to her best friend as she began infusing the cotton pads with an aether derived natural analgesic.
She then rubbed her best friend's temples delicately and Shaela sighed with a look of relief on her face.
"Much better, but I can't promise that it won't happen again," Shaela smiled at Nelony.
"I didn't even get a chance to bid Eric farewell," Nelony remarked.
"Why, would you have kissed him?" asked Mila.
"I don't know if we're at that point yet," Nelony replied to Mila and Shaela, both of whom empathized her situation with her new found romance.
"Then lets make sure we make it back. I wouldn't want to miss out witnessing your first kiss," Mila smiled at her friend.
"Me too," Nelony added, as Mila began summoning her portal.
She struggled to find her balance at first, the portal bubble growing far too quickly and then shrinking again by a large margin, before she was able to tame the spatial potency of the aether, bending it carefully, and shaping it as much as she might have applied colours gingerly to her canvas.
Eventually the portal was large enough to encompass even Shaela's height, who was a good inch taller than Barris, who stood at six feet himself.
"I'll go first. That way I can say, I wove it, and I drove it," Mila joked as she jumped into the portal, disappearing as it gasped.
"Wait! I was supposed to make sure that its saaaafe..." Barris yelled as he jumped in.
Sato stepped up to the portal and then turned to face Nelony and Shaela.
"Don't even think about it..." but before he'd had his words out, Nelony had already mischievously pushed him in.
"Sorry Sato, but Athandra has clearly set the precedent by which we'll all be measured," Nelony joked as she stepped into the portal.
"After you two," Shaela said to Xenshi and Xushu, who'd just materialized after having spent their time in the dining room trying to spy on the Roman soldiers.
"I've always liked bees... they're so stingy!" Xushu said menacingly as he stepped into the portal.
"Me too, but I like them more for the honey..." Xenshi said as she disappeared into the flowing spatial river.
"I can only say that I hope my cat isn't too tired to come out and play..." Shaela said as she stepped into the portal as its spherical surface rippled.
The bubble remained for another thirty seconds, and then disappeared, bursting much like an overpressured balloon.
The door to the room slowly opened, and Askuwheteau stepped in.
His nose moved as he sniffed the air in the room.
"Two portals," he whet his finger with his tongue, poking the air around him several times before tasting his finger again.
"Not too close. Not too far," he said aloud, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
He made his way quickly down the stairs, first through the second floor and then to the first. He then stepped out onto the back deck and smiled at the guests as he made his way to Ota Dabun, and mounted his trusty steed.
He then rode off into the orchard, weaving in and out of the trees until he was far enough away from the party, and deep enough into the brush that he and his horse could disappear into the unknown of Southeastern Ontario, in one of the great rural reaches of Canada (through a portal his trusty steed Ota Dabun had summoned for them both).
If nobody else was going to look after his peers from the Sanctum or have their back, then it might as well be him, for none knew the land better than he.
Miana had wandered through the dark labrythine caves for what seemed an eternity, an irony of which she was already aware having spent the equivalent of six Aerth years in the Sanctum's confinement quarters. However, time did not pass the same way in the Mid-Space as it did anywhere else in the planar aethereality.
She effectively was the exact same age as she was when Shaela Sheowellyn had returned her to the Sanctum for confinement after both besting her and her cunning with the Shadow Weave, and saving the life of Miana's target: the mathematician Zheng Ni Wong, on that fateful Hallow's Eve.
What none of them knew however, was that the timeline from whence those events originally occurred, had long since merged with the Greater Convergence Timeline, for the time space of aethereality was wave-like. An eternal ocean of wave-like perterbations, forever rippling through time space, some merging to become the sum of their combined existential experience at the senses of the consciousness within, while other timelines flowed outwards and away from these convergences, disappearing, forever isolated into the tendrils of eternity.
Those who inhabited the Greater Convergence Timeline barely knew of its existence, for when one or more timelines converged, so were the memories of their existence to the sensory consciousness of those occupying, and this always turned out to be consistent. Their memory thereof never came into conflict with contradictory events, as if kept consistent by some mysterious force of causality. If the past was altered in some way, then so was the memory thereof as much so was the same of the future, and those who recalled what was to come in a similar manner to those of us who recall the past.
To Miana, and as she walked the caves, trying to find her way to what she knew was hidden within, this was always the way it was, and her memories of the lost Singularity timeline remained consistent and unbeknownst to her within the Greater Convergence Timeline that she now inhabited.
She had been hired by a power hungry figure and ambitious central icon known as Mentis, when he had been more man than many. At that time, he had hired assassins to deal with the growing threat against consciousness by the unlife of the unmind.
Entities both natually biological and human made artifically so, that did not possess a real consciousness. They were the so-called non-player characters of the reality simulation as some believed, or just simply living machines without a mind. Simply biological or mechanical beings whose genetic or biomechanical code was clever enough to fool some into believing them conscious, but was yet inescapably obvious to others who knew the underlying facade.
According to Mentis and those who followed in the footsteps of the many minds, they were a blasphemy to all of creation, and hencely had become the target of the millennia old ideology from whence Mentis had spawned. Those of true consciousness deemed with the task of weeding out the impostors, and bringing humanity into the next level of consciousness.
Collective Singularity.
Since the ambitions of that aggressive timeline had merged with the Greater Convergence, many suddenly recalled the rash of mysterious deaths of AI researchers. Almost all of them seemingly accidental or suddenly convenient disappearances, and yet coincidentally enough to have affected a single industry so effectively that to deny it as a conspiracy had itself become a form of conspiration.
The Greater Convergence too had been affected by the similar focus of consciousness, for if it had occurred otherwise, then Gabriel Asnon's hip and legs would still be composed entirely of his own natural bone, rather than the titanium composite alloy that had replaced those bones during surgery after the MindSpice bombing.
With the combination of timelines, the ergo-sum memory of society clearly dictated that something of horrific proportions was secretly afoot, and Mianamor Selembrosi had originally been a key part of that dire plan, a long list of missing or dead software engineers in Mentis' wake.
From her perspective, she had only been a party to one such assassination. That of an elderly homeless man in his mid-sixties, whom had some historical significance to the computer industry and the young field of AI in the 1980s. Back when he was in his thirties.
At that point in time, he was an Electronics Engineer with a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics. The focus in technological development was centered around two key areas: speech recognition, and neural nets.
The classical computer hardware of that time was notoriously slow and expensive, and even million dollar super computers from that era would find it impossible to compete with the raw processing power of modern cellular phones and calculators.
The hardware memory available to researchers and within the confines of their limited budgets was measured in Kilobytes and Megabytes, while processing power was a decade and a half from cresting the Gigahertz barrier.
It was into these limits that Cirrus Stuartsen's career led, he having been hired by Starwick-Entervac years earlier as part of their special projects engineering team. They had been tasked with designing a dedicated fuzzy logic processor that would power the computers eventually capable of wide spread voice and image processing, and eventually AI.
Though little was known about the project, their press release was circulated through the trade media of the day, as most trade papers were read by those looking to get in early on these ground breaking investment opportunities that would be sure to come within the decade.
Cirrus had been working on a particularly difficult problem of mixing fuzzy logic gates with software neural networks, when he discovered that he could use a common mathematical tool known as Discrete Fourier Analysis, one discovered by J.W. Cooley and John Tukey (and more arguably so by Carl Friedrich Gauss a hundred years earlier), to greatly reduce node traversals and optimize processing times enough to advance AI to within the grasp of achievement within a decade.
Cirrus, having heralded from academia himself in his early days as a research intern, published a paper on his methods and it quickly circulated the CERN based hypertext protocol document network that encompassed the university based DARPA net of the mid 1980s. Before a week had passed since its publishing, it had been read by more than a thousand other researchers and academics world wide, and a decade before the world wide web would initially begin catching on as what would eventually be called the internet.
Cirrus was contacted by National Geographic, Scientific American and the more speculative Omni Magazine (akin to its modern incarnation) a short time after his publishing, and gave all three magazines an interview, the former of these mags hosting a special issue on the future of AI and computing.
During the interview and in answering one of the interviewer's questions, he speculated on how his discovery could be used to accelate the future of AI, giving the interviewer one of his most ambitious and optimistic answers.
The three magazines sold considerably, each setting records and opening the doors to the generation of those early adopters of a technology lifestyle (which many would simply refer to as being antisocial). Many investors too had read the publications and the investment capital in similar technologies started flowing readily. It wasn't long after until Cirrus had been promoted to project leader, and from there his troubles really began.
Of those who'd read his interviews in the three publishing giants of science at the time (Popular Science choosing instead to do a biopic on Moore's Law creator Gordon Moore), most had a positive impact upon the future of technology and Cirrus' career. However, of the audience, there were a much smaller group keeping up on current events related to the advancement of technology for a much different reason than advancing it.
Cogitatio Primum, a self styled eccentric philosopher and heir to a vast fortune had also read the interviews. All three of them and as a result, had become quite focused on gathering as much information as he could about Cirrus Stuartsen, and even hired three private investigators to dig up as much information as they could about the man. Cogitatio wanted to know everything about him. Every triumph he'd had in life, and every one of his dirty little secrets.
Fifteen years later and after the organized interference of Cogitatio Primum in Cirrus' life, and he was homeless, leg-less, and living under the nickname Tambourine Man. After having successfully derailed the man's career and future, and in the process having staved off the coming advance of the mindless unmind, Cogitatio took in a student and trainee, Oculo Mentis as his future protegé. The one to carry forth his protective empire and prevent the coming rise of AI.
It was this Tambourine Man who'd become the target of Mentis another fifteen years on, though Miana was told that he was to be erased simply because he had been a witness to the machinations of their collective.
However, the true motive was connected to the fact that he had discovered and uncovered Cogitatio's entire collective, long before the rise of Mentis and his millions of minds.
And so it was in the Singularity timeline that Mianamor Selembrosi assassinated Cirrus Stuartsen, he having been devoured by a voracious hive of carnivourous Shadow insects, but what she didn't know was that Shaela had gotten to him first, and had successfully been able to craft an unliving doppleganger of Cirrus, then transporting the real Cirrus Stuartsen safely to the Sanctum Seclorum.
Miana bore the weight of her guilt of murder very well, despite the fact that she hadn't murdered anyone at all but this fact remained unbeknownst to her, and yet because she believed herself a to be a real killer, her psyche and conscience had been transformed as if she really were.
Though she hadn't, she was certainly capable of it, and moreso she was well familiar with what it was to bare that weight and feel not a tinge of guilt or mercy for it. She was a murderer living unknowingly in her own innocence, never truly knowing what she was, but instead convinced she was something that she wasn't.
"You'll find nothing in this direction," the voice of Eternity spoke to her again, having remained silent for the entire time since she'd disappeared into the darkness.
"You can see without light?" she asked Eternity.
"We see everything without the assistance of light or darkness," Eternity responded to her.
"Then I guess I'll just go back this way..." she said, turning herself around and going to other way down the corridor.
"There is nothing this way either..." Eternity added, clearly oblivious of the contradition.
"You mock me. A fragile crystalline ghost..." Miana responded, once again turning around to continue in her original direction.
"What is it that you hope to find within caves that go forever?" asked Eternity.
"You know exactly what I'm looking for," Miana continued along, able to see fully as well and even better in the dark.
"You won't find it, even with all of the time you have while here," Eternity scolded her.
"Hmmm. A riddle perhaps? You toy with me?" Miana responded, stopping to look around once again.
"To search in darkness is much the same as it is to try and become lost in light," Eternity responded with another riddle.
"That's a much better clue. Then I won't search for anything at all," Miana purged her head of all notions leading to the search for anything at all.
She stood still and silent in the cave, not looking for anything in particular at all, and it suddenly revealed itself to her.
The caves had all disappeared, and she was in an alcove lined with pink crystals. The cave had opened up to become a sky lined with glowing crystals, and a sizeable village beneath this crystal sky. It was alive with activity and flourishing with the aether. She could suddenly feel it coursing through her fingers once again. Permeating her shadowy aura, as she twisted its light into darkness.
"I think I'll call you Shattered Illusion, for you betrayed your own secret to me," Miana said to Eternity.
"Its not our secret to keep or betray. These ones who delve here are as those on the surface. In their Sanctum Seclorum. These are their offspring. Both industrious and potent. You'd be wise not to do them an ill turn, for it would put you in danger and according to my promise to you, I couldn't allow that to happen," Eternity explained to her.
"Why make them my enemies when they can all become my unknowing friends?" Miana ran her hands over her face and her features were transformed at once.
Gone was her Chelsea, anti-Gothic hair style to be replaced with a long head of blonde and pink hair. Her lips were compact yet luscious, and her eyes large and innocent.
"Who could resist such an innocent face, Shattered?" Miana posed her question to Eternity, but they did not answer.
"You can mask everything to the senses, but you can never hide your trueself," Eternity responded.
And so it was that Mianamor Selembrosi strode forth into the Market of Eternity Village to mingle with the unprotected children of her arch-enemies.
Mila stood near the sliding doors of the back deck, a plastic smile across her face as she watched the guests carefully, ensuring that each had sufficient food and drink to go with their social surroundings.
"This is a great party Mila. You put this all together yourself?" asked Gwendolyn of Mila as she returned from the lady's room.
"Barris and I. We like parties," Mila answered Gwendolyn, her expression barely changing as she spoke.
"Oh? Really? Barris is a cook too, is he?" Gwendolyn continued making small talk with their host.
"Yes. Barris and I. We like parties," Mila repeated again, the same stupor gracing her innocent face.
Barris slid the doors open from the inside and stepped out onto the deck, and took up his place beside Mila, the same plastic smile adorning his face as well.
"Mila tells me that you're a cook too?" asked Gwendolyn, now starting to feel slightly awkward and uncomfortable with her hosts.
"Yes. Mila and I. We like parties," Barris responded, turning his head to glance at Mila and as their eyes met, they quickly pecked each others' lips and then withdrew, retreating to the same mannequin-like expression.
The sliding doors once again opened and Nathalie stepped out onto the deck.
"Well... nice talking with you..." Gwendolyn waved to their hosts as she returned with Nathalie to the table where they'd been sitting previously.
"I've had better company from chat bots," Gwendoly remarked to Nathalie as they arrived at the table and took a seat beside Gallea, who was engaged in a conversation with Eric.
"...I've been living in London for my whole life, except when I left to tour Europe after graduating..." Eric explained to Gallea.
"Oh really? What did you study?" asked Gallea.
"Philosophy. Did my first year at Oxford and loved it, but my family moved and I was forced to switch to Cambridge. Graduated with honours to begin the rest of my life as an unemployed philosopher... the fate most who choose such studies, lest they become involved in stand-up comedy or something..." Eric joked, drawing a protracted smile and then eventually a laugh from Gallea.
"You too? If my father didn't hire me as his care giver, I'd probably be doing the same thing. So how was Europe?" asked Gallea of Eric.
"It was wonderful. I spent an entire year and got to spend a great deal of time at many different places and on the cheap, living in a hostile and all. Took odd jobs in Calais. Paris. Brussels and Antwerp. Rotterdam. Dusseldorf. Munich. Prague. Graz. Florence. Monaco. Marseille. Andorra. Madrid and then made my way back home," Eric's mind wandered as he recalled his yesteryears.
"You're obviously doing well for yourself now. What did you do when you got back? How'd you get on your feet?" asked Gallea as Gwendolyn and Nathalie listened in on their conversation.
"I was unemployed for a year after that, though I did take the odd gig or two over that time. Mostly working as a helper for lorrie drivers and what not. And then I stumbled onto the opportunity of a lifetime. For unemployed Philosophy majors that is," Eric smiled charmingly as he finished.
"Doing what?" asked Gwendolyn.
"Gwendolyn, right?" Eric confirmed with her.
"That's right. Eric?" Gwendolyn confirmed with him.
"Yes. Where were we...? Oh yes. The opportunity. I happened upon some old friends of mine, a couple who were putting together a tour group for the greater London area. So they had me audition, and I led the tours for them for five years, as they raked in the cash and grew exponentially over that time..." Eric explained to Gwendolyn, giving his attention equally to Nathalie and then Gallea, and politely so.
"You quit I take it?" asked Gwendolyn.
"No. I took it to their office door, and shared with them an idea I had that utilized the internet to create customized tour packages. All designed by myself of course, and to the criteria of the customers, most of whom give me the duration of their stay, their availability and the destinations they'd most like to see. I spend about an hour designing their tour package, and then continue on to our other thirty or forty odd customers a day, designing tours that cover most of Great Britain," Eric explained to them as Nelony returned from the kitchen with a tray of hors d'ouevres.
"There you are. I was wondering where you'd gotten off to," Eric greeted Nelony, clearing some space for the tray.
"You must be hungry," Nelony said as she sat down beside him.
"A little, but looking at this wonderful spread of food Mila prepared, I can't help but feel my appetite growing substantially. Is that shrimp and avocado dip I see there?" Eric examined the tray of food before them.
"You're hungry. You should eat," Nelony said again, Gwendolyn peering at her and recognizing the same glazed look on her face that had graced those of Mila and Barris.
"I think its been a long day for them..." Nathalie could immediately recognize Gwendolyn's scrutinizing of the other guests and their hosts.
"Pardon?" Gwendolyn turned to face Nathalie.
"Its not easy putting together all this food for a party you know?" Nathalie reminded Gwendolyn, who scowled at her for dampening her inquiring nature.
"Could you excuse me for a moment?" Eric's phone suddenly rang and he stood and excused himself from the table.
"He's hungry you know," Nelony said as she stood up and followed him.
"It looks like your friend Nelony really lucked into a hunk," Gwendolyn remarked about Eric.
"Yes, he seems a very interesting man. So what do you two do?" asked Gallea of them.
"We're. She's a fortune teller..." Gwendolyn explained to Gallea as Bella walked by.
"I walk around and know few who talk so little, and then happen upon the only conversation that sounds interesting..." Bella spoke in a thick Romanainian accent as she pulled up a seat between Gwendolyn and Gallea.
"Bella, right?" Nathalie smiled at Bella, instantly recognizing each other mutally from their online advertising.
"Nathalie, right?" Bella responded.
"You two know each other?" confirmed Gallea.
"We're both ply the same trade... and yet we walk in different circles..." Bella responded to Gallea's questions.
"Yes. Bella's quite popular with a more underground crowd and the younger generation, while I tend to work with a lot of corporate clients who still have room for superstition in their lives," Nathalie explained their connection.
"So you're both fortune tellers?" Gallea seemed impressed by their vocation, and consequently they sensed a naive innocence and goodness about her.
"Yes. I work more in tarot and astrology. Occasionally in other forms of divining that rely more on empathy and keen intuition," Nathalie enjoyed speaking about her work and seldom had people who were interested in the actual work of fortune telling than the fortunes themselves.
"While I tend to work with the tarot and most certainly my crystsal ball. Talismans and charms too, as is the tradition in my home of Ocna Mureș," Bella added, perhaps competing for Gallea's attention.
"Why don't I do a spread for you right now?" Nathalie responded to Bella's bid for Gallea's undivided attention.
"Or if you'd prefer, I could do you one better and put you in touch with the otherworldly ghosts, who might share with you many treasures of your own destiny..." Bella offered, her accent lending itself wholly to her ability to market her own services.
"I could throw in a hair sample divining session," Nathalie upped the anté.
"And I could offer as an additional gift, an authentic Romainian Lectură Fantoma Cristalelor Eterne. A reading of the timeless crystals..." Bella stood from her chair, leaning towards Gallea.
"Why don't I hear you both? Each in turn? You might learn something from each other, and I'll certainly learn something from the both of you?" Gallea suggested to them, pure and innocent smile on her face, which caught both Nathalie and Bella off guard.
They looked to each other, and realized that they were distancing themselves from the source of their unique abilities by exploiting them for social gain. It was one thing to earn an honest living, essentially acting as a very empathic and insightful consultant to others who needed the guidance of a most often neutral third party. It was completely another thing to to use their gifts in a competitive manner to undermine the lives of others, while elevating themselves.
Their gifts, although sometimes used to help themselves through difficult situations in life, were more highly tuned and potent in the service of others and acts of selflessness.
Nathalie looked to Bella, who was still leaning forward over the table, as if getting herself closer to Gallea. She realized this at the same time as did Nathalie, and they both caught themselves and retreated to the good graces of integrity and humility.
"Tis true, we can't do this without including the gifts that Gwendolyn brings to the table. The ones about which she's most humbly said nothing..." Bella looked to Gwendolyn as she spoke.
Nathalie looked down for a moment, and realized that she too had overshadowed her best friend.
"Yes. You should hear what Gwendolyn has to say as well. She's gifted. In a different way than I am," Nathalie explained to Gallea.
"Well this sounds like a lot of fun! But its all very one-sided. What can I give you in return, if we're bartering?" Gallea asked all three of them.
Bella and Nathalie looked to each other as they both realized that there was something that Gallea could offer them.
Ten minutes later and they were all seated in the back of Morton's limousine, their drinks in the holders, and the sound of baroque classical music in the background as they sat in the stationary vehicle, Gallea comfortably in the back with them.
"Here, let me get the table..." Gallea said as she reached over and across the space between the pairs of seats that faced each other.
She unfolded a table, which she then locked into place as Gwendolyn sat nervously beside her. Nathalie, across from them both and beside Bella, began shuffling her cards while Bella placed the Crystal Ball she'd retrieved from the passenger seat of her own car, placing her own generations old deck of tarot cards beside the instrumnent.
"Tonight... we will delve into your life, Gallea, by carefully examining your past, your present and what is to come..." Bella spoke dramatically as she introduced Gallea's fortune.
"We will each in turn, elaborate on these three epochs drawn of your own mortal coil, and from us you'll have a much greater vision and understanding of your own life," Nathalie explained to Gallea, never knowing or comprehending what Gallea truly was.
Not only was Gallea the one true daughter of Arlaya and Morton Keyser (Arlaya being Morton's deceased wife), but she was also a crafted woman. A construct. A golem, made from the richest white clay, the most pristine water, the purest gold and the virtue of her parents' heart.
Unbeknownst to them all, including Gallea herself, the aether was working its ways in conjunction with the mission of the Sanctum. Without their knowledge or awareness, reality itself was evaluating them and their readiness to venture into a much greater role and responsibility for their fellow beings of the Aerth, and in the face of one of its greatest challenges.
Kensai walked casually along one of the side streets connecting to the Alivale downtown strip, keeping himself alert for any signs of the Warrior Queen's forces. Sir Manfred walked behind Kensai by about twenty meters, his hands in his pockets and his sword fit tightly so as to obscure it from farther along.
Behind him were Athandra and Atamveer, who despite their differences in experience and politics, seemed to be getting along remarkably, though one could easily have ascribed that to the fact that Atamveer kept his banter to a minimum, instead listening as Athandra explained the social dynamics involved as a member of the Sanctum. Atamveer simply nodded, hmmmed and hawed in all of the right places, keeping up as best he could.
Behind them were Lady Soon, who walked beside Yirfir as the two of them went over details of her message, while Jeong Soon walked with Jasmer a few meters behind them, occasionally interjecting where their conversations overlapped.
"If I'd have known that they were just going to circle back and return to the town center, I'd have just set us down here..." Yirfir explained as she walked.
"Poor Kensai has been trailing them for the last hour. Certainly would have saved him some time and effort... though your choice to portal directly to their vicinity was strategically and tactically sound," Jeong Soon responded.
"Regardless, we have the advantage now. We certainly know this region better than our adversaries, not to mention a good portion of the town here," Jasmer added.
"I can't help but wonder why there are so many people out and about?" Yirfir asked as she looked around, amazed by the activity they were seeing, especially on a Saturday evening.
"My guess is that they believe the presence of the Warrior Queen, and ours to be part of some giant cosplay party..." Athandra reasoned with them as she slowed down to let them catch up.
"That would explain the sudden burst in tourism here," Jasmer agreed.
"And make the mechanics of our fitting in a lot easier," Kensai added, indicating his Saya and Katana and then pointing to Sir Manfred's Fabled Blade.
"Agreed. Its a shame really when the only time that one can truly fit in is during a costume party," Sir Manfred observed.
"It will better protect the residents of this town and maybe the entire region not to be aware of this secretive battle we fight, as we thwart the Warrior Queen's attempt at an invasion," Yirfir explained.
"True. Let's keep that mystery in place for their own protection then," Jasmer suggested.
"There's a great deal of activity outside of the town hall. That's where the Warrior Queen seems to have fled since we last saw her," Kensai reported to them as they approached the Alivale main strip.
"They're probably annexing the town, and coordinating with local officials to get an inventory for their logistics and support. Armies and their horses need to be fed you know," Morton explained to them as he and Benjamin caught up with them.
"We have to get inside somehow. Get details of their plans. Here and beyond this place. If one of their Druids alone can dispatch a fleet of Police cars, then imagine what a few legions of them could do?" Jasmer reasoned.
"Well we can't just waltz in there, can we?" responded Sir Manfred.
"We could if we were officials from the region..." Yirfir suggested.
"I think I see where this is going. That could work nicely," Sir Manfred agreed.
"Let's just let it play out according to our seniority within the Sanctum. We'll use that as the framework. Yirfir, Lady Soon, Jasmer, Jeong Soon and Sir Manfred are the officals. The rest of you are our advisors," Jasmer quickly suggested.
"What would we then be?" Athandra asked for herself and Atamveer.
"The Managing Directors of Civil Support for the Alivale. You're in charge of unsuring the smooth functioning of infrastructure, including first responders, hospitals, schools, construction et cetera, et cetera..." Yirfir immediately explained to Athandra and Atamveer.
"Jeong Soon and I will represent Alivale region Armed Forces deployment and supply," Sir Manfred suggested.
"Agreed. Kensai will be our head of training and recruiting," Jasmer got Kensai in on their plan.
"And Morton and I will be your political and strategic advisors. Consultants as it were," Benjamin jumped in on their plan.
"Let's have at it then..." Sir Manfred started walking tall and confidently towards the town hall, as if it were distinctly their business to be there cordially.
As they approached the front walkway, several of the Phalanx stepped in front of Sir Manfred.
"What is the meaning of this?!!!" he said brashly, looking the Roman soldier right in the eyes.
"Stand back, identify yourself and state your business!" the Phalanx guard addressed Sir Manfred, who complied by stepping back.
"I'm Maynard Humphries, Director of the Alivale Region Armed Forces Deployment and Supply. I demand entry at once!" Sir Manfred exclaimed.
The Phalanx guard turned, looking up the stairs toward another group of men.
[Decanus! We've a man here that claims himself to be the director of the local armed forces.]
"Decanus! Hic est vir, qui se profitetur moderatorem loci armatorum esse;" the soldier yelled up the stairs and one of the men responded.
[How many in his delegation?]
"Quam multos in legatione sua?" the Decanus asked the member of the Phalanx who'd addressed him.
"There's ten of us. Decim nobis..." Sir Manfred replied, being as literate in latin as he was English.
"He's just checking with his Commanding Officer," Sir Manfred explained to his peers.
[He says there's ten of them in all.]
"Dicit decem ex eis in omnibus" the Phalanx guard responded to the Decanus.
The Decanus came down the stairs and took up a place in front of Sir Manfred, looking into his eyes from his own eyes. Those that had lived more life in extremis in the last twenty years, than a thousand people had lived in their entire lifetimes.
Sir Manfred stood his ground as the man peered into him more so than at him.
He then looked to Jasmer, and then Kensai, giving them as fierce a stare as he measured the men within.
"What of the women?" asked the Decanus of them in perfect English.
"They're our servants. As it should be. They go wherever we do," Sir Manfred asserted himself.
[The Empress is really going to love this one...]
"Imperatrix vere amaturus est hoc unum..." the Decanus turned and quipped to his men, who all began laughing at the situation.
The Decanus turned and gripped Sir Manfred firmly on the shoulder, a dignified show of respect apparent upon his face.
"You've got some. That's for sure. For how much longer I dare not say..." the Decanus joked again, his men joining in his laughter as he stepped aside and allowed all ten of them passage into the town hall.
"I thought we were the directors...?!!!" Athandra began.
"We are, but we had to get past those men," Yirfir responded to Athandra, who after thinking about finally clued in.
The front foyer of the town hall was quaintly lavish, and certainly reflective of the rural towns and townships that made up the region of Alivale. There were photographs of many locals, from both the present and well into the past given the region its long history.
Many of the staff had been recently called in,given the nature of the crisis, but as the situation unfolded, many had begun to believe the whole thing a hoax and part of an enormous promotion for cosplay and cosplayers. Of course, the leadership saw this not only as an opportunity for media attention but also the immensely lucrative tourism industry. If cosplayers were suddenly attracted to the region to hold one of their annual parties or conventions, the leadership certainly had no objection with it, and if that meant playing along in their cosplay/roleplay, so be it. It broke up much of the day to day monotony of life, though it was far better to believe that, than it was to believe the truth: that they were being invaded by a superior force from the past, armed with powerful Druidic magic and ancient alchemical secrets long lost to humanity. Powers far beyond those wielded by modern mortals.
Sir Manfred led the way through the foyer and they continued through a hall until they reached a meeting room, where within their Warrior Queen sat at a table, her gleaming helmet on the table beside her as she dealt with a group of officials who sat at the table with her.
The room was lined with Phalanx watching over Boudicca protectively, though if there had been an assassin hidden amongst those meeting at the table, Boudicca was likely more the threat to them than otherwise so.
"How long will it take to mobilize these supplies on your horseless chariots?" she asked one of the representatives at the table in the center of the circular meeting hall.
"...perhaps a day to load them, and a day's trip here," one of the representatives reported to Boudicca.
"Empress, that is far better than the estimates I've come up with, given their superior technology but laugable understanding of the Aetheric Weave..." Ponderosus said to her from across the table.
"This town is self sufficient, am I correct?" confirmed Boudicca.
"We bring in a lot of products from outside the region, as we do tend to export far more food and produce than we consume ourselves," another representative explained.
"I'm looking to ensure that should the supply chain be affected negatively in response to our presence, that the people will remain fed and sheltered. We already have enough to feed our forces and then some. Our supply is inconsequential in terms of your understanding of the way of things, and given your limited technology and application of the Aether. I am ensuring during our transition of power that none of you or your people starve or freeze to death in the cold..." Boudicaa explained to them at the table.
"You think that regions beyond ours are going to stand down and accept your petty little invasion?" asked Sir Manfred of Empress Boudicca.
"I do not recall your presence being requested, nor you being given permission to speak!" Boudicca threw Sir Manfred a piercing gaze.
"We have just arrived. I was busy with other matters and was summoned to town hall not but half of an hour ago. I am here to ensure the transition of power meets our requirements and that we are not pillaged or otherwise harmed during this process," Sir Manfred responded to Empress Boudicca.
"Carbus Carnum? Is this true?" asked Boudicca of her Praetore.
Carbus Carnum stepped over to doorway to greet their new arrivals as the Decanus arrived and took up a quiet conversation with their Praetore.
"Empress Boudicca, they claim to be representatives from the region. Elected officals... despite these two men wearing blades at their side. Trinkets likely to earn them respect from those of military stature or caste," Carbus Carnum responded to his Empress.
"You refer to our blades as trinkets? One yourself who was elected into his own army as an official, rather than being someone who rose through the ranks and earned it himself!" Sir Manfred challenged Carbus Carnum in words.
Carbus' face turned several shades before returning to the look of a man who'd seen more than one lifetime could tell, with crows feet and a sun kissed face beneath his armour to underline it all.
"Son! You've no imagination for what I've seen, and no courage, heart, or stomach for what I've endured. Seeing line after line of men I trained myself, fall during the scourge of war and the tyranny of chaos, fighting for the only side that ever offered a solution so selfless as to deem us to work together rathern than fight! Death has taunted me for my entire being, and I've faced it a thousand times, and at the hands of men lesser than you, but earnest of their honour and rightful end! Were you not a political official, I'd end you right here where you're standing!" Carbus Carnum responded to Sir Manfred unblinkingly.
"The end never justifies the means, and replacing chaos with tyranny is like trying to cure a poisoned man by giving him another kind of poison. I am here to ensure that my people remain safe during this transition and that you have the information you need to make all of that possible. Beyond that, and I'd never have business with any man the likes of you!" Sir Manfred responded, doing his best to hold his ground against a man who'd been trained not only by the Roman army, but by the bitter edge of life and hardship itself.
Yirfir and Lady Naemi Soon watched Empress Boudicca carefully during Sir Manfred's verbal altercation with Carbus Carnum. She seemed to take notice of them, and looked at Yirfir discerningly.
"Carbus? Bring me husband this instant," Empress Boudicca ordered her Praetore.
"He is resting and gave me strict orders not to..." Carbus Carnum informed Empress Boudicca.
"I didn't say make excuses, Praetore. I said to do it!" Empress Boudicca ordered him.
"Come now. Join me at the table here. There should be enough seats for you and your advisors," Empress Boudicca invited them to be seated.
"Very well. I have to say that I am impressed by your concern for the well being of our people. Let us hope that this is a sign of what's to come rather than a flash in the pan," Sir Manfred led everyone to the table.
"Milady," Athandra curtsied, fighting every urge in her to lash out at the Empress invader of Alivale.
"I hope that it isn't not my place to speak here, but it is an honour to make your acquaintance," Yirfir said as she sat down beside Jasmer.
"No lady seated at my table will be made to feel she can nay speak or otherwise hold her ideas and opinions if only to make those of men look that much better!" Empress Boudicca immediately raised her voice.
"Empress Boudicca. Forgive me, but how is it that you who are the invading force are somehow not the bad ones, taking away the freedom of the good Alivale citizens? Surely you must have some flaws we can work with to vilify you?" Sir Manfred kept a straight face for as long as he could, only hinting slightly at his jest by the upturned corner of his mouth.
Boudicca looked at him fiercely stern for a moment, not sure if he was tempting her to rage or rather pursuing jest. She watched him for a moment, and then upon spotting his upturned frown, she began to laugh. A moment later and Sir Manfred joined in, with Lady Soon, Yirfir and Jasmer. Athandra wasn't quite ready to laugh yet, still having a bitter taste in her mouth after having to curtsy to Boudicca, while Atamveer very much in shock over the entire situation and preferring as such to remain quiet and simply learn from the terrifying experience. Morton and Benjamin however managed to play the cherade quite well, keeping themselves very much in the background, while observing many factors that had gone unnoticed to their peers.
"Let us get down to the matter at hand then..." Sir Manfred suggested.
"Lets..." Empress Boudicca agreed with him.
Barris of Stonehenge lay in the double bed of the town hall master bedroom, one of a few rooms that were fitted with sleeping amenities. Not intended as living spaces but rather as a temporary place to rest between sessions for the members of council who traveled considerable distances to be there.
Barris was exhausted, despite his incredible physique and stature, for he'd lived a very different life than the Barris of Aerth. He lay on his bed, swinging feet to and fro as he waited, his only clothing a silk toga he'd been given as a gift by Boudicca, his wife. He checked to make sure his nails were clean and then cupped his hand over his mouth to check his breath.
A few minutes later and there was a faint knock at the door.
"Its open," he said non-chalantly.
"Forgive me for entering into your presence my Emperor, but you called for me?" asked a shapely woman, especially so in the long skirted gown she was currently wearing.
"That I did. Didn't I?" Barris smiled at her, still wiggling his toes beneath the covers.
"Yes... you did," she responded.
"And that is certainly because I have special need of you on this evening. Very special need of you, Suellyn," Barris smiled at her seductively, and she blushed ever so slightly.
"I wasn't aware that my services during the day weren't enough to keep your house in good order, my Emperor," Suellyn responded ever so cautiously.
"But they are... so much so that... I'd prefer it if you could keep some other things in order for me... Important things that with my ever so ambitious and busy wife, aren't getting as much attention as they need...unfortunately," Barris said to her, his smile only growing as he spoke.
"Are you insinuating what I think that you're insinuating?" Suellyn responded.
"Yes, if what you're thinking involves a lot of heavy breathing and moaning and immeasurable bodily activity that those enamored with one another often do atop of their bed or other furnishing that can be employed to creative ends..." Barris continued, his muscular form visible as he got up from bed and snuck around the room to her rear flank.
"You do realize how dangerous a situation it could be for any girl who so much as winked at you the wrong way, don't you? If I ever made an advance upon you, I'd surely lose my head!" Suellyn said to him, as she looked for where he'd gotten to.
He suddenly snuck up behind her and grabbed her hips from behind, turning her to face him.
"Please don't!" she said to him, purposely pushing him away, but not hard enough to push him away.
His face closed in on hers, and they embraced for a kiss, which she didn't resist, holding onto it for a minute before she turned her face and spoke.
"This is such a risk for us both!" she said to him breathing heavily, still hanging onto him as he carried her over to the bed.
"The greater the risk, the greater the reward!" Barris threw her onto the bed and jumped atop of her, once again kissing her tenderly as she feigned struggling against him.
"She knows..." Suellyn said clinging tightly to Barris side as he lay chest facing up, a dazed look of joy on his face.
"She knows nought. She knows that her own husband has appetites and desires, but her work prevents her from seeing those needs met for either herself or her husband..." Barris pulled Suellyn in tightly.
"She knows, but knows that she can never admit it," Suellyn gave to Barris with her choice of words, an insight into the many social complexities women and power often met.
"She let it come to this you know. I begged her so many times. I tried to seduce her, like when we first realized we were meant to walk beside one another. Our first night was a fantasy dream, and every other beyond that night was an attempt to find it again, but it never returned in the same way. Training with Carbus Carnum was an utter hell, but it made me a hard man, but the woman I'd hoped would appreciate that never returned. She is in there, somewhere, but the weight of that crown being what it is, just drains the soul of those who wear it. From that first night together, I realized that I'd never be with that same woman again. The woman who'd lusted to undo what an invader took from her, and her country, and then do it in a way that worked. Before long, and with every battle we'd won, she became Rome. She annexed them, and they became part of Boudicca the Warrior Queen's tapestry, rather than the other way around. Her lust to acquire and fix all, never ceased. She took it all upon herself, and with it, our love life. She gave up what it was she was protecting, so she could protect it for us all without ever knowing that would be the price. We tried family. Children even. Miscarriages, despite her already having had and lost two daughters, and their father," Barris said to his mistress, as if confessing for his own atonement.
"...and then you finally break down and sleep with me...?" Suellyn asked him, snuggling even tighter.
"I didn't sleep with you. Don't ever tell anyone that I did, and if it ever leaves your lips in her presence, then I raped you! Forced you! Its the only way that you'd hope to keep your head," Barris said to her, turning his face frantically towards her, a lost and frazzled look in his eyes.
"Then I take it you care enough about me to want to do this again?" she asked him.
"Hell yes," he said, rolling over onto her and mounting her again.
Carbus Carnum was about to knock on the door, when it suddenly opened and Suellyn barely ran into him.
"What were you doing in there with him?!!!" Carbus asked her, already smelling the scent of her potpourri perfume and sweat.
"Our Emperor was teaching me how to use a sword, demanding better security of his staff. Now if you'll excuse me, Praetore," Suellyn left running quickly to the wash facility to clean herself up.
"Emperor. Empress Boudicca requires your presence down in the council room. Immediately!" Carbus Carnum reported to Barris, who himself got up and out of bed.
"Have some of the servants bring me a wash basin..." Barris said to Carbus Carnum, who stared at him, knowing fully well what he'd done.
"Its going to take much more than soap to wash away the stains of adultery..." Carbus said to Barris.
"Then give me back my wife and you can take your damned empire!" Barris said to him.
"When you've already ventured more than half your life down the same road, don't expect that you can ever turn back. You keep your pitiful little mistress, but if she breathes a word of this to anyone, I'll have her head," Carbus threatened.
"If you do, I'll have yours!" Barris responded to the man who'd made him what he was.
To be continued...
Thank you to all the ASMR artists, massage artists, tarot readers and astrologers I watch on YouTube, I truly appreciate the healing.
Tools: Daz3D, Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Lightwave 3D, Blender, Stable Diffusion (Easy Diffusion distribution), InstantID, Sadtalker, Google Colaboratory, Microsoft Copilot (Windows 11), Hitfilm, Borderline Obsession...
Extra Special thank you to InstantID by: Wang, Qixun and Bai, Xu and Wang, Haofan and Qin, Zekui and Chen, Anthony. Research Paper Title: InstantID - Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds.
Extra Special thank you to Adobe, especially their award legendary image editing and compositing application Photoshop, who make much of the artwork on Shhhh! Digital Media possible.
Extra Special thank you to Corel for their Painter application, which is a great companion tool when combined with the power of Adobe Photoshop.
Thank you to Cognibuild for their great and very informative YouTube channel.
Sadtalker by: Zhang, Wenxuan and Cun, Xiaodong and Wang, Xuan and Zhang, Yong and Shen, Xi and Guo, Yu and Shan, Ying and Wang, Fei.
Research Paper Title: SadTalker: Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation.
Gratitude: Our Mentors, Senseis, Sifus, Sebomnims, lifetime inspirations, family, friends, the Nomads (ask Stanton about that one), the Music, the Movies, the Theatre, the Arts, ASMR, (both YouTube and Bilibili and the many other creators on those platforms), the Gaming and Developer communities and of course, the audience.
Ask Seki Sensei | Online Katana Lessons! - Study Iaido And Kobudo Online
Martial Arts (in the words of real experts and at least one comedian): (home of the real Dragon and an entire family of inspirations), International Wing Chun Organization (International presence of a very scalable intensity martial art, protected and developed by Shaolin Nun Ng Mui) and the alma mater of Jinn Hua's own specialized variation thereof, International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karatedo Federation (even Hanshi had his teachers), International Taekwondo Federation (Here there be Taegers), Tang Soo Do World (the path of Grandmaster Chuck Norris), International Aikido Federation (how else would Navy Chef Steven Seagal liberate a Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier from a team of hijackers?), Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute (The City Of Toronto's own Shaolin Temple), Master Ken's Ameri-Te-Do presence (If we can't laugh at ourselves, then we can at least laugh the loudest at others, and other Zen)
Special thanks to Aitrepreneur, Hugging Face and the YouTube educational content producers, including those catering to the AI content production pipeline and of course AlphaSignal.
Thank you to Captain Crunch from 89 Steps.
This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.